{ "title": "1. Introduction", "levels": [ { "id": "output", "name": "Zero", "description": "learn how to output data", "init_board": "\n o \n\n I\n\n", "stages": [{ "input": [], "output": [0] }] }, { "id": "digits", "name": "Digits", "description": "place digits and use number keys to assign them values", "stages": [{ "input": [], "output": [4, 8, 16] }] }, { "id": "loop", "name": "Loop", "description": "repeated output", "init_board": "\n \n o\n\n\n\n ^ \n\n", "stages": [{ "input": [], "output": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }] }, { "id": "copy_input", "name": "Copy Cat", "description": "read input and output the same thing", "stages": [{ "input": "Hello, world!", "output": "Hello, world!" },{ "input": "Meow!", "output": "Meow!" },{ "input": "there really isn't much point to more than 2 stages, but here we are", "output": "there really isn't much point to more than 2 stages, but here we are" }] }, { "id": "copy_odd", "sort_order": 15, "name": "Odd Cat", "description": "copy only the odd numbers from the input", "stages": [{ "input": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], "output": [1, 3, 5, 7] },{ "input": [112, 92, 51, 79, 112, 96, 84, 59, 195, 208, 137, 196, 68, 204, 82, 148, 251, 56, 105, 38, 63, 204, 240, 220, 180, 54, 211, 17, 82, 17, 181, 43], "output": [51, 79, 59, 195, 137, 251, 105, 63, 211, 17, 17, 181, 43] }] } ] }