mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 21:03:57 +01:00
427 lines
13 KiB
427 lines
13 KiB
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class DirectoryCtrl:
extends HBoxContainer
var text = '':
return _txt_path.text
_txt_path.text = val
var _txt_path = LineEdit.new()
var _btn_dir = Button.new()
var _dialog = FileDialog.new()
func _init():
_btn_dir.text = '...'
_txt_path.size_flags_horizontal = _txt_path.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
_dialog.mode = _dialog.FILE_MODE_OPEN_DIR
_dialog.unresizable = false
_dialog.size = Vector2(1000, 700)
func _on_selected(path):
text = path
func _on_dir_button_pressed():
_dialog.current_dir = _txt_path.text
func _ready():
func get_line_edit():
return _txt_path
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class FileCtrl:
extends DirectoryCtrl
func _init():
_dialog.mode = _dialog.FILE_MODE_OPEN_FILE
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Vector2Ctrl:
extends VBoxContainer
var value = Vector2(-1, -1) :
return get_value()
var disabled = false :
return get_disabled()
var x_spin = SpinBox.new()
var y_spin = SpinBox.new()
func _init():
add_child(_make_one('x: ', x_spin))
add_child(_make_one('y: ', y_spin))
func _make_one(txt, spinner):
var hbox = HBoxContainer.new()
var lbl = Label.new()
lbl.text = txt
spinner.min_value = -1
spinner.max_value = 10000
spinner.size_flags_horizontal = spinner.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
return hbox
func set_value(v):
if(v != null):
x_spin.value = v[0]
y_spin.value = v[1]
# Returns array instead of vector2 b/c that is what is stored in
# in the dictionary and what is expected everywhere else.
func get_value():
return [x_spin.value, y_spin.value]
func set_disabled(should):
get_parent().visible = !should
x_spin.visible = !should
y_spin.visible = !should
func get_disabled():
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var _base_container = null
var _base_control = null
const DIRS_TO_LIST = 6
var _cfg_ctrls = {}
var _avail_fonts = ['AnonymousPro', 'CourierPrime', 'LobsterTwo', 'Default']
func _init(cont):
_base_container = cont
_base_control = HBoxContainer.new()
_base_control.size_flags_horizontal = _base_control.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
_base_control.mouse_filter = _base_control.MOUSE_FILTER_PASS
# I don't remember what this is all about at all. Could be
# garbage. Decided to spend more time typing this message
# than figuring it out.
var lbl = Label.new()
lbl.size_flags_horizontal = lbl.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
lbl.mouse_filter = lbl.MOUSE_FILTER_STOP
# ------------------
# Private
# ------------------
func _new_row(key, disp_text, value_ctrl, hint):
var ctrl = _base_control.duplicate()
var lbl = ctrl.get_child(0)
lbl.hint_tooltip = hint
lbl.text = disp_text
_cfg_ctrls[key] = value_ctrl
var rpad = CenterContainer.new()
# rpad.custom_minimum_size.x = 5
return ctrl
func _add_title(text):
var row = _base_control.duplicate()
var lbl = row.get_child(0)
lbl.text = text
# lbl.align = Label.ALIGNMENT_CENTER
row.connect('draw', _on_title_cell_draw.bind(row))
func _add_number(key, value, disp_text, v_min, v_max, hint=''):
var value_ctrl = SpinBox.new()
value_ctrl.value = value
value_ctrl.size_flags_horizontal = value_ctrl.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
value_ctrl.min_value = v_min
value_ctrl.max_value = v_max
_new_row(key, disp_text, value_ctrl, hint)
func _add_select(key, value, values, disp_text, hint=''):
var value_ctrl = OptionButton.new()
var select_idx = 0
for i in range(values.size()):
if(value == values[i]):
select_idx = i
value_ctrl.selected = select_idx
value_ctrl.size_flags_horizontal = value_ctrl.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
_new_row(key, disp_text, value_ctrl, hint)
func _add_value(key, value, disp_text, hint=''):
var value_ctrl = LineEdit.new()
value_ctrl.size_flags_horizontal = value_ctrl.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
value_ctrl.text = value
_new_row(key, disp_text, value_ctrl, hint)
func _add_boolean(key, value, disp_text, hint=''):
