# Fastfetch configuration # Write every argument in different lines. # Direct arguments will overwrite the corresponding ones in this file. # Argument keys are not case sensitive. # Whitespaces are trimmed at the beginning and the end. # Empty lines or lines starting with # are ignored. # This file was shipped with r543.322e5c5. # Use fastfetch --print-config > ~/.config/fastfetch/config.conf to overwrite this with the current defaults # Below some often usefull options are listed. Uncomment and modify them so they take affect. # Note that there are a lot more options than the ones listed here, take a look at "fastfetch --help". # Of course all of them can be made persistent here too. # Config option: # Load additional config files. # Some are shipped with fastfetch, list them with "fastfetch --list-presets". # Must be a path to a config file or the name of a shipped preset. # The config file is completly loaded before continuing in the current file, so the placement of this option matters, as later options overwrite already set ones. # Can be used multiple times to load multiple config files / presets. #--load-config /path/to/config.txt # Structure option: # Sets the modules to use and their order. # Must be a list of module names, separated by colons. # List available modules with "fastfetch --list-modules". # Get the default structure with "fastfetch --print-structure". --structure Title:Separator:OS:Uptime:Break:Kernel:Packages:Break:CPU:GPU:Memory:Break:Resolution:Host:Disk:Battery:Break:Colors # Logo option: # Sets the logo to use. # List available logos with "fastfetch --list-logos". # Print available logos with "fastfetch --print-logos". # Must be the name of an available logo or a path to a text file containing a custom logo. # Default is the current distribution. #--logo arch # Color option: # Sets the color of the keys. # Must be linux console color codes or the name of a color. # Default is the primary color of the logo. # Use "fastfetch --help color" to learn more and see examples. #--color magenta # Spacing option: # Sets the amount of whitespace between the logo and keys. # Must be an positive integer. # Default is 4. #--spacing 4 # Separator option: # Sets the string placed between a key and its value. # Can be any string. # Default is ": ". #--separator ": " # Offset option: # Sets the amount of whitespace before the logo. Can be negative to cut the logo. # Must be an integer. # Default is 0. #--offsetx 0 # Linewrap option: # Sets if fastfetch should disable linewrap during the run. # Must be true or false. # Default is true. #--disable-linewrap true # Cursor option: # Sets if fastfetch should hide the console cursor during the run. # Must be true or false. # Default is true. #--hide-cursor true # Remaing logo option: # Sets if the remaining logo should be printed, if it is higher than the information printed. # Must be true or false. # Default is true. #--print-remaining-logo true # Multithreading option: # Sets if fastfetch should use multiple threads to detect the values. # Must be true or false. # Default is true. #--multithreading true # Slow operations option: # Sets if fastfetch is allowed to use known slow operations to detect more / better values. # Must be true or false. # Default is false. #--allow-slow-operations false # Color logo option: # Sets if the logo should be colored. # Must be true or false. # Default is true. #--color-logo true # Separator string option: # Sets the string printed by the "separator" module (usually between title and rest of output) # Must be any string. It is repated / cut to fit perfectly. # Default is "-" #--separator-string - # Logo color options: # Overwrite a color in the logo. Also works for user provided logos. # In the user logo, they replace $[1-9]. Use $$ to print a single $ sign. # Must be linux console color codes or the name of a color. # Default is the one specified by the logo. # Use "fastfetch --help color" to learn more and see examples. # Valid index range is [1-9]. #--color-1 red #--color-2 32 # [...] #--color-9 yellow # User logo raw option: # Sets if color replacements should be performed on the user provided logo. # Must be true or false. # Default is true. #--color-raw true # Public IP timeout option: # Sets the time to wait for the public ip server to respond. # Must be a positive integer. # Set to 0 to disable timeout. # Default is 250. #--public-ip-timeout 250 # Key options: # Sets the displayed key of a module # Can be any string. Some of theme take an argument like a format string. See "fastfetch --help format" for help. #--os-key OS #--host-key Host #--kernel-key Kernel #--uptime-key Uptime #--processes-key Processes #--packages-key Packages #--shell-key Shell #--resolution-key Resolution {1} #--de-key DE #--wm-key WM #--wm-theme-key WM Theme #--theme-key Theme #--icons-key Icons #--font-key Font #--cursor-key Cursor #--terminal-key Terminal #--terminal-font-key Terminal Font #--cpu-key CPU #--cpu-usage-key CPU Usage #--gpu-key GPU {1} #--memory-key Memory #--disk-key Disk ({1}) #--battery-key Battery {1} #--locale-key Locale #--local-ip-key Local IP ({1}) #--public-ip-key Public IP # Format options: # Sets the format string for module values. # For information on format strings, see "fastfetch --help format". # To see the parameter they take and their default value, see "fastfetch --help *-format", e.g. "fastfetch --help os-format". # An empty format string (As they are currently below) will behave as if it was not set. #--os-format #--host-format #--kernel-format #--uptime-format #--processes-format #--packages-format #--shell-format #--resolution-format #--de-format #--wm-format #--wm-theme-format #--theme-format #--icons-format #--font-format #--cursor-format #--terminal-format #--terminal-font-format #--cpu-format #--cpu-usage-format #--gpu-format #--memory-format #--disk-format #--battery-format #--locale-format #--local-ip-format #--public-ip-format # Library options: # Sets an user specific path to a library to load. # Must be a valid path to a library. #--lib-PCI /usr/lib/libpci.so #--lib-vulkan /usr/lib/libvulkan.so #--lib-wayland /usr/lib/libwayland-client.so #--lib-xcb-randr /usr/lib/libxcb-randr.so #--lib-xcb /usr/lib/libxcb.so #--lib-Xrandr /usr/lib/libXrandr.so #--lib-X11 /usr/lib/libX11.so #--lib-gio /usr/lib/libgio-2.0.so #--lib-DConf /usr/lib/libdconf.so #--lib-XFConf /usr/lib/libxfconf-0.so #--lib-rpm /usr/lib/librpm.so