
179 lines
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Raw Normal View History

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Interface and some basic functionality for all printers.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Printer:
var _format_enabled = true
var _disabled = false
2023-01-20 23:34:39 +01:00
var _printer_name = "NOT SET"
var _show_name = false # used for debugging, set manually
func get_format_enabled():
return _format_enabled
func set_format_enabled(format_enabled):
_format_enabled = format_enabled
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func send(text, fmt = null):
if _disabled:
var formatted = text
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if fmt != null and _format_enabled:
formatted = format_text(text, fmt)
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if _show_name:
formatted = str("(", _printer_name, ")") + formatted
func get_disabled():
return _disabled
func set_disabled(disabled):
_disabled = disabled
# --------------------
# Virtual Methods (some have some default behavior)
# --------------------
func _output(text):
func format_text(text, fmt):
return text
2023-01-20 23:34:39 +01:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Responsible for sending text to a GUT gui.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class GutGuiPrinter:
extends Printer
var _textbox = null
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var _colors = {red = Color.RED, yellow = Color.YELLOW, green = Color.GREEN}
func _init():
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_printer_name = "gui"
func _wrap_with_tag(text, tag):
2023-01-20 23:34:39 +01:00
return str("[", tag, "]", text, "[/", tag, "]")
func _color_text(text, c_word):
2023-01-20 23:34:39 +01:00
return "[color=" + c_word + "]" + text + "[/color]"
# Remember, we have to use push and pop because the output from the tests
# can contain [] in it which can mess up the formatting. There is no way
# as of 3.4 that you can get the bbcode out of RTL when using push and pop.
# The only way we could get around this is by adding in non-printable
# whitespace after each "[" that is in the text. Then we could maybe do
# this another way and still be able to get the bbcode out, or generate it
# at the same time in a buffer (like we tried that one time).
# Since RTL doesn't have good search and selection methods, and those are
# really handy in the editor, it isn't worth making bbcode that can be used
# there as well.
# You'll try to get it so the colors can be the same in the editor as they
# are in the output. Good luck, and I hope I typed enough to not go too
# far that rabbit hole before finding out it's not worth it.
func format_text(text, fmt):
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if _textbox == null:
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if fmt == "bold":
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elif fmt == "underline":
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elif _colors.has(fmt):
# just pushing something to pop.
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return ""
func _output(text):
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if _textbox == null:
func get_textbox():
return _textbox
func set_textbox(textbox):
_textbox = textbox
# This can be very very slow when the box has a lot of text.
func clear_line():
_textbox.remove_line(_textbox.get_line_count() - 1)
func get_bbcode():
return _textbox.text
func get_disabled():
return _disabled and _textbox != null
2023-01-20 23:34:39 +01:00
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This AND TerminalPrinter should not be enabled at the same time since it will
# result in duplicate output. printraw does not print to the console so i had
# to make another one.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ConsolePrinter:
extends Printer
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var _buffer = ""
func _init():
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_printer_name = "console"
# suppresses output until it encounters a newline to keep things
# inline as much as possible.
func _output(text):
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if text.ends_with("\n"):
print(_buffer + text.left(text.length() - 1))
_buffer = ""
_buffer += text
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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Prints text to terminal, formats some words.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TerminalPrinter:
extends Printer
2022-11-09 21:57:46 +01:00
var escape = PackedByteArray([0x1b]).get_string_from_ascii()
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var cmd_colors = {
red = escape + "[31m",
yellow = escape + "[33m",
green = escape + "[32m",
underline = escape + "[4m",
bold = escape + "[1m",
default = escape + "[0m",
clear_line = escape + "[2K"
func _init():
2023-01-20 23:34:39 +01:00
_printer_name = "terminal"
func _output(text):
# Note, printraw does not print to the console.
func format_text(text, fmt):
return cmd_colors[fmt] + text + cmd_colors.default
func clear_line():
func back(n):
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send(escape + str("[", n, "D"))
func forward(n):
2023-01-20 23:34:39 +01:00
send(escape + str("[", n, "C"))