var value_ctrl = CheckBox.new()
value_ctrl.button_pressed = value
_new_row(key, disp_text, value_ctrl, hint)
func _add_directory(key, value, disp_text, hint=''):
var value_ctrl = DirectoryCtrl.new()
value_ctrl.size_flags_horizontal = value_ctrl.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
value_ctrl.text = value
_new_row(key, disp_text, value_ctrl, hint)
func _add_file(key, value, disp_text, hint=''):
var value_ctrl = FileCtrl.new()
value_ctrl.size_flags_horizontal = value_ctrl.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
value_ctrl.text = value
_new_row(key, disp_text, value_ctrl, hint)
func _add_color(key, value, disp_text, hint=''):
var value_ctrl = ColorPickerButton.new()
value_ctrl.size_flags_horizontal = value_ctrl.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
value_ctrl.color = value
_new_row(key, disp_text, value_ctrl, hint)
func _add_vector2(key, value, disp_text, hint=''):
var value_ctrl = Vector2Ctrl.new()
value_ctrl.size_flags_horizontal = value_ctrl.SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
value_ctrl.value = value
_new_row(key, disp_text, value_ctrl, hint)
# -----------------------------
# ------------------
# Events
# ------------------
func _wire_select_on_focus(which):
which.connect('focus_entered', _on_ctrl_focus_highlight.bind(which))
which.connect('focus_exited', _on_ctrl_focus_unhighlight.bind(which))
func _on_ctrl_focus_highlight(which):
func _on_ctrl_focus_unhighlight(which):
which.select(0, 0)
func _on_title_cell_draw(which):
which.draw_rect(Rect2(Vector2(0, 0), which.size), Color(0, 0, 0, .15))
# ------------------
# Public
# ------------------
func get_config_issues():
var to_return = []
var has_directory = false
for i in range(DIRS_TO_LIST):
var key = str('directory_', i)
var path = _cfg_ctrls[key].text
if(path != null and path != ''):
has_directory = true
to_return.append(str('Test directory ', path, ' does not exist.'))
to_return.append('You do not have any directories set.')
to_return.append("Script suffix must end in '.gd'")
return to_return
func set_options(options):
_add_number("log_level", options.log_level, "Log Level", 0, 3,
"Detail level for log messages.\n" + \
"\t0: Errors and failures only.\n" + \
"\t1: Adds all test names + warnings + info\n" + \
"\t2: Shows all asserts\n" + \
"\t3: Adds more stuff probably, maybe not.")
_add_boolean('ignore_pause', options.ignore_pause, 'Ignore Pause',
"Ignore calls to pause_before_teardown")
_add_boolean('hide_orphans', options.hide_orphans, 'Hide Orphans',
'Do not display orphan counts in output.')
_add_boolean('should_exit', options.should_exit, 'Exit on Finish',
"Exit when tests finished.")
_add_boolean('should_exit_on_success', options.should_exit_on_success, 'Exit on Success',
"Exit if there are no failures. Does nothing if 'Exit on Finish' is enabled.")
_add_title("Panel Output")
_add_select('output_font_name', options.panel_options.font_name, _avail_fonts, 'Font',
"The name of the font to use when running tests and in the output panel to the left.")
_add_number('output_font_size', options.panel_options.font_size, 'Font Size', 5, 100,
"The font size to use when running tests and in the output panel to the left.")
_add_title('Runner Window')
_add_boolean("gut_on_top", options.gut_on_top, "On Top",
"The GUT Runner appears above children added during tests.")
_add_number('opacity', options.opacity, 'Opacity', 0, 100,
"The opacity of GUT when tests are running.")
_add_boolean('should_maximize', options.should_maximize, 'Maximize',
"Maximize GUT when tests are being run.")
_add_boolean('compact_mode', options.compact_mode, 'Compact Mode',
'The runner will be in compact mode. This overrides Maximize.')
_add_title('Runner Appearance')
_add_select('font_name', options.font_name, _avail_fonts, 'Font',
"The font to use for text output in the Gut Runner.")
_add_number('font_size', options.font_size, 'Font Size', 5, 100,
"The font size for text output in the Gut Runner.")
_add_color('font_color', options.font_color, 'Font Color',
"The font color for text output in the Gut Runner.")
