using System; using UnityEngine; namespace ABI.CCK.Components { [AddComponentMenu("ChilloutVR/CVR Movement Parent")] [HelpURL("")] public class CVRMovementParent : MonoBehaviour, ICCK_Component { public enum VelocityInheritanceMode { None = 0, Parent = 1, Reference = 2 } public enum OrientationMode { Disabled = 0, RotateWithParent = 1 } [Tooltip("Controls whether the player should rotate with the moving platform.")] public OrientationMode orientationMode = OrientationMode.RotateWithParent; [Tooltip("Controls how the player inherits velocity from the moving platform.")] public VelocityInheritanceMode velocityInheritance = VelocityInheritanceMode.Reference; // to make the enabled checkbox display private void OnEnable(){} } }