2024-01-24 21:05:21 +01:00

298 lines
6.7 KiB

### File header must not be modified
### This file must be encoded into UTF-8.
### This table under LGPL
### comments start with ### not single #
### Derive from the format of SCIM Table, so you can modify the table from
### scim-tables' table
### Begin Table definition.
### License
### An unique id to distinguish this table among others.
### Use uuidgen to generate this kind of id.
UUID = e530f083-e20e-4e85-8d91-980019258c23
### A unique number indicates the version of this file.
### For example the last modified date of this file.
### This number must be less than 2^32.
### Just make your table version-able
SERIAL_NUMBER = 20240102
### ICON can be any format as long as your pygtk can recognized
### the most widely ones are "png" and "svg", letter one is recommended
ICON = ibus-table.svg
### The symbol to be displayed in IM switchers
### The default name of this table, this is needed
NAME = sitelen pona
### The local names of this table, this is optional
### NAME.zh_CN = 形码
### NAME.zh_HK = 形碼
### NAME.zh_TW = 形碼
### Description
DESCRIPTION = sitelen pona input method for IBus
### Supported languages of this table
### sigle "zh_CN" just be recognized as zh_CN,
### but "zh_CN, zh_HK" or more zh_XX will be recognized as zh;
### and "en_US, zh_CN" will be just ignored.
### The author of this table
AUTHOR = jan Komi
### Prompt string to be displayed in the status area, CN will be replaced by
### the gettext tools in runtime as 中.
### Valid input chars.
VALID_INPUT_CHARS = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[](){}:.+-'