_add_color('background_color', options.background_color, 'Background Color',
"The background color for text output in the Gut Runner.")
_add_boolean('disable_colors', options.disable_colors, 'Disable Formatting',
'Disable formatting and colors used in the Runner. Does not affect panel output.')
_add_title('Test Directories')
_add_boolean('include_subdirs', options.include_subdirs, 'Include Subdirs',
"Include subdirectories of the directories configured below.")
for i in range(DIRS_TO_LIST):
var value = ''
if(options.dirs.size() > i):
value = options.dirs[i]
_add_directory(str('directory_', i), value, str('Directory ', i))
_add_title("XML Output")
_add_value("junit_xml_file", options.junit_xml_file, "Output Path3D",
"Path3D and filename where GUT should create a JUnit compliant XML file. " +
"This file will contain the results of the last test run. To avoid " +
"overriding the file use Include Timestamp.")
_add_boolean("junit_xml_timestamp", options.junit_xml_timestamp, "Include Timestamp",
"Include a timestamp in the filename so that each run gets its own xml file.")
_add_file('pre_run_script', options.pre_run_script, 'Pre-Run Hook',
'This script will be run by GUT before any tests are run.')
_add_file('post_run_script', options.post_run_script, 'Post-Run Hook',
'This script will be run by GUT after all tests are run.')
_add_value('prefix', options.prefix, 'Script Prefix',
"The filename prefix for all test scripts.")
_add_value('suffix', options.suffix, 'Script Suffix',
"Script suffix, including .gd extension. For example '_foo.gd'.")
_add_number('paint_after', options.paint_after, 'Paint After', 0.0, 1.0,
"How long GUT will wait before pausing for 1 frame to paint the screen. 0 is never.")
# since _add_number doesn't set step property, it will default to a step of
# 1 and cast values to int. Give it a .5 step and re-set the value.
_cfg_ctrls.paint_after.step = .05
_cfg_ctrls.paint_after.value = options.paint_after
print('paint after = ', options.paint_after)
func get_options(base_opts):
var to_return = base_opts.duplicate()
# Settings
to_return.log_level = _cfg_ctrls.log_level.value
to_return.ignore_pause = _cfg_ctrls.ignore_pause.button_pressed
to_return.hide_orphans = _cfg_ctrls.hide_orphans.button_pressed
to_return.should_exit = _cfg_ctrls.should_exit.button_pressed
to_return.should_exit_on_success = _cfg_ctrls.should_exit_on_success.button_pressed
to_return.panel_options.font_name = _cfg_ctrls.output_font_name.get_item_text(
to_return.panel_options.font_size = _cfg_ctrls.output_font_size.value
# Runner Appearance
to_return.font_name = _cfg_ctrls.font_name.get_item_text(
to_return.font_size = _cfg_ctrls.font_size.value
to_return.should_maximize = _cfg_ctrls.should_maximize.button_pressed
to_return.compact_mode = _cfg_ctrls.compact_mode.button_pressed
to_return.opacity = _cfg_ctrls.opacity.value
to_return.background_color = _cfg_ctrls.background_color.color.to_html()
to_return.font_color = _cfg_ctrls.font_color.color.to_html()
to_return.disable_colors = _cfg_ctrls.disable_colors.button_pressed
to_return.gut_on_top = _cfg_ctrls.gut_on_top.button_pressed
to_return.paint_after = _cfg_ctrls.paint_after.value
# Directories
to_return.include_subdirs = _cfg_ctrls.include_subdirs.button_pressed
var dirs = []
for i in range(DIRS_TO_LIST):
var key = str('directory_', i)
var val = _cfg_ctrls[key].text
if(val != '' and val != null):
to_return.dirs = dirs
# XML Output
to_return.junit_xml_file = _cfg_ctrls.junit_xml_file.text
to_return.junit_xml_timestamp = _cfg_ctrls.junit_xml_timestamp.button_pressed
# Hooks
to_return.pre_run_script = _cfg_ctrls.pre_run_script.text
to_return.post_run_script = _cfg_ctrls.post_run_script.text
# Misc
to_return.prefix = _cfg_ctrls.prefix.text
to_return.suffix = _cfg_ctrls.suffix.text
return to_return