Shader "CrispyPin/Spinny_Sunset" { Properties { [Header(Raymarcher Properties)] _MaxSteps ("Max steps", Integer) = 128 _MaxDist ("Max distance", Float) = 128 _SurfDist ("Surface distance threshold", Range(0.0001, 0.05)) = 0.001 [Header(Sky)] _SkyCol ("Sky color", Color) = (0.22, 0.23, 0.58, 1.0) _HorizonTint ("Horizon tint", Range(0, 1)) = 0.1 [Header(Sun)] _SunCol ("Sun color", Color) = (1.0, 0.65, 0.05, 1.0) _SunAngle ("Sun angle", Range(0, 6.28)) = 0 _SunRadius ("Sun radius", Range(0, 0.3)) = 0.06 _SunCutoff ("Sun cutoff", Range(0, 0.5)) = 0.08 [Header(Star Layout)] [NoScaleOffset] _NoiseTex ("Noise source", 2D) = "white" {} _StarDensity ("Star density", Range(4, 50)) = 20 _StarRandom ("Star randomness", Range(0, 1)) = 0.85 [Header(Star)] _StarsMissing ("Stars missing", Range(0, 1)) = 0.75 _StarSize ("Star size", Range(0, 0.1)) = 0.06 _StarSizeRandom ("Star size randomness", Range(0, 1)) = 0.5 _StarTint ("Star tint", Range(0, 1)) = 0.4 [Header(Water)] _HeightOffset ("Height offset", Range(-10, 10)) = -0.5 _WaterCol ("Water color", Color) = (0.03, 0.08, 0.12, 1.0) _WaveStrength ("Wave scale", Range(0, 1)) = 1 _WaveSpeed ("Wave speed", Range(0, 5)) = 1 [NoScaleOffset] _WaterNormal ("Surface Normal", 2D) = "white" {} [Header(Debug)] _Grid ("Grid visibility", Range(0, 1)) = 0 } SubShader { Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" } LOD 100 Cull front Pass { CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag int _MaxSteps; float _MaxDist; float _SurfDist; #define MAX_STEPS 512 #define MAX_DIST _MaxDist #define SURF_DIST _SurfDist #define LIGHT_FN lighting #define SCENE_FN main #define REFLECTIONS 2 #define SCENE_SCALE 0.025 #define LIMIT_DEPTH_TO_MESH #include "lib/libgarbage.cginc" #define PI 3.1416f #define WHITE 1 #define UP float3(0, 1, 0) sampler2D _NoiseTex; float3 _SkyCol; float _HorizonTint; float _StarsMissing; float _StarDensity; float _StarRandom; float _StarSize; float _StarSizeRandom; float _StarTint; float3 _SunCol; float _SunAngle; float _SunRadius; float _SunCutoff; sampler2D _WaterNormal; // sampler2D _WaterHeight; // sampler2D _WaterAO; float3 _WaterCol; float _HeightOffset; float _WaveStrength; float _WaveSpeed; float _Grid; float3 get_water_normal(float2 pos) { pos *= 0.5; float time = _Time.x * _WaveSpeed + 5; // offset is to make it look better at frame 0 float t1 = time * 0.18; float3 normal = (tex2D(_WaterNormal, pos + float2(t1, -t1 * 0.5)) - 0.5) * 0.5; float t2 = time * 0.37; normal += (tex2D(_WaterNormal, pos * 0.276 + float2(t2 * 0.8, t2)) - 0.5); float t3 = time * 0.08; normal += (tex2D(_WaterNormal, pos * 0.07 + float2(t3 * 0.8, -t3)) - 0.5); // normal = normalize(normal.zxy); // normal map import settings normal = normalize(normal.rbg) * float3(-1, 1, -1); // standard import settings // normal = normalize(normal); // return UP; return lerp(UP, normal, _WaveStrength); } float3 sun(float3 base_col, float3 dir, float3 sun_dir) { float alignment = min(acos(dot(dir, sun_dir)), 1); float sun_amount = smax(min(_SunRadius / alignment, 5) - _SunCutoff, 0, 0.15); return lerp(base_col, _SunCol, sun_amount); } float3 sky(float3 dir, float3 sun_dir) { float theta = atan2(dir.x, dir.z); // latitude float phi = asin(dir.y); // longitude /// background float factor = smoothstep(0, 0.5, dir.y + 0.2); float3 horizon_col = lerp(_SkyCol, _SunCol, _HorizonTint); float3 col = lerp(horizon_col, _SkyCol, factor); /// stars float2 cells = float2(-1, floor(_StarDensity)); float cell_x_base = floor(cells.y * PI); float celly = phi * cells.y; // cells per ring depend on y pos, to reduce warping around the poles: cells.x = floor(cos(floor(celly) / _StarDensity) * cell_x_base); float cellx = (theta / PI * cells.x); float2 pos = float2(cellx, celly); // cell-space pos of this pixel float2 cell_pos = float2(floor(cellx), floor(celly)); // position of this cell float2 cell_center = cell_pos + 0.5; float2 star_pos = cell_center + (tex2D(_NoiseTex, cell_pos / cells + float2(0, 0.1)) - 0.5) * _StarRandom; /// star color float3 r = tex2D(_NoiseTex, cell_pos / cells); float rnum = frac((r.r + r.g - r.b) * 10); float rnum2 = frac((r.r - r.g + r.b) * 10); float star_size = _StarSize * (rnum * _StarSizeRandom + (1 - _StarSizeRandom)); float distance = length(pos - star_pos); float star_strength = max(min(star_size / distance * 0.5, 1.25) - 0.25, 0); // star glow star_strength *= clamp(sin(phi * 2) - 0.1, 0, 1); // fade stars near/under horizon star_strength *= length(r) / 2; // fade stars star_strength *= rnum2 > _StarsMissing; // remove stars float3 star_col = lerp(WHITE, r, _StarTint); col = lerp(col, star_col, star_strength); col = sun(col, dir, sun_dir); /// debug grid col = lerp(col, WHITE, _Grid * ( pow(frac( cellx), 20) + pow(frac( celly), 20) + pow(frac(-cellx), 20) + pow(frac(-celly), 20) )); return col; } float3 sunset_env(float3 dir, float3 ray_origin) { ray_origin = 0; // float3 horizon_col = lerp(_SkyCol, _SunCol, _HorizonTint); float3 origin = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(0, 0, 0, 1)); origin = 0; float3 sun_dir = float3(sin(_SunAngle), 0.0, cos(_SunAngle)); float3 col; if (dir.y < 0) { origin.y += _HeightOffset; float3 camera_local_pos = ray_origin; camera_local_pos.y = max(camera_local_pos.y, 0.01); // don't allow looking under water surface; it renders backwards. float3 surface_pos = float3 ( camera_local_pos.x - camera_local_pos.y / (dir.y / dir.x), 0, camera_local_pos.z - camera_local_pos.y / (dir.y / dir.z) ); float3 water_normal = get_water_normal(surface_pos.xz); float3 reflected_dir = reflect(dir, water_normal); float3 sky_reflection = sky(reflected_dir, sun_dir) ; float3 water_col = lerp(_SkyCol, _SunCol, 0.01) * _WaterCol; float3 refracted_dir = normalize(refract(dir, water_normal, 1/1.333)); float subsurf = (refracted_dir.y + 1); col = water_col * max(subsurf * 12 - 2, 0.7); float diffuse = max(dot(sun_dir, water_normal), 0); col += water_col * _SunCol * diffuse * 10; // float3 water_ao = get_ao(surface_pos.xz); // col = water_col * lerp(0.1, water_ao, _WaveStrength) * 7; float hit_angle = dot(dir, -water_normal); col = lerp(sky_reflection, col, hit_angle); // col = sky_reflection; // col *= pow(dot(UP, water_normal), 512); // EVIL in the water // col = pow((tex2D(_WaterNormal, surface_pos.xz).zxy), 2); // col = tex2D(_WaterAO, surface_pos.xz); // float distance = length(surface_pos - camera_local_pos); // float fog_factor = smoothstep(10, 70, distance) * 0.4; // col = lerp(col, horizon_col, fog_factor); } else { col = sky(dir, sun_dir); } return pow(col, 1/2.2); } SurfacePoint main(float3 p) { Material grass = mat(float3(0.26, 0.73, 0.35), 1); Material dirt = mat(float3(0.73, 0.48, 0.26), 0); Material metal = mat(1, 1); Material blue = mat(float3(0.73, 0.8, 1), 0); SurfacePoint d = mPlaneY(p, 0, grass); d = qIntersect(d, mSphere(p, 9, dirt), 0.5); d = qUnion(d, mSphere(p - float3(0, 2, 0), 2, metal)); d = qUnion(d, mTorus(rotX(p, _Time * 40 + UNITY_PI / 2), 5, 0.5, blue), 0.5); d = qUnion(d, mTorus(rotZ(p, _Time * 40 + UNITY_PI / 2), 5, 0.5, blue), 0.5); d = qUnion(d, mTorus(rotX(p, _Time * 40), 5, 0.5, blue), 0.5); d = qUnion(d, mTorus(rotZ(p, _Time * 40), 5, 0.5, blue), 0.5); // small spheres float3 p2 = abs(rotY(p, -20 * _Time)) - float3(1.5, sin(_Time.y * 5) + 1, 1.5); d = qUnion(d, mSphere(p2, 0.7, metal), 0.2); // Material water = mat(float3(0.12, 0.15, 0.19), 1); // float h = 0;// sin(p.x + sin(p.z * 2+ _Time.y) * 0.3); // h *= 0.1; // h = - 2; // d = qUnion(d, mPlaneY(p, h - snoise(p / 10 + * 0.2) * 0.2, water)); // float3 p3 = repXZ(p, 20, 20); // d = qUnion(d, mSphere(p3 - float3(snoise(p), -5, 1), 8, water), 3); // d = qUnion(d, mSphere(p3 - float3(3, h - 1.5, 2 + sin(p.x / 20)*3), 4, water), 3); return d; } float3 lighting(Ray ray) { if (ray.missed) { return sunset_env(ray.dir, ray.start / SCENE_SCALE); } float3 sun_dir = normalize(float3(0, 1, 10)); float3 light = lSun(ray.normal, sun_dir); light *= lShadow(ray.hit_pos + ray.normal * SURF_DIST, sun_dir, 50); light += lSky(ray.normal); return light; } ENDCG } } }