qr shader: clean up options, add data for a size 21 code
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 93 additions and 106 deletions
@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ Material:
m_Name: QRCode
m_Shader: {fileID: 4800000, guid: 4bdd5767586f3a92993efea8febe2aa2, type: 3}
m_ValidKeywords: []
m_InvalidKeywords: []
m_LightmapFlags: 4
m_EnableInstancingVariants: 0
m_DoubleSidedGI: 0
@ -62,17 +61,22 @@ Material:
m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1}
m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0}
- _DisableMask: 1
- _Animate: 0
- _DisableMask: 0
- _ECLevel: 2
- _RemoveBits: 0
- _Version: 15
- _AnimationSpeed: 1
- _BumpScale: 1
- _Cutoff: 0.5
- _DetailNormalMapScale: 1
- _DstBlend: 0
- _FrameSize: 0.1
- _GlossMapScale: 1
- _Glossiness: 0.5
- _GlossyReflections: 1
- _Mask: 1
- _Mask: 7
- _Metallic: 0
- _Mode: 0
- _OcclusionStrength: 1
@ -80,9 +84,10 @@ Material:
- _SmoothnessTextureChannel: 0
- _SpecularHighlights: 1
- _SrcBlend: 1
- _TimeSlider: 95
- _TimeSlider: 0
- _TimeSliderCoarse: 0
- _UVSec: 0
- _Version: 6
- _Version: 21
- _ZWrite: 1
- _Color: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
Shader "CrispyPin/QRCode" {
Properties {
_Version("Version", Range(1, 40)) = 1
_Mask("Mask type", Range(0, 7)) = 1
_DisableMask("Hide mask", Integer) = 0
_Animate("Animate debug worm", Integer) = 0
_("uv dummy",2D)=""{}
[Header(QR Code parameters)]
[IntRange] _Version("Version (must match data)", Range(1, 40)) = 1
[Enum(Low,1, Medium,0, Quartile,3, High,2)] _ECLevel("EC Level (must match data)", Integer) = 1
[IntRange] _Mask("Mask type", Range(0, 7)) = 1
_FrameSize("Frame size", Range(0, 2)) = 0.1
[Header(Debugging controls)]
[Toggle] _DisableMask("Hide mask", Integer) = 0
[Toggle] _Animate("Animate debug worm", Integer) = 0
_AnimationSpeed("Speed", Range(1, 100)) = 0
_TimeSlider("Time", Range(0, 200)) = 0
_TimeSliderCoarse("Time Coarse", Range(0, 250)) = 0
@ -20,16 +26,20 @@ CGPROGRAM
struct Input{float2 uv_;};
uint _Version;
uint _Mask;
uint _ECLevel;
float _FrameSize;
bool _DisableMask;
bool _Animate;
float _TimeSlider;
float _TimeSliderCoarse;
float _AnimationSpeed;
#define EC_LEVEL _ECLevel
#define MASK_TYPE _Mask
#define VERSION _Version
#define WIDTH (17 + VERSION * 4)
// #define PIXEL_WIDTH 177
#define ALIGNERS ((VERSION / 7) + 2)
@ -39,15 +49,6 @@ CGPROGRAM
#define TIME_MANUAL (_TimeSlider + _TimeSliderCoarse*100)
#define TIME (uint)(_Animate ? _Time.y * _AnimationSpeed + TIME_MANUAL : TIME_MANUAL)
#define EC_LEVEL_L 1
#define EC_LEVEL_M 0
#define EC_LEVEL_Q 3
#define EC_LEVEL_H 2
#define MASK_TYPE _Mask
// ECI_MODE 0100 = byte
#define ECI_MODE 4
