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2020-05-10 12:56:49 +02:00
# Copyright (c) 2019 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.
# Ported to GDScript by the GodotXterm authors.
# License MIT
extends Reference
const Constants = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/buffer/constants.gd")
const CursorStyle = Constants.CursorStyle
const UnderlineStyle = Constants.UnderlineStyle
const BellStyle = Constants.BellStyle
2020-05-10 12:56:49 +02:00
class TerminalOptions:
extends Reference
var cols: int = 80
var rows: int = 24
var cursor_blink: bool = false
var cursor_style = CursorStyle.BLOCK
# var cursor_width: int = 1
# var bell_sound: AudioStream = null
# var bell_style = BellStyle.NONE
# var draw_bold_text_in_bright_colors: bool = true
# var fast_scroll_modifier = "alt"
# var fast_scroll_sensitivity: int = 5
var font_family: Dictionary = {
var font_size: int = 15
# var font_weight: String # TODO: Remove
# var font_weight_bold: String # TODO: Remove
var line_height: float = 1.0
# var link_tooltip_hover_duration: int # TODO: Remove
var letter_spacing: float = 0
# var log_level # TODO: implement
var scrollback: int = 1000
# var scroll_sensitivity: int = 1
var screen_reader_mode: bool = false
# var mac_option_is_meta: bool = false
# var mac_option_click_forces_selection: bool = false
# var minimum_contrast_ratio: float = 1
# var disable_stdin: bool = false
# var allow_proposed_api: bool = true
var allow_transparency: bool = false
var tab_stop_width: int = 8
# var colors: Dictionary = {
# 'black': Color(0, 0, 0)
# }
# var right_click_selects_word = "isMac" # TODO?
# var renderer_type = "canvas" # Remove?
var window_options: Dictionary = {
'set_win_lines': false,
var windows_mode: bool = false
# var word_separator: String = " ()[]{}',\""
var convert_eol: bool = true
# var term_name: String = "xterm"
# var cancel_events: bool = false
# Copies options from an `object` to itself.
func copy_from(object: Object):
for property in get_property_list():
var p = object.get(property.name)
if p:
set(property.name, p)
2020-05-10 12:56:49 +02:00
var DEFAULT_OPTIONS = TerminalOptions.new()
2020-05-10 12:56:49 +02:00
signal option_changed
var options
func _init(options):
self.options = options
# Set the font size based on the font_size option
func set_option(key: String, value) -> void:
# TODO: sanitize and validate options.
# Don't fire an option change event if they didn't change
if options[key] == value:
options[key] = value
emit_signal("option_changed", key)
# Update other options accordingly.
match key:
func _resize_fonts():
for font in options.font_family.values():
font.size = options.font_size