# For how much time mouse motion events should be stopped after clicking? # Prevents accidental dragging various GUI elements or links, making it easier to click # Default: 300 click_freeze_time_ms: 300 # Default: true keyboard_sound_enabled: true # Alter default scale of various overlays # Default: 1.0 keyboard_scale: 1.0 desktop_view_scale: 1.0 watch_scale: 1.0 # Enable / disable sliding windows back and forth with the scroll action # Default: true allow_sliding: true # Enable / disable realigning the working set windows when they are shown/hidden # Default: true realign_on_showhide: true # When enabled, the mouse pointer will not be moved on the screen, unless the trigger is touched # allowing for moving both pointers off the screens to the keyboard, while keeping the cursor position # unchanged, for when the desktop is configured to move the focus with the mouse cursor # Default: false focus_follows_mouse_mode: false skybox_texture: kloppenheim_02_puresky_8k.dds # skybox_texture: dikhololo_night_4k.dds # skybox_texture: industrial_sunset_02_puresky_8k.dds