
180 lines
4.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

var Gut = load('res://addons/gut/gut.gd')
# Do not want a ref to _utils here due to use by editor plugin.
# _utils needs to be split so that constants and what not do not
# have to rely on the weird singleton thing I made.
var valid_fonts = ['AnonymousPro', 'CourierPro', 'LobsterTwo', 'Default']
var default_options = {
background_color = Color(.15, .15, .15, 1).to_html(),
config_file = 'res://.gutconfig.json',
dirs = [],
disable_colors = false,
double_strategy = 'partial',
font_color = Color(.8, .8, .8, 1).to_html(),
font_name = 'CourierPrime',
font_size = 16,
hide_orphans = false,
ignore_pause = false,
include_subdirs = false,
inner_class = '',
junit_xml_file = '',
junit_xml_timestamp = false,
log_level = 1,
opacity = 100,
paint_after = .1,
post_run_script = '',
pre_run_script = '',
prefix = 'test_',
selected = '',
should_exit = false,
should_exit_on_success = false,
should_maximize = false,
compact_mode = false,
show_help = false,
suffix = '.gd',
tests = [],
unit_test_name = '',
gut_on_top = true,
var default_panel_options = {
font_name = 'CourierPrime',
font_size = 30,
hide_result_tree = false,
hide_output_text = false,
hide_settings = false,
use_colors = true
var options = default_options.duplicate()
var json = JSON.new()
func _null_copy(h):
var new_hash = {}
for key in h:
new_hash[key] = null
return new_hash
func _load_options_from_config_file(file_path, into):
if(file_path != 'res://.gutconfig.json'):
print('ERROR: Config File "', file_path, '" does not exist.')
return -1
return 1
var f = FileAccess.open(file_path, FileAccess.READ)
if(f == null):
var result = FileAccess.get_open_error()
push_error(str("Could not load data ", file_path, ' ', result))
return result
var json = f.get_as_text()
f = null # close file
2022-11-09 21:57:46 +01:00
var test_json_conv = JSON.new()
var results = test_json_conv.get_data()
if(results == null):
print("\n\n",'!! ERROR parsing file: ', file_path)
print(' at line ', results.error_line, ':')
print(' ', results.error_string)
return -1
# Get all the options out of the config file using the option name. The
# options hash is now the default source of truth for the name of an option.
_load_dict_into(results, into)
return 1
func _load_dict_into(source, dest):
for key in dest:
if(source[key] != null):
if(typeof(source[key]) == TYPE_DICTIONARY):
_load_dict_into(source[key], dest[key])
dest[key] = source[key]
func write_options(path):
var content = json.stringify(options, ' ')
var f = FileAccess.open(path, FileAccess.WRITE)
var result = FileAccess.get_open_error()
if(f != null):
print('ERROR: could not open file ', path, ' ', result)
return result
# Apply all the options specified to _tester. This is where the rubber meets
# the road.
func _apply_options(opts, _tester):
_tester.include_subdirectories = opts.include_subdirs
if(opts.inner_class != ''):
_tester.inner_class_name = opts.inner_class
_tester.log_level = opts.log_level
_tester.ignore_pause_before_teardown = opts.ignore_pause
if(opts.selected != ''):
for i in range(opts.dirs.size()):
_tester.add_directory(opts.dirs[i], opts.prefix, opts.suffix)
for i in range(opts.tests.size()):
if(opts.double_strategy == 'include super'):
2023-01-20 22:12:47 +01:00
_tester.double_strategy = DOUBLE_STRATEGY.FULL
elif(opts.double_strategy == 'script only'):
2023-01-20 22:12:47 +01:00
_tester.double_strategy = DOUBLE_STRATEGY.PARTIAL
_tester.unit_test_name = opts.unit_test_name
_tester.pre_run_script = opts.pre_run_script
_tester.post_run_script = opts.post_run_script
_tester.color_output = !opts.disable_colors
_tester.junit_xml_file = opts.junit_xml_file
_tester.junit_xml_timestamp = opts.junit_xml_timestamp
_tester.paint_after = str(opts.paint_after).to_float()
return _tester
func config_gut(gut):
return _apply_options(options, gut)
func load_options(path):
return _load_options_from_config_file(path, options)
func load_panel_options(path):
options['panel_options'] = default_panel_options.duplicate()
return _load_options_from_config_file(path, options)
func load_options_no_defaults(path):
options = _null_copy(default_options)
return _load_options_from_config_file(path, options)
func apply_options(gut):
_apply_options(options, gut)