### Layout
### The max number of input keys for every phrase or character.
### Use auto_commit mode as default
### Automatically selects the first phrase when typing
### Use full width punctuation by default
### Not use full width letter by default
### Whether user are allow to define phrase, default is true
### You have to define the word construction rules below.
### For input methods which do not input phrases, set this to False
### Whether support PinYin Mode, default is true.
### this feature is just for Chinese, set it to False if your IM is not
### Chinese.
### If true then the phrases' frequencies will be adjusted dynamically
### according your using frequency.
### Some characters whose frequencies should be fix all the time, e.g.
### some punctuations
### Rules for constructing user defined phrase
### "ce" stands for "ci equal", a Chinese English :), means "phrase length
### equal to", thus ce2 -> phrase length equal to 2; and "ca" means "phrase
### length equal or above", so ca4 -> phrase length equal or above 4.
### p21 -> the 1st key of 2nd character in the phrase, and so on.
### Each rule separate via ";".
### Example below is a complete rule-set,
### becuase [2,2] ∩ [3,3] ∩ [4,+∞] = [2,+∞], which is the range of length
### of phrase. This have to be satisfied if you need ibus-table to build up
### your own inputed phrase via your daily using.
### RULES = ce2:p11+p12+p21+p22;ce3:p11+p21+p22+p31;ca4:p11+p21+p31+p41
### The key strokes to page up the lookup table.
### PAGE_UP_KEYS = Page_Up,KP_Page_Up,minus,comma
### The key strokes to page down.
### PAGE_DOWN_KEYS = Page_Down,KP_Page_Down,equal,period
### The key strokes to select candidiate phrases.
### Usually "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9" but if this conflicts with
### characters one wants to use for input one can also
### use something like “F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8,F9”
SELECT_KEYS = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
### The default orientation of the candidate list
### TRUE means the candidate list is vertical, FALSE means it is horizontal
### Begin Table data.
### Format of every line whose formated in "input_keys\tphrase\tfreq\n" is an
### entry.
### From left to right, the 1st column are the input key combination that you
### entered via keyboard; the 2nd column are presented character or phrase of
### the key combination you want; the 3rd column are frequency of the character
### or phrase.
a 󱤀 1
akesi 󱤁 1
ala 󱤂 1
alasa 󱤃 1
ale 󱤄 1
anpa 󱤅 1
ante 󱤆 1
anu 󱤇 1
awen 󱤈 1
e 󱤉 1
en 󱤊 1
esun 󱤋 1
ijo 󱤌 1
ike 󱤍 1
ilo 󱤎 1
insa 󱤏 1
jaki 󱤐 1
jan 󱤑 1
jelo 󱤒 1
jo 󱤓 1
kala 󱤔 1
kalama 󱤕 1
kama 󱤖 1
kasi 󱤗 1
ken 󱤘 1
kepeken 󱤙 1
kili 󱤚 1
kiwen 󱤛 1
ko 󱤜 1
kon 󱤝 1
kule 󱤞 1
kulupu 󱤟 1
kute 󱤠 1
la 󱤡 1
lape 󱤢 1
laso 󱤣 1
lawa 󱤤 1
len 󱤥 1
lete 󱤦 1
li 󱤧 1
lili 󱤨 1
linja 󱤩 1
lipu 󱤪 1
loje 󱤫 1
lon 󱤬 1
luka 󱤭 1
lukin 󱤮 1
lupa 󱤯 1
ma 󱤰 1
mama 󱤱 1
mani 󱤲 1
meli 󱤳 1
mi 󱤴 1
mije 󱤵 1
moku 󱤶 1
moli 󱤷 1
monsi 󱤸 1
mu 󱤹 1
mun 󱤺 1
musi 󱤻 1
mute 󱤼 1
nanpa 󱤽 1
nasa 󱤾 1
nasin 󱤿 1
nena 󱥀 1
ni 󱥁 1
nimi 󱥂 1
noka 󱥃 1
o 󱥄 1
olin 󱥅 1
ona 󱥆 1
open 󱥇 1
pakala 󱥈 1
pali 󱥉 1
palisa 󱥊 1
pan 󱥋 1
pana 󱥌 1
pi 󱥍 1
pilin 󱥎 1
pimeja 󱥏 1
pini 󱥐 1
pipi 󱥑 1
poka 󱥒 1
poki 󱥓 1
pona 󱥔 1
pu 󱥕 1
sama 󱥖 1
seli 󱥗 1
selo 󱥘 1
seme 󱥙 1
sewi 󱥚 1
sijelo 󱥛 1
sike 󱥜 1
sin 󱥝 1
sina 󱥞 1
sinpin 󱥟 1
sitelen 󱥠 1
sona 󱥡 1
soweli 󱥢 1
suli 󱥣 1
suno 󱥤 1
supa 󱥥 1
suwi 󱥦 1
tan 󱥧 1
taso 󱥨 1
tawa 󱥩 1
telo 󱥪 1
tenpo 󱥫 1
toki 󱥬 1
tomo 󱥭 1
tu 󱥮 1
unpa 󱥯 1
uta 󱥰 1
utala 󱥱 1
walo 󱥲 1
wan 󱥳 1
waso 󱥴 1
wawa 󱥵 1
weka 󱥶 1
wile 󱥷 1
namako 󱥸 1
kin 󱥹 1
oko 󱥺 1
kipisi 󱥻 1
leko 󱥼 1
monsuta 󱥽 1
tonsi 󱥾 1
jasima 󱥿 1
kijetesantakalu 󱦀 1
soko 󱦁 1
meso 󱦂 1
epiku 󱦃 1
kokosila 󱦄 1
lanpan 󱦅 1
n 󱦆 1
misikeke 󱦇 1
ku 󱦈 1
pake 󱦠 1
apeja 󱦡 1
majuna 󱦢 1
powe 󱦣 1
. 󱦜 1
: 󱦝 1
[ 󱦐 1
] 󱦑 1
( 󱦗 1
) 󱦘 1
{ 󱦚 1
} 󱦛 1
- 󱦖 1
+ 󱦕 1
### Since some input methods use different table for every character to make
### phrase, such as ZhengMa, they need explict define the goucima (the
### phrase-building code for the given character), the format of every entry is
### "character\tgoucima\n".
### For the input method which just use the full code as word-building code
### just skip this field. The ibus-table will build the codes needed from
### above TABLE.
### if you don't need different word-building code, please comment out the
### next few lines with ###, just like these lines you are look at now.
### character_1 goucima_1
### character_1 goucima_2