chore(term): remove unused code

Removes unused code from ``.
The status of `update_mode` is still unclear, so has been left for now.
This commit is contained in:
Leroy Hopson 2024-05-10 21:47:41 +12:00 committed by Leroy Hopson
parent 77b1481f8e
commit b29d809bc0
2 changed files with 6 additions and 264 deletions

View file

@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ namespace godot
double blink_on_time;
double blink_off_time;
// If true, text in the terminal will be copied to the clipboard when selected.
bool copy_on_selection;
InverseMode inverse_mode;
@ -115,7 +116,12 @@ namespace godot
static void _write_cb(struct tsm_vte *vte, const char *u8, size_t len,
void *data);
// If muted, the "bell" signal will not be emitted when the bell "\u0007" character
// is written to the terminal.
bool bell_muted;
// Amount of time in seconds that must pass before emitting a new "bell" signal.
// This can be useful in cases where the bell character is being written too
// frequently such as `while true; do echo -e "\a"; done`.
double bell_cooldown;
Timer* bell_timer;
static void _bell_cb(struct tsm_vte *vte, void *data);

View file

@ -7,11 +7,6 @@
extends Control
signal data_sent(data)
signal key_pressed(data, event)
signal size_changed(new_size)
signal bell
enum UpdateMode {
@ -30,265 +25,6 @@ enum SelectionMode {
# If true, text in the terminal will be copied to the clipboard when selected.
@export var copy_on_selection: bool
# Bell
# If muted, the "bell" signal will not be emitted when the bell "\u0007" character
# is written to the terminal.
@export var bell_muted := false
# Amount of time in seconds that must pass before emitting a new "bell" signal.
# This can be useful in cases where the bell character is being written too
# frequently such as `while true; do echo -e "\a"; done`.
@export var bell_cooldown: float = 0.1
@export var blink_on_time: float = 0.6
@export var blink_off_time: float = 0.3
var _cols := 2
var _rows := 2
var _default_theme: Theme = preload("./themes/default.tres")
var _viewport: SubViewport = preload("./nodes/terminal/viewport.tscn").instantiate()
var _native_terminal: Control = _viewport.get_node("Terminal")
var _screen :=
var _bell_timer :=
var _selecting := false
var _selecting_mode: int = SelectionMode.NONE
var _selection_timer :=
var _buffer := []
func set_update_mode(value):
update_mode = value
_native_terminal.update_mode = value
func get_cols() -> int:
return _cols
func get_rows() -> int:
return _rows
func write(data) -> void:
# "Invalid type for argument 'data'. Should be of type PackedByteArray or String."
assert(data is PackedByteArray or data is String)
# Will be cleared when _flush() is called after RenderingServer emits the "frame_pre_draw" signal.
# Ensure redraw is requested if terminal is visible.
if visible:
func _flush():
for data in _buffer:
_native_terminal.write(data if data is PackedByteArray else data.to_utf8_buffer())
func clear() -> void:
var initial_size = _native_terminal.size
_native_terminal.size.y = _native_terminal.cell_size.y
_native_terminal.size = initial_size
func copy_selection() -> String:
return _native_terminal.copy_selection()
func copy_all() -> String:
return _native_terminal.copy_all()
func _ready():
_native_terminal.update_mode = update_mode
_native_terminal.connect("data_sent", Callable(self, "_on_data_sent"))
_native_terminal.connect("key_pressed", Callable(self, "_on_key_pressed"))
_native_terminal.connect("size_changed", Callable(self, "_on_size_changed"))
_viewport.size = size
_viewport.render_target_update_mode = SubViewport.UPDATE_ALWAYS
_screen.texture = _viewport.get_texture()
_native_terminal.connect("bell", Callable(self, "_on_bell"))
_bell_timer.one_shot = true
_selection_timer.wait_time = 0.05
_selection_timer.connect("timeout", Callable(self, "_on_selection_held"))
