#!/bin/bash statusfile="/tmp/running_screen_recorder" # check for running instance, stop it and exit if [ -f $statusfile ]; then ffpid=$(<$statusfile) kill $ffpid rm $statusfile exit 0 fi # select area of screen slop=$(slop -f "%x %y %w %h %g %i" --color=0.8,0.4,1.0,1.0 -t 16) || exit 1 read -r X Y W H G ID < <(echo $slop) videofile=$(xdg-user-dir VIDEOS)/sel_$(date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S").mp4 logfile="/tmp/screen_recorder_ffmpeg.log" # make sure selection width and height is even # even video size needed for yuv420p format # which is needed for android playback & thumbnails in discord H=$(( $H - $H%2 )) W=$(( $W - $W%2 )) ffmpeg -y -video_size "$W"x"$H" -f x11grab -framerate 60 \ -i $DISPLAY+$X,$Y -pix_fmt yuv420p $videofile 2> $logfile & # store pid so that recording can be stopped next time the script is run echo $! > $statusfile