2024-02-07 21:37:50 +13:00
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Leroy Hopson <godot-xterm@leroy.nix.nz>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#define FLAG_INVERSE 1 << 0
#define FLAG_BLINK 1 << 1
#define transparent vec4(0)
uniform int cols;
uniform int rows;
uniform vec2 size;
uniform vec2 cell_size;
uniform vec2 grid_size;
uniform sampler2D attributes;
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uniform bool inverse_enabled = true;
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uniform vec4 background_color;
uniform sampler2D background_colors;
uniform float blink_off_time = 0.3;
uniform float blink_on_time = 0.6;
bool has_attribute(vec2 uv, int flag) {
int flags = int(texture(attributes, uv).r * 255.0 + 0.5);
return (flags & flag) != 0;
void fragment() {
// Check if we are inside the grid.
if (UV.x * size.x < grid_size.x && UV.y * size.y < grid_size.y) {
vec2 grid_uv = UV * size / cell_size;
int cell_x = int(grid_uv.x);
int cell_y = int(grid_uv.y);
vec2 sample_uv = (vec2(float(cell_x), float(cell_y)) + 0.5) / vec2(float(cols), float(rows));
vec4 color;
color = texture(background_colors, sample_uv);
#elif defined(FOREGROUND)
color = texture(TEXTURE, UV);
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if (has_attribute(sample_uv, FLAG_INVERSE) && inverse_enabled) {
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color = vec4(1.0 - color.rgb, color.a);
if (has_attribute(sample_uv, FLAG_BLINK)) {
float blink_cycle = blink_on_time + blink_off_time;
float current_time = mod(TIME, blink_cycle);
if (current_time > blink_on_time) {
color = transparent;
#if defined(FOREGROUND) || defined(BACKGROUND)
COLOR = color;
} else { // Outside the grid.
COLOR = background_color;
#elif defined(FOREGROUND)
COLOR = transparent;