using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using ABI.CCK.Scripts; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Animations; namespace ABI.CCK.Components { [ExecuteInEditMode] [AddComponentMenu("ChilloutVR/CVR Avatar")] [HelpURL("")] [RequireComponent(typeof(Animator))] public class CVRAvatar : MonoBehaviour, ICCK_Component { #region Editor Methods public void Reset() { if (GetComponent() != null) return; CVRAssetInfo info = gameObject.AddComponent(); info.type = CVRAssetInfo.AssetType.Avatar; } #endregion #region CVRAvatarEnums public enum CVRAvatarVoiceParent { Head = 0, LeftHand = 2, RightHand = 3, Hips = 4 } public enum CVRAvatarVisemeMode { Visemes = 0, SingleBlendshape = 1, JawBone = 2 } #endregion #region General Avatar Settings //[Space] [Header("General Avatar Settings")] [Space] public Vector3 viewPosition = new Vector3(0, 0.1f, 0); public Vector3 voicePosition = new Vector3(0, 0.15f, 0); public CVRAvatarVoiceParent voiceParent = CVRAvatarVoiceParent.Head; #endregion #region Avatar Customization //[Space] [Header("Avatar Customization")] [Space] public AnimatorOverrideController overrides; public SkinnedMeshRenderer bodyMesh; /// /// Interval to change targets for the eye movement in seconds /// [SerializeField] public Vector2 eyeMovementInterval = new(5f, 10f); #endregion #region Eye Look Settings /// /// Whether to use Eye Movement or not /// [SerializeField] public bool useEyeMovement = true; /// /// Structure holding the detailed information for the eye movement /// [SerializeField] public EyeMovementInfo eyeMovementInfo = new EyeMovementInfo(); // Limits for the eye movement interval [NonSerialized] public const float EyeMovementMinIntervalLimit = 1f; [NonSerialized] public const float EyeMovementMaxIntervalLimit = 30f; // Limits for the eye angles (uses the same as the default eye muscle values in unity) [NonSerialized] public const float DefaultEyeAngleLimitDown = -10; [NonSerialized] public const float DefaultEyeAngleLimitUp = 15; [NonSerialized] public const float DefaultEyeAngleLimitIn = -20; [NonSerialized] public const float DefaultEyeAngleLimitOut = 20; // Limits for the eye angles when we need uniform limits (useful for the blend shape type) [NonSerialized] public const float DefaultUniformAngleLimit = 25; [Serializable] public enum CVRAvatarEyeLookMode { /// /// Eye movement muscle setup /// Muscle = 0, /// /// Disabled eye movement setup /// None = 1, /// /// Eye movement transforms setup /// Transform = 2, /// /// Eye movement blendshape setup /// Blendshape = 3, } [Serializable] public struct EyeMovementInfo { /// /// Type of eye movement. It will dictate which fields will be used. /// [SerializeField] [NotKeyable] public CVRAvatarEyeLookMode type; /// /// Relevant to: Transforms and Blendshapes /// Eyes info for the eyes, not all fields will be used /// [SerializeReference] public EyeMovementInfoEye[] eyes; } [Serializable] public class EyeMovementInfoEye { /// /// Relevant to: Transforms and Blendshapes /// Whether the eye is Left or not (this is only used to manage the in/out limit direction) /// [SerializeField] public bool isLeft; /// /// Transforms - Transform of the eye bone /// Blendshapes - Transform where the eye should be /// [SerializeField] [NotKeyable] public Transform eyeTransform; /// /// Blendshapes - Skinned mesh renderer for the renderer that has the blendshapes to be driven /// [SerializeField] [NotKeyable] public SkinnedMeshRenderer eyeSkinnedMeshRenderer; /// /// Transforms - Angle limits for the transforms in degrees /// Blendshapes - Min/Max angle limits for which the blendshapes should be set to 100 /// [SerializeField] public float eyeAngleLimitDown; [SerializeField] public float eyeAngleLimitUp; [SerializeField] public float eyeAngleLimitIn; [SerializeField] public float eyeAngleLimitOut; /// /// Blendshapes - Blenshapes to be used for the blendshape eye movement /// [SerializeField] [NotKeyable] public string eyeBlendShapeUp; [SerializeField] [NotKeyable] public string eyeBlendShapeDown; [SerializeField] [NotKeyable] public string eyeBlendShapeIn; [SerializeField] [NotKeyable] public string eyeBlendShapeOut; } #endregion #region Eye Blink Settings /// /// Whether to use blendshapes to blink or not /// [SerializeField] public bool useBlinkBlendshapes; /// /// Which blendshapes to use when blinking (they're all used at the same time) /// [SerializeField] public string[] blinkBlendshape = new string[4]; /// /// Time interval between blinks in seconds. /// [SerializeField] public Vector2 blinkGap = new(3.0f, 8.0f); [NonSerialized] public const float BlinkMinGapLimit = 0.1f; [NonSerialized] public const float BlinkMaxGapLimit = 30f; /// /// Duration of the blink in seconds. /// [SerializeField] public Vector2 blinkDuration = new(0.25f, 0.35f); [NonSerialized] public const float BlinkMinDurationLimit = 0.1f; [NonSerialized] public const float BlinkMaxDurationLimit = 3f; #endregion #region Lip Sync Settings //[Space] [Header("Lip Sync Settings")] [Space] public bool useVisemeLipsync; public CVRAvatarVisemeMode visemeMode = CVRAvatarVisemeMode.Visemes; [Range(1, 