static const uint FORMAT_BIT_SETS[32] = {0x5412, 0x5125, 0x5e7c, 0x5b4b, 0x45f9, 0x40ce, 0x4f97, 0x4aa0, 0x77c4, 0x72f3, 0x7daa, 0x789d, 0x662f, 0x6318, 0x6c41, 0x6976, 0x1689, 0x13be, 0x1ce7, 0x19d0, 0x0762, 0x0255, 0x0d0c, 0x083b, 0x355f, 0x3068, 0x3f31, 0x3a06, 0x24b4, 0x2183, 0x2eda, 0x2bed};
@ -56,8 +57,6 @@ CGPROGRAM
static const uint VERSION_BIT_SETS[34] = {0x07C94,0x085BC,0x09A99,0x0A4D3,0x0BBF6,0x0C762,0x0D847,0x0E60D,0x0F928,0x10B78,0x1145D,0x12A17,0x13532,0x149A6,0x15683,0x168C9,0x177EC,0x18EC4,0x191E1,0x1AFAB,0x1B08E,0x1CC1A,0x1D33F,0x1ED75,0x1F250,0x209D5,0x216F0,0x228BA,0x2379F,0x24B0B,0x2542E,0x26A64,0x27541,0x28C69};
#define WHITE 1
#define BLACK 0
#define PINK float3(1, .3, .5)
#define BLUE float3(0, .4, .7)
@ -67,22 +66,14 @@ CGPROGRAM
float3 main (float2 uv){
// "hell", "o wo", "rld!"
const uint data[] = {0x68656c6c,0x6f20776f,0x726c6421,
// 4 bits 0 padding to align to byte (4 bit ECI_MODE is inserted before data and length)
// then ec11ec11... until some version-specific length reached?
// then EC data
0x0ec11ec1, 0x1ec2d631, 0x95423722, 0xe0000000
const uint data_len = 3*4;
const uint total_len = 7*4;
const uint data[] = {0x40E746D7, 0x77660662, 0x5606D6E6, 0x068236E2, 0x5636C6F7, 0xE6571786, 0xEC184286, 0x92575616, 0x0742F616, 0x42660617, 0x044616C2, 0x52424266, 0x96112404, 0x52063742, 0xE6370762, 0x3606C697, 0x92F652C6, 0x07070704, 0x56E6EC67, 0x92076646, 0x07424646, 0x07863657, 0x4206E606, 0xC2767646, 0x92425211, 0x260776C6, 0x56460656, 0xF24696C6, 0x36071652, 0x26069796, 0xF206C206, 0xECF65656, 0x57428636, 0x560786E6, 0x968276E6, 0x06961246, 0xC6071606, 0x9711D2E6, 0x16360652, 0x57C24652, 0x52E6C296, 0x4246F607, 0x86C236D2, 0x6632EC07, 0x46B682D6, 0x0727E286, 0x04E27206, 0xC60617D6, 0x46570617, 0x06F70611, 0x4657E6C2, 0x52374604, 0x52260507, 0x17C26692, 0x17562226, 0x66162296, 0xEC862757, 0x06E24716, 0x9207C696, 0x46320616, 0x0737D7C2, 0x5652C707, 0xD6115237, 0x37970426, 0x96060757, 0xF7F207E6, 0x96463206, 0x06720726, 0x46D6EC06, 0x46324292, 0x56E71757, 0x37570746, 0xF7C28607, 0xC6160696, 0x5686F711, 0xD6F60606, 0x06E64737, 0x26362296, 0x86420752, 0x9652E6D7, 0xF7165227, 0xECF6F6F6, 0x46377792, 0x06975606, 0xF7F70696, 0x06F70742, 0x92524704, 0x4611D642, 0x62972646, 0x06974742, 0xB6575646, 0xF7375276, 0x0706E292, 0xD616EC56, 0x07063617, 0x82F62692, 0x04962276, 0x56522706, 0x9696B604, 0x0716C211, 0x96273636, 0xE0EC560E, 0x3C55514C, 0x6D15A023, 0x665E1264, 0x74673E1D, 0x5F5717CA, 0x4F40504B, 0x7421F8F3, 0xDA427336, 0x4AEF1540, 0x148EE697, 0xDA5E9475, 0x15C83730, 0x3C4A9094, 0x960142F8, 0xACF41F26, 0xB209D19B, 0xEC61B54D, 0x3215410D, 0xBD5BE302, 0xC15AF45B, 0xC49B130C, 0x8ABE32AC, 0x7B7ECDEE, 0x721EBEAB, 0x74100C8A, 0x7D387A18, 0x29B8F0C0, 0x70C95B49, 0x4FFE7EEA, 0xB6D82FB5, 0x6A2672C1, 0xA66BE33B, 0xEE4BD24C, 0xE066B984, 0x0DAC2A99, 0x9C9C9D92, 0x6C8A8D76, 0x9E42D757, 0x6E6FF527, 0x6312ADF9, 0x1830A821, 