using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace ABI.CCK.Components { [AddComponentMenu("ChilloutVR/CVR Spawnable")] [HelpURL("")] public class CVRSpawnable : MonoBehaviour, ICCK_Component { #region Editor Methods public void Reset() { if (GetComponent() != null) return; CVRAssetInfo info = gameObject.AddComponent(); info.type = CVRAssetInfo.AssetType.Spawnable; } #endregion public float spawnHeight = 0f; public bool useAdditionalValues; public List syncValues = new List(); public enum PropPrivacy { everyone = 1, owner = 2 } public PropPrivacy propPrivacy = PropPrivacy.everyone; public List subSyncs = new List(); public enum SpawnableType { StandaloneSpawnable = 0, WorldSpawnable = 1 } [HideInInspector] public SpawnableType spawnableType = SpawnableType.StandaloneSpawnable; [HideInInspector] public string preGeneratedInstanceId = ""; private void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { Gizmos.color = Color.white; Gizmos.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position - new Vector3(0, spawnHeight, 0)); Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(transform.position - new Vector3(0, spawnHeight, 0), Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(1f, 0f, 1f)); Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(, 0.25f); Gizmos.DrawLine(new Vector3(0, 0, 0.35f), new Vector3(0.177f, 0, 0.177f)); Gizmos.DrawLine(new Vector3(0, 0, 0.35f), new Vector3(0, 0, 0.25f)); Gizmos.DrawLine(new Vector3(0, 0, 0.35f), new Vector3(-0.177f, 0, 0.177f)); Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity; //SubSyncGizmos foreach (var subSync in subSyncs) { if (subSync.precision == CVRSpawnableSubSync.SyncPrecision.Full) continue; if (subSync.transform == null || subSync.transform.parent == null) continue; Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(subSync.transform.parent.position, Quaternion.identity, subSync.transform.parent.lossyScale); if (Mathf.Abs(subSync.transform.localPosition.x) > subSync.syncBoundary || Mathf.Abs(subSync.transform.localPosition.y) > subSync.syncBoundary || Mathf.Abs(subSync.transform.localPosition.z) > subSync.syncBoundary) { Gizmos.color =; } else { Gizmos.color =; } Gizmos.DrawWireCube(, * subSync.syncBoundary * 2f); } } private void DestroyProp() { } } [System.Serializable] public class CVRSpawnableValue { public string name; public float startValue; public enum UpdatedBy { None = 0, SystemTime = 1, WorldTime = 2, SpawnerPositionX = 3, SpawnerPositionY = 4, SpawnerPositionZ = 5, SpawnerDistance = 6, SpawnerLookDirectionX = 7, SpawnerLookDirectionY = 8, SpawnerLookDirectionZ = 9, SpawnerLeftHandDirectionX = 10, SpawnerLeftHandDirectionY = 11, SpawnerLeftHandDirectionZ = 12, SpawnerRightHandDirectionX = 13, SpawnerRightHandDirectionY = 14, SpawnerRightHandDirectionZ = 15, SpawnerLeftGrip = 16, SpawnerRightGrip = 17, SpawnerLeftTrigger = 18, SpawnerRightTrigger = 19, OwnerLeftGrip = 20, OwnerRightGrip = 21, OwnerLeftTrigger = 22, OwnerRightTrigger = 23, OwnerCurrentGrip = 24, OwnerCurrentTrigger = 25, OwnerOppositeGrip = 26, OwnerOppositeTrigger = 27 } public UpdatedBy updatedBy = UpdatedBy.None; public enum UpdateMethod { Override = 1, AddToDefault = 2, AddToCurrent = 3, SubtractFromDefault = 4, SubtractFromCurrent = 5, MultiplyWithDefault = 6, DefaultDividedByCurrent = 7, } public UpdateMethod updateMethod = UpdateMethod.Override; public Animator animator; public string animatorParameterName; } [Serializable] public class CVRSpawnableSubSync { public Transform transform; [Flags] public enum SyncFlags { TransformX = 1 << 1, TransformY = 1 << 2, TransformZ = 1 << 3, RotationX = 1 << 4, RotationY = 1 << 5, RotationZ = 1 << 6 } // default to everything (is hardcoded, change if you change the enum) public SyncFlags syncedValues = (SyncFlags) 0b01111110; public enum SyncPrecision { Quarter = 1, Half = 2, Full = 4 } public SyncPrecision precision = SyncPrecision.Full; public float syncBoundary = 0.5f; } }