# looking to make changes? # drop me in ~/.config/wlxoverlay/watch.yaml # width: 0.115 size: [400, 200] elements: # background panel - type: Panel rect: [0, 0, 400, 200] corner_radius: 4 bg_color: "#24273a" - type: Button rect: [2, 162, 26, 36] corner_radius: 4 font_size: 14 bg_color: "#c6a0f6" fg_color: "#24273a" text: "C" click_up: # destroy if exists, otherwise create - type: Window target: settings action: ShowUi # only triggers if not exists - type: Window target: settings action: Destroy # only triggers if exists since before current frame # Keyboard button - type: Button rect: [32, 162, 60, 36] corner_radius: 4 font_size: 14 fg_color: "#24273a" bg_color: "#a6da95" text: Kbd click_up: - type: Overlay target: "kbd" action: ToggleVisible long_click_up: - type: Overlay target: "kbd" action: Reset right_up: - type: Overlay target: "kbd" action: ToggleImmovable middle_up: - type: Overlay target: "kbd" action: ToggleInteraction scroll_up: - type: Overlay target: "kbd" action: Opacity: { delta: 0.025 } scroll_down: - type: Overlay target: "kbd" action: Opacity: { delta: -0.025 } # bottom row, of keyboard + overlays - type: OverlayList rect: [94, 160, 306, 40] corner_radius: 4 font_size: 14 fg_color: "#cad3f5" bg_color: "#1e2030" layout: Horizontal click_up: ToggleVisible long_click_up: Reset right_up: ToggleImmovable middle_up: ToggleInteraction scroll_up: Opacity: { delta: 0.025 } scroll_down: Opacity: { delta: -0.025 } # local clock - type: Label rect: [19, 90, 200, 50] corner_radius: 4 font_size: 46 # Use 32 for 12-hour time fg_color: "#cad3f5" source: Clock format: "%H:%M" # 23:59 #format: "%I:%M %p" # 11:59 PM # local date - type: Label rect: [20, 117, 200, 20] corner_radius: 4 font_size: 14 fg_color: "#cad3f5" source: Clock format: "%F" # local date representation # local day-of-week - type: Label rect: [20, 137, 200, 50] corner_radius: 4 font_size: 14 fg_color: "#cad3f5" source: Clock format: "%A" # Tuesday #format: "%a" # Tue # batteries - type: BatteryList rect: [0, 0, 400, 30] corner_radius: 4 font_size: 14 fg_color: "#8bd5ca" fg_color_low: "#B06060" fg_color_charging: "#6080A0" num_devices: 9 layout: Horizontal low_threshold: 33 # volume buttons - type: Button rect: [315, 52, 70, 32] corner_radius: 4 font_size: 14 fg_color: "#cad3f5" bg_color: "#5b6078" text: "Vol +" click_down: - type: Exec command: [ "pactl", "set-sink-volume", "@DEFAULT_SINK@", "+5%" ] - type: Button rect: [315, 116, 70, 32] corner_radius: 4 font_size: 14 fg_color: "#cad3f5" bg_color: "#5b6078" text: "Vol -" click_down: - type: Exec command: [ "pactl", "set-sink-volume", "@DEFAULT_SINK@", "-5%" ]