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# Copyright (c) 2019 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.
# Ported to GDScript by the GodotXterm authors.
# License MIT
extends Object
# Evaluates and returns indexes to be removed after a reflow larger occurs. Lines will be removed
# when a wrapped line unwraps.
# @param lines The buffer lines.
# @param newCols The columns after resize.
static func reflow_larger_get_lines_to_remove(lines, old_cols: int, new_cols: int,
buffer_absolute_y: int, null_cell) -> PoolIntArray:
# Gather all BufferLines that need to be removed from the Buffer here so that they can be
# batched up and only committed once
var to_remove = PoolIntArray([])
var y = 0
while y < lines.length - 1:
# Check if this row is wrapped
var i = y
i += 1
var next_line = lines.get_line(i)
if not next_line.is_wrapped:
y += 1
# Check how many lines it's wrapped for
var wrapped_lines = [lines.get_line(y)]
while i < lines.length and next_line.is_wrapped:
i += 1
next_line = lines.get_line(i)
# If these lines contain the cursor don't touch them, the program will handle fixing up wrapped
# lines with the cursor
if buffer_absolute_y >= y and buffer_absolute_y < i:
y += wrapped_lines.size() - 1
y += 1
# Copy buffer data to new locations
var dest_line_index = 0
var dest_col = get_wrapped_line_trimmed_length(wrapped_lines, dest_line_index, old_cols)
var src_line_index = 1
var src_col = 0
while src_line_index < wrapped_lines.size():
var src_trimmed_line_length = get_wrapped_line_trimmed_length(wrapped_lines, src_line_index, old_cols)
var src_remaining_cells = src_trimmed_line_length - src_col
var dest_remaining_cells = new_cols - dest_col
var cells_to_copy = min(src_remaining_cells, dest_remaining_cells)
wrapped_lines[dest_line_index].copy_cells_from(wrapped_lines[src_line_index], src_col, dest_col, cells_to_copy, false)
dest_col += cells_to_copy
if dest_col == new_cols:
dest_line_index += 1
dest_col = 0
src_col += cells_to_copy
if src_col == src_trimmed_line_length:
src_line_index += 1
src_col = 0
# Make sure the last cell isn't wide, if it is copy it to the current dest
if dest_col == 0 and dest_line_index != 0:
if wrapped_lines[dest_line_index - 1].get_width(new_cols - 1) == 2:
wrapped_lines[dest_line_index].copy_cells_from(wrapped_lines[dest_line_index - 1], new_cols - 1, dest_col, 1, false)
dest_col += 1
# Null out the end of the last row
wrapped_lines[dest_line_index - 1].set_cell(new_cols - 1, null_cell)
# Clear out remaining cells or fragments could remain;
var replaced = wrapped_lines[dest_line_index].translate_to_string()
wrapped_lines[dest_line_index].replace_cells(dest_col, new_cols, null_cell)
# Work backwards and remove any rows at the end that only contain null cells
var count_to_remove = 0
2020-09-13 16:59:24 +02:00
for j in range(wrapped_lines.size() - 1, 0, -1):
if j > dest_line_index or wrapped_lines[j].get_trimmed_length() == 0:
count_to_remove += 1
if count_to_remove > 0:
to_remove.append(y + wrapped_lines.size() - count_to_remove) # index
y += wrapped_lines.size() - 1
y += 1
return to_remove
# Creates and return the new layout for lines given an array of indexes to be removed.
# @param lines The buffer lines.
# @param to_remove The indexes to remove.
static func reflow_larger_create_new_layout(lines, to_remove: PoolIntArray):
var layout = PoolIntArray([])
# First iterate through the list and get the actual indexes to use for rows
var next_to_remove_index = 0
var next_to_remove_start = to_remove[next_to_remove_index]
var count_removed_so_far = 0
var i = 0
while i < lines.length:
if next_to_remove_start == i:
next_to_remove_index += 1
var count_to_remove = to_remove[next_to_remove_index]
# Tell markers that there was a deletion
lines.emit_signal("deleted", i - count_removed_so_far, count_to_remove)
i += count_to_remove - 1
count_removed_so_far += count_to_remove
next_to_remove_index += 1
next_to_remove_start = to_remove[next_to_remove_index] if next_to_remove_index < to_remove.size() else null
i += 1
return { "layout": layout, "count_removed": count_removed_so_far }
# Applies a new layout to the buffer. This essentially does the same as many splice calls but it's
# done all at once in a single iteration through the list since splice is very expensive.
# @param lines The buffer lines.
# @param new_layout The new layout to apply.
static func reflow_larger_apply_new_layout(lines, new_layout: PoolIntArray) -> void:
# Record original lines so they don't get overridden when we rearrange the list
var new_layout_lines = []
for i in range(new_layout.size()):
# Rearrange the list
for i in range(new_layout_lines.size()):
lines.set_line(i, new_layout_lines[i])
lines.length = new_layout.size()
# Gets the new line lengths for a given wrapped line. The purpose of this function it to pre-
# compute the wrapping points since wide characters may need to be wrapped onto the following line.
# This function will return an array of numbers of where each line wraps to, the resulting array
# will only contain the values `newCols` (when the line does not end with a wide character) and
# `new_cols - 1` (when the line does end with a wide character), except for the last value which
# will contain the remaining items to fill the line.
# Calling this with a `new_cols` value of `1` will lock up.
# @param wrapped_lines The wrapped lines to evaluate.
# @param old_cols The columns before resize.
# @param new_cols The columns after resize.
static func reflow_smaller_get_new_line_lengths(wrapped_lines: Array, old_cols: int, new_cols: int) -> PoolIntArray:
var new_line_lengths = PoolIntArray([])
var cells_needed: int
for i in range(wrapped_lines.size()):
cells_needed += get_wrapped_line_trimmed_length(wrapped_lines, i, old_cols)
# Use src_col and scr_line to find the new wrapping point, use that to get the cells_available and
# lines_needed
var src_col = 0
var src_line = 0
var cells_available = 0
while cells_available < cells_needed:
if cells_needed - cells_available < new_cols:
# Add the final line and exit the loop
new_line_lengths.append(cells_needed - cells_available)
src_col += new_cols
var old_trimmed_length = get_wrapped_line_trimmed_length(wrapped_lines, src_line, old_cols)
if src_col > old_trimmed_length:
src_col -= old_trimmed_length
src_line += 1
var ends_with_wide = wrapped_lines[src_line].get_width(src_col - 1) == 2
if ends_with_wide:
src_col -= 1
var line_length = new_cols - 1 if ends_with_wide else new_cols
cells_available += line_length
return new_line_lengths
static func get_wrapped_line_trimmed_length(lines: Array, i: int, cols: int) -> int:
# If this is the last row in the wrapped line, get the actual trimmed length
if i == lines.size() - 1:
return lines[i].get_trimmed_length()
# Detect whether the following line starts with a wide character and the end of the current line
# is null, if so then we can be pretty sure the null character should be excluded from the line
# length
var ends_in_null = not (lines[i].has_content(cols - 1)) and lines[i].get_width(cols - 1) == 1
var following_line_starts_with_wide = lines[i + 1].get_width(0) == 2
if ends_in_null and following_line_starts_with_wide:
return cols - 1
return cols