100)] public int visemeSmoothing = 50; public string[] visemeBlendshapes = new string[15]; #endregion #region First Person Render Settings (Deprecated) #if UNITY_EDITOR // This is a deprecated feature, so lets not included in builds [NotKeyable] public bool enableCustomFPR; public List fprSettingsList; #endif #endregion #region Advanced Tagging //[Space] [Header("Advanced Tagging")] [Space] [NotKeyable] public bool enableAdvancedTagging; public List advancedTaggingList = new List(); #endregion #region Advanced Settings //[Space] [Header("Advanced Settings")] [Space] [NotKeyable] public bool avatarUsesAdvancedSettings; public CVRAdvancedAvatarSettings avatarSettings; #endregion #region Unity Methods private void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { Vector3 scale = transform.localScale; scale.x = 1 / scale.x; scale.y = 1 / scale.y; scale.z = 1 / scale.z; Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawSphere(transform.TransformPoint(Vector3.Scale(viewPosition, scale)), 0.01f); Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawSphere(transform.TransformPoint(Vector3.Scale(voicePosition, scale)), 0.01f); } #endregion #region Parameter Sync Usage #if UNITY_EDITOR public (int, int) GetParameterSyncUsage() { if (avatarSettings?.settings == null) return (0, 0); var animatorParameterNames = new HashSet(); int syncedValuesOverrides = 0, syncedBooleansOverrides = 0; int syncedValuesAASAutoGen = 0, syncedBooleansAASAutoGen = 0; // Count override controller (real count) if (overrides != null && overrides.runtimeAnimatorController != null) { foreach (AnimatorControllerParameter parameter in CVRCommon.GetParametersFromController( overrides.runtimeAnimatorController, CVRCommon.NonCoreFilter, CVRCommon.NonLocalFilter)) { if (!animatorParameterNames.Add( continue; if (parameter.type == AnimatorControllerParameterType.Bool) syncedBooleansOverrides++; else if (parameter.type != AnimatorControllerParameterType.Trigger) syncedValuesOverrides++; } } animatorParameterNames.Clear(); // Count baseController (part of autogen) if (avatarSettings.baseController != null) { foreach (AnimatorControllerParameter parameter in CVRCommon.GetParametersFromController( avatarSettings.baseController, CVRCommon.NonCoreFilter, CVRCommon.NonLocalFilter)) { if (!animatorParameterNames.Add( continue; if (parameter.type == AnimatorControllerParameterType.Bool) syncedBooleansAASAutoGen++; else if (parameter.type != AnimatorControllerParameterType.Trigger) syncedValuesAASAutoGen++; } } // Count menu entries (part of autogen, not real) foreach (CVRAdvancedSettingsEntry entry in avatarSettings.settings) { if (IsValidParameter(entry.machineName) && animatorParameterNames.Add(entry.machineName)) { switch (entry.type) { case CVRAdvancedSettingsEntry.SettingsType.Toggle: if (entry.setting.usedType == CVRAdvancesAvatarSettingBase.ParameterType.Bool) syncedBooleansAASAutoGen += 1; else syncedValuesAASAutoGen += 1; break; case CVRAdvancedSettingsEntry.SettingsType.Color: IncrementSyncValuesForEntry(entry, animatorParameterNames, ref syncedValuesAASAutoGen, "-r", "-g", "-b"); break; case CVRAdvancedSettingsEntry.SettingsType.Joystick2D: case CVRAdvancedSettingsEntry.SettingsType.InputVector2: IncrementSyncValuesForEntry(entry, animatorParameterNames, ref syncedValuesAASAutoGen, "-x", "-y"); break; case CVRAdvancedSettingsEntry.SettingsType.Joystick3D: case CVRAdvancedSettingsEntry.SettingsType.InputVector3: IncrementSyncValuesForEntry(entry, animatorParameterNames, ref syncedValuesAASAutoGen, "-x", "-y", "-z"); break; case CVRAdvancedSettingsEntry.SettingsType.Slider: case CVRAdvancedSettingsEntry.SettingsType.InputSingle: case CVRAdvancedSettingsEntry.SettingsType.Dropdown: default: syncedValuesAASAutoGen += 1; break; } } } int realUsage = syncedValuesOverrides * 32 + Mathf.CeilToInt(syncedBooleansOverrides / 8f) * 8; int autogenUsage = syncedValuesAASAutoGen * 32 + Mathf.CeilToInt(syncedBooleansAASAutoGen / 8f) * 8; return (realUsage, autogenUsage); } private static bool IsValidParameter(string parameterName) { return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameterName) && !CVRCommon.CoreParameters.Contains(parameterName) && !parameterName.StartsWith(CVRCommon.LOCAL_PARAMETER_PREFIX); } private static void IncrementSyncValuesForEntry(CVRAdvancedSettingsEntry entry, HashSet animatorParameters, ref int syncedValues, params string[] suffixes) { int newSyncedValues = suffixes.Count(suffix => animatorParameters.Add(entry.machineName + suffix)); syncedValues += newSyncedValues; } #endif #endregion } #region First Person Render Class [Serializable] public class CVRAvatarFPREntry { public bool visibility = true; public Transform transform; } #endregion #region Advanced Tagging Class [Serializable] public class CVRAvatarAdvancedTaggingEntry { [Flags] public enum Tags { LoudAudio = 1, LongRangeAudio = 2, ScreenFx = 4, FlashingColors = 8, FlashingLights = 16, Violence = 32, Gore = 64, Suggestive = 128, Nudity = 256, Horror = 512 } public Tags tags = 0; public GameObject gameObject; public GameObject fallbackGameObject; } #endregion }