# Ensure the terminal state machine's framebuffer is up to date before
# we make all the draw_* calls caused by writing. We need to use signals
# here rather than yield otherwise we will sometimes get a "Resumed
# function after yield but class instance is gone" error.
RenderingServer.connect("frame_pre_draw", Callable(self, "_flush"))
func _update_theme():
# Themes are not propagated through the SubViewport, so in order for theme
# inheritance to work we can pass through the theme variables manually.
for color in _default_theme.get_color_list("Terminal"):
var c: Color
if has_theme_color(color, "Terminal"):
c = get_theme_color(color, "Terminal")
c = _default_theme.get_color(color, "Terminal")
_native_terminal.add_theme_color_override(color, c)
for font in _default_theme.get_font_list("Terminal"):
var f: Font
if has_theme_font(font, "Terminal"):
f = get_theme_font(font, "Terminal")
elif has_theme_font("regular", "Terminal"):
f = get_theme_font("regular", "Terminal")
if _default_theme.has_theme_font(font, "Terminal"):
f = _default_theme.get_font(font, "Terminal")
f = _default_theme.get_font(font, "regular")
_native_terminal.add_theme_font_override(font, f)
func _refresh():
if update_mode == UpdateMode.AUTO:
_native_terminal.update_mode = UpdateMode.ALL_NEXT_FRAME
func _gui_input(event):
_native_terminal.__gui_input(event) # FIXME: use _gui_input rather than __gui_input.
if event is InputEventKey and event.pressed:
# Return to bottom of scrollback buffer if we scrolled up. Ignore modifier
# keys pressed in isolation or if Ctrl+Shift modifier keys are pressed.
if (
and not (event.ctrl_pressed and event.shift_pressed)
# Prevent focus changing to other inputs when pressing Tab or Arrow keys.
if event.keycode in [KEY_LEFT, KEY_UP, KEY_RIGHT, KEY_DOWN, KEY_TAB]:
func _handle_mouse_wheel(event: InputEventMouseButton):
if not event or not event.is_pressed():
if event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_WHEEL_UP:
if event.alt:
# Scroll 5 times as fast as normal (like TextEdit).
_native_terminal.sb_up(15 * event.factor)
# Scroll 3 lines.
_native_terminal.sb_up(3 * event.factor)
if event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN:
if event.alt:
# Scroll 5 times as fast as normal (like TextEdit).
_native_terminal.sb_down(15 * event.factor)
# Scroll 3 lines.
_native_terminal.sb_down(3 * event.factor)
func _handle_selection(event: InputEventMouse):
if event is InputEventMouseButton:
if not event or not event.is_pressed() or not event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT:
if _selecting:
_selecting = false
_selecting_mode = SelectionMode.NONE
# Single-click select pointer.
_selecting = false
_selecting_mode = SelectionMode.POINTER
elif event is InputEventMouseMotion:
if (
event.button_mask & MOUSE_BUTTON_MASK_LEFT
and _selecting_mode != SelectionMode.NONE
and not _selecting
_selecting = true
func _on_selection_held() -> void:
if (
not Input.is_mouse_button_pressed(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT)
or _selecting_mode == SelectionMode.NONE
if copy_on_selection:
var selection = _native_terminal.copy_selection()
# TODO:godot4
# OS.set_clipboard(selection)
var position: Vector2 = _mouse_to_cell(get_local_mouse_position())
func _notification(what: int) -> void:
match what:
_viewport.size = size
func _on_data_sent(data: PackedByteArray):
emit_signal("data_sent", data)
func _on_key_pressed(data: PackedByteArray, event: InputEventKey):
emit_signal("key_pressed", data.get_string_from_utf8(), event)
func _on_size_changed(new_size: Vector2):
_cols = new_size.x
_rows = new_size.y
emit_signal("size_changed", new_size)
func _on_bell():
if not bell_muted and (bell_cooldown == 0 or _bell_timer.time_left == 0):
if bell_cooldown > 0:
func _mouse_to_cell(pos: Vector2) -> Vector2:
return Vector2(pos / _native_terminal.cell_size)