sunset box: fixed normals and other thingsTM
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 408 additions and 42 deletions
@ -59,8 +59,20 @@ Material:
m_Texture: {fileID: 0}
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- _TempTex:
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m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1}
m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0}
- _WaterSurface:
@ -76,7 +88,7 @@ Material:
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- _HeightOffset: -1
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- _Metallic: 0
- _Mode: 0
@ -89,14 +101,15 @@ Material:
- _StarRandom: 0.85
- _StarSize: 0.06
- _StarSizeRandom: 0.5
- _StarTint: 0.5
- _StarTint: 0.2
- _StarsMissing: 0.75
- _SunAngle: 0
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- _SunRadius: 0.037
- _Temp: 0.703
- _UVSec: 0
- _WaveStrength: 1
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- _ZWrite: 1
- _Color: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
@ -104,4 +117,4 @@ Material:
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Normal file
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--- !u!114 &1963847633
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@ -23,9 +23,15 @@
_HeightOffset ("Height offset", Range(-10, 10)) = -0.5
_WaterCol ("Water color", Color) = (0.03, 0.08, 0.12, 1.0)
_WaveStrength ("Wave scale", Range(0, 1)) = 1
_WaveSpeed ("Wave speed", Range(0, 5)) = 1
_WaterNormal ("Surface Normal", 2D) = "white" {}
// [NoScaleOffset]
// _WaterHeight ("Height", 2D) = "white" {}
// [NoScaleOffset]
// _WaterAO ("AO", 2D) = "white" {}
// _TempTex ("Temp", 2D) = "white" {}
_Grid ("Grid visibility", Range(0, 1)) = 0
@ -45,6 +51,9 @@
#define PI 3.1416f
#define WHITE 1
#define RED float3(1, 0, 0)
#define GREEN float3(0, 1, 0)
#define BLUE float3(0, 1, 1)
#define UP float3(0, 1, 0)
struct appdata
@ -77,9 +86,12 @@
float _SunCutoff;
sampler2D _WaterNormal;
// sampler2D _WaterHeight;
// sampler2D _WaterAO;
float3 _WaterCol;
float _HeightOffset;
float _WaveStrength;
float _WaveSpeed;
float _Grid;
@ -93,25 +105,36 @@
float3 get_water_normal(float2 pos) {
pos *= 0.3;
float3 normal = 0;
float t1 = _Time.x * 0.18;
normal += (tex2D(_WaterNormal, float2(1, -1) * pos + float2(t1, t1 * 0.5)) - 0.5).zxy;
float t2 = _Time.x * 0.37;
normal += (tex2D(_WaterNormal, pos * 0.276 + float2(t2 * 0.8, t2)) - 0.5).zxy;
float t3 = _Time.x * 0.08;
normal += (tex2D(_WaterNormal, pos * 0.07 + float2(t3 * 0.8, -t3)) - 0.5).zxy;
// normal = normalize(normal.zxy);
// normal = UP;
// normal += (tex2D(_NoiseTex, pos).zxy - 0.5)*0.4;
normal = normalize(normal);
pos *= 0.05;
float time = _Time.x * _WaveSpeed + 5; // offset is to make it look better at frame 0
float t1 = time * 0.18;
float3 normal = (tex2D(_WaterNormal, pos + float2(t1, -t1 * 0.5)) - 0.5) * 0.5;
float t2 = time * 0.37;
normal += (tex2D(_WaterNormal, pos * 0.276 + float2(t2 * 0.8, t2)) - 0.5);
float t3 = time * 0.08;
normal += (tex2D(_WaterNormal, pos * 0.07 + float2(t3 * 0.8, -t3)) - 0.5);
// normal = normalize(normal.zxy); // normal map import settings
normal = normalize(normal.rbg) * float3(-1, 1, -1); // standard import settings
// normal = normalize(normal);
// return UP;
return lerp(UP, normal, _WaveStrength);
// float3 get_ao(float2 pos) {
// pos *= 0.1;
// float3 ao = 0;
// float t1 = _Time.x * 0.18;
// ao += (tex2D(_WaterAO, float2(1, -1) * pos + float2(t1, t1 * 0.5)));
// float t2 = _Time.x * 0.37;
// ao += (tex2D(_WaterAO, pos * 0.276 + float2(t2 * 0.8, t2)));
// float t3 = _Time.x * 0.08;
// ao += (tex2D(_WaterAO, pos * 0.07 + float2(t3 * 0.8, -t3)));
// return ao/3;