0xC1D52FB8, 0x9E7DDC14, 0x3CE8E58E, 0xD29811F0, 0x281E909F, 0xA7B9318F, 0xC67A5C75, 0xBBC270C9, 0x233ED044, 0x694734DE, 0x2C22AD0E, 0x405EE175, 0x54C5079D, 0x1C963D45, 0x3C036CC9, 0x122A41E0, 0x4E5C7F84, 0x7C6188FA, 0x450A9112, 0x5A7E5E71, 0x6707BD9A, 0x0297702F, 0xEE15E70F, 0xABB2D715, 0xAD6374FB, 0x98413E2D, 0x6C433255, 0x7A847F2B, 0x3E8FF100, 0x2A5CD1E7, 0x0367E909, 0xBEEF3E66, 0xF1F09C13, 0xAE0EDEBD, 0x6EE256B8, 0x2DF8908D, 0x0F57E334, 0x71AA45C7, 0x101C0E13, 0x144EE443, 0x7F9428CB, 0x4D8656D0, 0x1CF2E951, 0x9FC23499, 0x115B893B, 0x07384B8A, 0x7276CC05, 0x8E74B153, 0x4B3F5FE2, 0xFCED5974, 0xE994A837, 0x0ABD48CC, 0xAE47BEBE, 0x74D23E9B, 0x2E6B6030, 0x5A5D0669, 0x022F3C29, 0xE922DFFB, 0xBC3F0679, 0xD0AA2DE2, 0xA039F0CE, 0xF2E66AB5, 0xA81C4DCA, 0x381BD8A0, 0x0BD120C7, 0xD2C5FC9B, 0x4D39DDE1, 0x10F85E25, 0xBFCA6793, 0xB045ABA7, 0xD4994DC0, 0x20D7B404, 0x1C01E1A8, 0x88995798, 0x3BEB5A84, 0xB19FEA05, 0xBC1F2778, 0xAADED13F, 0xCE902F25, 0xFDE7BF8D, 0x2A7AABD2, 0x9D74F550, 0xFE143BFC, 0x38F759B2, 0xFEA4ECEE, 0x77B61A4F, 0x311A3C1F, 0x5CA77FD6, 0x3A53365B, 0xD9554AEC, 0xA956A683, 0x4F816FA3, 0x17816E04, 0x17135E8A, 0x30AF4638, 0x428CB7BE, 0x147EB239, 0x9CECC3BA, 0x5EF1BF08, 0x3FF568B3, 0xA87CEE55, 0x1C8C474C, 0x333DA5CC, 0xA1F1CF8C, 0x02122409, 0x74E46205, 0xE497AF30, 0x525685BD, 0x91FB8839, 0xCA2D504F, 0x9D70CC96, 0xDFA94318, 0x8A2B828C, 0x00D4DA56, 0x3CF15E80, 0x91C96A7E, 0xD5764DD6, 0x5E3FDC35, 0x8D63C2AD, 0xA3ECAD9A, 0x6A6940B7, 0xAD387855, 0xEE41DEA1, 0x39AC2F9A, 0xDEA8DCF4, 0x1388AF76, 0xB658B483, 0xA9E56DF6, 0xA64F0568, 0x112116C4, 0xD6A8E45D, 0x9633322A, 0xA90D0053, 0xDACA4265, 0xF6DCAA07, 0x14A7DFA3, 0x285C073F, 0xBF39BA6D, 0x7A3510C8, 0xB726A37D, 0x9F569403, 0x4F1A5D89, 0xF24F98BC, 0x36ED378F, 0x0AF508EA, 0xD38BBAF2};
uv.y = 1 - uv.y;
uv = uv * 1.2 - 0.1;
uv = uv * (_FrameSize*2 + 1.) - _FrameSize;
// Quiet zone/frame
if (uv.x < 0 || uv.x > 1 || uv.y < 0 || uv.y > 1) return 1;
uint px = uv.x * PIXEL_WIDTH;
uint py = uv.y * PIXEL_WIDTH;
uint px = uv.x * WIDTH;
uint py = uv.y * WIDTH;
// Finder patterns
if (px < 8 && py < 8) return finder_pattern(px, py);
@ -298,20 +289,9 @@ CGPROGRAM
// data
uint bit = 0;
if (bit_index < 4){
bit = (ECI_MODE >> (3-bit_index))&1;
} else if (bit_index < 12) {
bit = (data_len >> (7 - (bit_index - 4))) & 1;
} else if (bit_index < total_len*8 + 12){
uint data_bit_index = bit_index - 12;
bit = ((data[data_bit_index/32] >> (31-(data_bit_index % 32))) & 1);
// mask
uint mask;
switch (_Mask){
switch (MASK_TYPE){
case 0:
mask = (px+py) % 2 == 0;
@ -337,21 +317,23 @@ CGPROGRAM
mask = ((py+px)%2 + (px*py)%3) % 2 == 0;
uint bit = ((data[bit_index/32] >> (31-(bit_index % 32))) & 1);
if (!_DisableMask) {
bit ^= mask;
// return !bit;
return !bit;
// bit index debugging worm
