# Copyright (c) 2020 The GodotXterm authors. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2014-2020 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2012-2013, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License) # Ported to GDScript by the GodotXterm authors. # Licese MIT # # Originally forked from (with the author's permission): # Fabrice Bellard's javascript vt100 for jslinux: # http://bellard.org/jslinux/ # Copyright (c) 2011 Fabrice Bellard # The original design remains. The terminal itself # has been extended to include xterm CSI codes, among # other features. # # Terminal Emulation References: # http://vt100.net/ # http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.txt # http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html # http://invisible-island.net/vttest/ # http://www.inwap.com/pdp10/ansicode.txt # http://linux.die.net/man/4/console_codes # http://linux.die.net/man/7/urxvt tool extends Control const BufferService = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/services/buffer_service.gd") const CoreService = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/services/core_service.gd") const OptionsService = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/services/options_service.gd") const CharsetService = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/services/charset_service.gd") const InputHandler = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/input_handler.gd") const Const = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/Constants.gd") const Constants = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/parser/constants.gd") const Parser = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/parser/escape_sequence_parser.gd") const Decoder = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/input/text_decoder.gd") const Renderer = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/renderer/renderer.gd") const ColorManager = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/color_manager.gd") const CellData = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/buffer/cell_data.gd") const SourceCodeProRegular = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/fonts/source_code_pro/source_code_pro_regular.tres") const SourceCodeProBold = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/fonts/source_code_pro/source_code_pro_bold.tres") const SourceCodeProItalic = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/fonts/source_code_pro/source_code_pro_italic.tres") const SourceCodeProBoldItalic = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/fonts/source_code_pro/source_code_pro_bold_italic.tres") const C0 = Constants.C0 const C1 = Constants.C1 const ESCAPE = 27 const BACKSPACE = 8 const BEEP = 7 const SPACE = 32 const LEFT_BRACKET = 91 const ENTER = 10 const BACKSPACE_ALT = 127 # TODO: Move me somewhere else. enum BellStyle { NONE } signal output(data) export var cols = 80 export var rows = 24 export var cursor_blink = false export var cursor_style = 'block' export var cursor_width = 1 export var bell_sound: AudioStream = null # TODO Bell sound export(BellStyle) var bell_style = BellStyle.NONE export var draw_bold_text_in_bright_colors = true export var fast_scroll_modifier = 'alt' # TODO Use scancode? export var fast_scroll_sensitivity = 5 export var font_family: Dictionary = { "regular": SourceCodeProRegular, "bold": SourceCodeProBold, "italic": SourceCodeProItalic, "bold_italic": SourceCodeProBoldItalic, } export var font_size: int = 15 export var font_weight = 'normal' # Enum? export var font_weight_bold = 'bold' # Enum? export var line_height = 1.0 export var link_tooltip_hover_duration = 500 # Not relevant? export var letter_spacing = 0 export var log_level = 'info' # Not relevant? export var scrollback = 1000 export var scroll_sensitivity = 1 export var screen_reader_mode: bool = false export var mac_option_is_meta = false export var mac_option_click_forces_selection = false export var minimum_contrast_ratio = 1 export var disable_stdin = false export var allow_proposed_api = true export var allow_transparency = false export var tab_stop_width = 8 export var colors: Dictionary = { 'black': Color(0, 0, 0) } export var right_click_selects_word = 'isMac' # TODO export var renderer_type = 'canvas' # Relevant? export var window_options = { 'set_win_lines': false } export var windows_mode = false export var word_separator = " ()[]{}',\"`" export var convert_eol = true export var term_name = 'xterm' export var cancel_events = false var options_service var decoder var parser var _buffer_service var _core_service var _charset_service var _input_handler var _render_service var _color_manager var _scaled_char_width var _scaled_char_height var _scaled_cell_width var _scaled_cell_height var _scaled_char_top var _scaled_char_left var _work_cell = CellData.new() func _ready(): var options = OptionsService.TerminalOptions.new() options.cols = cols options.rows = rows options.font_family = font_family options.line_height = line_height options.screen_reader_mode = screen_reader_mode options.window_options = window_options options.convert_eol = convert_eol options_service = OptionsService.new(options) options_service.connect("option_changed", self, "_update_options") _buffer_service = BufferService.new(options_service) _core_service = CoreService.new() _charset_service = CharsetService.new() # Register input handler and connect signals. _input_handler = InputHandler.new(_buffer_service, _core_service, _charset_service, options_service) _input_handler.connect("bell_requested", self, "bell") _input_handler.connect("refresh_rows_requested", self, "_refresh_rows") _input_handler.connect("reset_requested", self, "reset") _input_handler.connect("scroll_requested", self, "scroll") _input_handler.connect("windows_options_report_requested", self, "report_windows_options") _color_manager = ColorManager.new() _color_manager.set_theme(colors) _render_service = Renderer.new(_color_manager.colors, self, _buffer_service, options_service) connect("resized", self, "_update_dimensions") _update_dimensions() func _refresh_rows(start_row = 0, end_row = 0): # Not optimized, just draw update() func _input(event): if event is InputEventKey and event.pressed: var data = PoolByteArray([]) accept_event() # TODO: Handle more of these. if (event.control and event.scancode == KEY_C): data.append(3) elif event.unicode: data.append(event.unicode) elif event.scancode == KEY_ENTER: data.append(ENTER) elif event.scancode == KEY_BACKSPACE: data.append(BACKSPACE_ALT) elif event.scancode == KEY_ESCAPE: data.append(27) elif event.scancode == KEY_TAB: data.append(9) elif OS.get_scancode_string(event.scancode) == "Shift": pass elif OS.get_scancode_string(event.scancode) == "Control": pass else: pass #push_warning('Unhandled input. scancode: ' + str(OS.get_scancode_string(event.scancode))) emit_signal("output", data) func write(data, callback_target = null, callback_method: String = ''): _input_handler.parse(data) if callback_target and callback_method: callback_target.call(callback_method) func refresh(start = null, end = null) -> void: pass # Recalculates the character and canvas dimensions. func _update_dimensions(): var char_width = 0 var char_height = 0 for font in options_service.options.font_family.values(): var size = font.get_string_size("W") char_width = max(char_width, size.x) char_height = max(char_height, size.y) _scaled_char_width = char_width _scaled_char_height = char_height # Calculate the scaled cell height, if line_height is not 1 then the value # will be floored because since line_height can never be lower then 1, there # is a guarantee that the scaled line height will always be larger than # scaled char height. _scaled_cell_height = floor(_scaled_char_height * options_service.options.line_height) # Calculate the y coordinate within a cell that text should draw from in # order to draw in the center of a cell. _scaled_char_top = 0 if options_service.options.line_height == 1 else \ round((_scaled_cell_height - _scaled_char_height) / 2) # Calculate the scaled cell width, taking the letter_spacing into account. _scaled_cell_width = _scaled_char_width + round(options_service.options.letter_spacing) # Calculate the x coordinate with a cell that text should draw from in # order to draw in the center of a cell. _scaled_char_left = floor(options_service.options.letter_spacing / 2) func _draw(): # Draw the background and foreground var buffer = _buffer_service.buffer for y in range(buffer.ybase, rows): var line = buffer.lines.get_el(y) for x in line.length: line.load_cell(x, _work_cell) draw_rect(Rect2(x * _scaled_cell_width, y * _scaled_cell_height, (cols - x) * _scaled_cell_width, 1 * _scaled_cell_height), Color()) var color = _color_manager.colors.ansi[_work_cell.get_fg_color()] if _work_cell.get_fg_color() >= 0 else Color(1, 1, 1) draw_char(options_service.options.font_family.regular, Vector2(x * _scaled_cell_width + _scaled_char_left, y * _scaled_cell_height + _scaled_char_top + _scaled_char_height / 2), _work_cell.get_chars() if _work_cell.get_chars() else ' ', "", color) # Draw the cursor # Draw selection