using System.Reflection; using UnityEditor; using System; namespace ABI.CCK.Scripts.Editor { public static class CCK_GizmoFix { // TODO: Unity 2022.1 will have a new API for this, so we can remove this reflection hack. // #region SetGizmoIconEnabled Reflection Hack private static MethodInfo _setIconEnabledMethod; private static MethodInfo SetIconEnabledMethod { get { if (_setIconEnabledMethod != null) return _setIconEnabledMethod; _setIconEnabledMethod = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(UnityEditor.Editor)) ?.GetType("UnityEditor.AnnotationUtility") ?.GetMethod("SetIconEnabled", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); return _setIconEnabledMethod; } } private static void SetGizmoIconEnabled(Type type, bool on) { if (SetIconEnabledMethod == null) return; const int MONO_BEHAVIOR_CLASS_ID = 114; // // "Annotation not found" - type has no custom gizmo icon set. SetIconEnabledMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { MONO_BEHAVIOR_CLASS_ID, type.Name, on ? 1 : 0 }); // if Unity.VisualScripting is installed, we have to use this method instead: // AnnotationUtility.Annotation annotation = AnnotationUtility.GetAnnotation(type); // if (annotation != null) annotation.iconEnabled = on; } #endregion internal static void SetGizmoIcons(bool show) { bool proceed = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "CCK :: Gizmo Fix", $"Are you sure you want to {(show ? "enable" : "disable")} all Gizmo icons? This will {(show ? "show" : "hide")} all `CVR` component icons in the scene view.", "Yes", "No"); if (!proceed) return; foreach (Type type in CCK_ComponentRegistry.GetMonoBehaviourComponentTypes()) SetGizmoIconEnabled(type, show); } } }