{ "title": "2. List machines", "levels": [ { "id": "null_separation", "name": "Null Separation", "description": "output everything after the first zero", "stages": [{ "input": "9834726\u0000Hello, worlg!", "output": "Hello, worlg!" },{ "input": "aonmbgoirf\u0000this is just to make sure you don't hardcode the output for a better score", "output": "this is just to make sure you don't hardcode the output for a better score" }] }, { "id": "count_fives", "name": "Fives", "description": "count how many fives are in the input", "stages": [{ "input": [6, 5, 5, 3, 5, 0], "output": [3] },{ "input": [182, 236, 71, 5, 5, 242, 29, 99, 19, 230, 217, 5, 67, 5, 223, 224, 70, 243, 3, 74, 242, 5, 171, 31, 96, 5, 169, 70, 5, 163, 72, 5, 172, 148, 5, 208, 28, 220, 17, 184, 172, 238, 5, 105, 119, 5, 106, 100, 73, 53, 42, 221, 155, 5, 74, 100, 161, 36, 16, 239, 193, 164, 64, 162, 222, 155, 107, 14, 45, 52, 159, 31, 199, 124, 129, 0], "output": [12] }] }, { "id": "list_length", "name": "Length", "description": "count how many numbers are in the input, until the first zero", "stages": [{ "input": [1, 87, 9, 0], "output": [3] },{ "input": [182, 236, 71, 5, 5, 242, 29, 99, 19, 230, 217, 5, 67, 5, 223, 224, 70, 243, 3, 74, 242, 5, 171, 31, 96, 5, 169, 70, 5, 163, 72, 5, 172, 148, 5, 208, 28, 220, 17, 184, 172, 0], "output": [41] }] }, { "id": "reverse_input", "name": "Reverse", "description": "read input until the zero and output the same thing in reverse", "stages": [{ "input": "woem\u0000", "output": "meow" },{ "input": "tnropmi yrev\u0000", "output": "very impornt" }] } ] }