--- @meta --[[ This file describes global variables. ]] --#region Modules --- Load a module from the game. --- --- Does NOT have filesystem access! --- @param modname string The module ID --- @return any|nil module The module, if found. Returns nil if not found. --- @access WORLD|PROP|AVATAR CLIENT|SERVER LOCAL|REMOTE function require(modname) return nil end --#endregion --#region Special Functions --- Determines whether a given System object, Unity Object, or API Object (Like Player or Avatar) is null or not. -- It uses Unity's specific null check for Unity Objects to ensure accurate validation. ---@param object any ---@return boolean ---@access AVATAR|PROP|WORLD CLIENT|SERVER LOCAL|OTHER function IsValid (object) return true end --- Attempt to cast from one type to another. --- --- May explode. --- @param input any --- @param destType string The C# type you wish to cast to. Will be checked for access and automatically be wrapped for Lua. --- @return any|nil output The requested cast of the object. If this failed for any reason, nil. --- @access WORLD|PROP|AVATAR CLIENT|SERVER LOCAL|REMOTE function cast(input, destType) return nil end --#endregion --#region MonoBehaviour --- The game object we're parented to. --- @type UnityEngine.GameObject --- @access WORLD|PROP|AVATAR CLIENT|SERVER LOCAL|REMOTE gameObject = nil --- The gameobject's transform. --- @type UnityEngine.Transform --- @access WORLD|PROP|AVATAR CLIENT|SERVER LOCAL|REMOTE transform = nil --- The name of the script. --- @type string --- @access WORLD|PROP|AVATAR CLIENT|SERVER LOCAL|REMOTE name = nil --#endregion --#region Lua Behaviour --- The SHA256 hash of the script at the point this property was invoked, encoded to base64. --- If the script has been changed at runtime, the hash will change. --- Useful if you wish to check for integrity or use as an identifier. --- **Please note that malicious users can modify this, so don't rely on it totally.** --- --- @type string --- @access WORLD|PROP|AVATAR CLIENT|SERVER LOCAL|REMOTE Hash = nil --- @type boolean --- @access WORLD|PROP|AVATAR CLIENT|SERVER LOCAL|REMOTE RunningOnServer = false --- @type boolean --- @access WORLD|PROP|AVATAR CLIENT|SERVER LOCAL|REMOTE RunningOnClient = true --- @type boolean --- @access WORLD|PROP|AVATAR CLIENT|SERVER LOCAL|REMOTE RunningInAvatar = true --- @type boolean --- @access WORLD|PROP|AVATAR CLIENT|SERVER LOCAL|REMOTE RunningInProp = true --- @type boolean --- @access WORLD|PROP|AVATAR CLIENT|SERVER LOCAL|REMOTE RunningInWorld = true --- Defined when running on an Avatar. True for the avatar wearer. False for others. --- @type boolean|nil --- @access AVATAR CLIENT|SERVER LOCAL|REMOTE IsWornByMe = nil --- Defined when running on a Prop. True for the spawner. False for others. --- @type boolean|nil --- @access PROP CLIENT|SERVER LOCAL|REMOTE IsSpawnedByMe = nil --- A table of objects the editor linked to this script via the "Bound Objects" list. --- @type table --- @access WORLD|PROP|AVATAR CLIENT|SERVER LOCAL|REMOTE BoundObjects = {} --- Reference to the currently running script. --- @type CVR.CCK.CVRLuaClientBehaviour --- @access WORLD|PROP|AVATAR CLIENT|SERVER LOCAL|REMOTE Script = nil --#endregion --#region APIs --- Interface for interacting with the PlayerAPI --- @type _CVRSpecial.PlayerAPI --- @access WORLD|PROP|AVATAR CLIENT|SERVER LOCAL|REMOTE PlayerAPI = nil --- Interface for interacting with the InstancesAPI --- @type _CVRSpecial.InstancesAPI --- @access WORLD|PROP|AVATAR CLIENT|SERVER LOCAL|REMOTE InstancesAPI = nil --- Interface for interacting with the AvatarAPI --- @type _CVRSpecial.AvatarAPI --- @access WORLD|PROP|AVATAR CLIENT|SERVER LOCAL|REMOTE InstancesAPI = nil --#endregion