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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Leroy Hopson <godot-xterm@leroy.geek.nz>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "libuv_utils.h"
#include <godot_cpp/classes/global_constants.hpp>
#include <uv.h>
using namespace godot;
void LibuvUtils::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_static_method("LibuvUtils", D_METHOD("get_os_environ"), &LibuvUtils::get_os_environ);
ClassDB::bind_static_method("LibuvUtils", D_METHOD("get_os_release"), &LibuvUtils::get_os_release);
ClassDB::bind_static_method("LibuvUtils", D_METHOD("get_cwd"), &LibuvUtils::get_cwd);
ClassDB::bind_static_method("LibuvUtils", D_METHOD("kill", "pid", "signum"), &LibuvUtils::kill);
LibuvUtils::LibuvUtils() {}
LibuvUtils::~LibuvUtils() {}
Dictionary LibuvUtils::get_os_environ() {
Dictionary result;
uv_env_item_t *env;
int count;
uv_os_environ(&env, &count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
result[String(env[i].name)] = String(env[i].value);
uv_os_free_environ(env, count);
return result;
String LibuvUtils::get_os_release() { return "TODO"; }
String LibuvUtils::get_cwd() {
#ifndef PATH_MAX
size_t size = PATH_MAX;
char *buffer = (char *)malloc(size * sizeof(char));
int err;
err = uv_cwd(buffer, &size);
if (err == UV_ENOBUFS) {
// Buffer was too small. `size` has been set to the required length, so
// resize buffer and try again.
buffer = (char *)realloc(buffer, size * sizeof(char));
err = uv_cwd(buffer, &size);
if (err < 0) {
return "";
String result = String(buffer);
return result;
Error LibuvUtils::kill(int pid, int signum) {
RETURN_UV_ERR(uv_kill(pid, signum));
Error LibuvUtils::translate_uv_errno(int uv_err) {
if (uv_err >= 0)
return OK;
// Rough translation of libuv error to godot error.
// Not necessarily accurate.
switch (uv_err) {
case UV_EEXIST: // file already exists
case UV_EADDRINUSE: // address already in use
case UV_EBUSY: // resource busy or locked
case UV_ETXTBSY: // text file is busy
return ERR_BUSY;
case UV_ECONNREFUSED: // connection refused
case UV_ECONNABORTED: // software caused connection abort
case UV_ECONNRESET: // connection reset by peer
case UV_EISCONN: // socket is already connected
case UV_ENOTCONN: // socket is not connected
case UV_ENODEV: // no such device
case UV_ENXIO: // no such device or address
case UV_ESRCH: // no such process
case UV_EROFS: // read-only file system
case UV_EOF: // end of file
return ERR_FILE_EOF;
case UV_ENOENT: // no such file or directory
case UV_EAI_BADFLAGS: // bad ai_flags value
case UV_EAI_BADHINTS: // invalid value for hints
case UV_EFAULT: // bad address in system call argument
case UV_EFTYPE: // inappropriate file type or format
case UV_EINVAL: // invalid argument
case UV_ENOTTY: // inappropriate ioctl for device
case UV_EPROTOTYPE: // protocol wrong type for socket
return ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; // Parameter passed is invalid
case UV_ENOSYS: // function not implemented
case UV_EAI_MEMORY: // out of memory
case UV_E2BIG: // argument list too long
case UV_EFBIG: // file too large
case UV_EMSGSIZE: // message too long
case UV_ENAMETOOLONG: // name too long
case UV_EOVERFLOW: // value too large for defined data type
case UV_ERANGE: // result too large
return ERR_PARAMETER_RANGE_ERROR; // Parameter given out of range
return ERR_TIMEOUT; // connection timed out
case UV_EACCES: // permission denied
case UV_EPERM: // operation not permitted
case UV_EXDEV: // cross-device link not permitted
case UV_EADDRNOTAVAIL: // address not available
case UV_EAFNOSUPPORT: // address family not supported
case UV_EAGAIN: // resource temporarily unavailable
case UV_EAI_ADDRFAMILY: // address family not supported
case UV_EAI_FAMILY: // ai_family not supported
case UV_EAI_SERVICE: // service not available for socket type
case UV_EAI_SOCKTYPE: // socket type not supported
case UV_ENOPROTOOPT: // protocol not available
case UV_ENOTSUP: // operation not supported on socket
case UV_EPROTONOSUPPORT: // protocol not supported
case UV_ESOCKTNOSUPPORT: // socket type not supported
return ERR_UNAVAILABLE; // What is requested is
// unsupported/unavailable
case UV_EAI_NODATA: // no address
case UV_EDESTADDRREQ: // destination address required
case UV_EAI_AGAIN: // temporary failure
case UV_EAI_CANCELED: // request canceled
case UV_EAI_FAIL: // permanent failure
case UV_EAI_NONAME: // unknown node or service
case UV_EAI_OVERFLOW: // argument buffer overflow
case UV_EAI_PROTOCOL: // resolved protocol is unknown
case UV_EALREADY: // connection already in progress
case UV_EBADF: // bad file descriptor
case UV_ECANCELED: // operation canceled
case UV_ECHARSET: // invalid Unicode character
case UV_EHOSTUNREACH: // host is unreachable
case UV_EIO: // i/o error
case UV_EILSEQ: // illegal byte sequence
case UV_EISDIR: // illegal operation on a directory
case UV_ELOOP: // too many symbolic links encountered
case UV_EMFILE: // too many open files
case UV_ENETDOWN: // network is down
case UV_ENETUNREACH: // network is unreachable
case UV_ENFILE: // file table overflow
case UV_ENOBUFS: // no buffer space available
case UV_ENOMEM: // not enough memory
case UV_ESHUTDOWN: // cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown
case UV_EINTR: // interrupted system call
case UV_EMLINK: // too many links
case UV_ENONET: // machine is not on the network
case UV_ENOSPC: // no space left on device
case UV_ENOTDIR: // not a directory
case UV_ENOTEMPTY: // directory not empty
case UV_ENOTSOCK: // socket operation on non-socket
case UV_EPIPE: // broken pipe
case UV_EPROTO: // protocol error
case UV_ESPIPE: // invalid seek
case UV_UNKNOWN: // unknown error
return FAILED; // Generic fail error