uint worm = TIME % BIT_COUNT - bit_index;
worm %= 200;
const uint length = 6;
if (worm == 0) return float3(3,0,0);
if (worm < length) return lerp(PINK, BLUE, (worm/(float)length));
if (bit_index >= BIT_COUNT) return float3(1,0,0);
// #define BIT_COUNT 24
return (float)(bit_index%BIT_COUNT)/(float)BIT_COUNT;
// uint worm = TIME % BIT_COUNT - bit_index;
// worm %= 200;
// const uint length = 6;
// if (worm == 0) return float3(3,0,0);
// if (worm < length) return lerp(PINK, BLUE, (worm/(float)length));
// if (bit_index >= BIT_COUNT) return float3(1,0,0);
// // #define BIT_COUNT 24
// return (float)(bit_index%BIT_COUNT)/(float)BIT_COUNT;
void s (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o) { o.Albedo = main(IN.uv_); }
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
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--- !u!114 &3
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controlID: 86
--- !u!114 &10
m_ObjectHideFlags: 52
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controlID: 87
--- !u!114 &11
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--- !u!114 &12
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@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
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@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
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height: 651
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m_LastAppliedPresetName: Default
@ -828,9 +828,9 @@ MonoBehaviour:
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m_RenderMode: 0
drawMode: 0
@ -877,13 +877,13 @@ MonoBehaviour:
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speed: 2
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m_Value: 0.22548148
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speed: 2
@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
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m_LastAppliedPresetName: Default
@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
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m_VBaseRangeMax: 275.5
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m_VBaseRangeMax: 315
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m_HAllowExceedBaseRangeMax: 1
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@ -980,9 +980,9 @@ MonoBehaviour:
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@ -990,12 +990,12 @@ MonoBehaviour:
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@ -1053,7 +1053,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
x: 378
y: 81
width: 1150
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height: 651
m_ViewDataDictionary: {fileID: 0}
m_LastAppliedPresetName: Default
Add table
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