// }
inline float smin(float a, float b, float k)
float h = max(k - abs(a - b), 0) / k;
@ -124,7 +147,17 @@
return max(a, b) + h * h * h * k * 1/6;
float3 sky(float3 dir, float theta, float phi, float3 sun_dir) {
float3 sun(float3 base_col, float3 dir, float3 sun_dir)
float alignment = min(acos(dot(dir, sun_dir)), 1);
float sun_amount = smax(min(_SunRadius / alignment, 5) - _SunCutoff, 0, 0.15);
return lerp(base_col, _SunCol, sun_amount);
float3 sky(float3 dir, float3 sun_dir)
float theta = atan2(dir.x, dir.z); // latitude
float phi = asin(dir.y); // longitude
/// background
float factor = smoothstep(0, 0.5, dir.y + 0.2);
float3 horizon_col = lerp(_SkyCol, _SunCol, _HorizonTint);
@ -162,14 +195,17 @@
col = lerp(col, star_col, star_strength);
/// sun
float alignment = min(acos(dot(dir, sun_dir)), 1);
float sun_amount = smax(min(_SunRadius / alignment, 5) - _SunCutoff, 0, 0.15);
col = lerp(col, _SunCol, sun_amount);
col = sun(col, dir, sun_dir);
// col = sun(col, dir, float3(1,0,0));
// col = sun(col, dir, float3(-1,0,0));
// col = sun(col, dir, float3(0,0,1));
// col = sun(col, dir, float3(0,0,-1));
// col = sun(col, dir, normalize(float3(-1,0,-1)));
// col = sun(col, dir, normalize(float3(1,0,-1)));
// col = sun(col, dir, normalize(float3(-1,0,1)));
// col = sun(col, dir, normalize(float3(1,0,1)));
/// debug grid
// col = lerp(col, WHITE, _Grid * (frac(cellx) < 0.04 || frac(celly) < 0.04));
col = lerp(col, WHITE, _Grid * (
pow(frac( cellx), 20) +
pow(frac( celly), 20) +
@ -184,17 +220,15 @@
// float3 horizon_col = lerp(_SkyCol, _SunCol, _HorizonTint);
float3 origin = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(0, 0, 0, 1));
float3 sun_dir = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(0, 0, 1, 1)) * float3(1, 0, 1) - origin;
float3 sun_dir = (mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(0, 0, -1, 1)) - origin) * float3(1, 0, 1);
// sun_dir.y = sin(_Time.x * 10) * 0.05;
sun_dir = normalize(sun_dir);
float3 dir = normalize(i.hit_pos - i.cam_pos);
float theta = atan2(dir.x, dir.z); // latitude
float phi = asin(dir.y); // longitude
float3 col;
if (phi < 0) {
if (dir.y < 0) {
origin.y += _HeightOffset;
float3 camera_local_pos = i.cam_pos - origin;
camera_local_pos.y = max(camera_local_pos.y, 0.01); // don't allow looking under water surface; it renders backwards.
@ -205,25 +239,32 @@
float3 water_normal = get_water_normal(surface_pos.xz);
float3 reflected_dir = reflect(dir, water_normal);
float3 sky_reflection = sky(reflected_dir, sun_dir) ;
float3 water_col = lerp(_SkyCol, _SunCol, 0.01) * _WaterCol;
float3 refracted_dir = normalize(refract(dir, water_normal, 1/1.333));
float subsurf = (refracted_dir.y + 1);
dir = reflect(dir, water_normal);
phi = asin(dir.y);
float hit_angle = dot(dir, water_normal);
col = water_col * max(subsurf * 12 - 2, 0.7);
float3 sky_reflection = sky(dir, theta, phi, sun_dir) ;
// float3 water_ao = get_ao(surface_pos.xz);
// col = water_col * lerp(0.1, water_ao, _WaveStrength) * 7;
float3 water_col = lerp(_SkyCol, _SunCol, 0.01) * _WaterCol;
col = water_col * subsurf * 12;
float hit_angle = dot(dir, -water_normal);
col = lerp(sky_reflection, col, hit_angle);
// col = sky_reflection;
// col *= pow(dot(UP, water_normal), 512); // EVIL in the water
// col = pow((tex2D(_WaterNormal, surface_pos.xz).zxy), 2);
// col = tex2D(_WaterAO, surface_pos.xz);
// float distance = length(surface_pos - camera_local_pos);
// float fog_factor = smoothstep(10, 70, distance) * 0.4;
// col = lerp(col, horizon_col, fog_factor);
else {
col = sky(dir, theta, phi, sun_dir);
col = sky(dir, sun_dir);
return float4(col, 1);
Add table
Reference in a new issue