Nerd Fonts combines icons from multiple fonts into a single font file. Custom icons of the Nerd Fonts project are published under the MIT License (see [LICENSE_Nerd_Fonts]). Other fonts incorporated by Nerd Fonts and their license information are listed and linked to below. - [Powerline Extra Symbols]( (MIT License). See [LICENSE_Powerline_Extra_Symbols]. - [Font Awesome]( (SIL OFL 1.1 License). See [LICENSE_Font_Awesome] and generic [LICENSE_OFL_generic]. - [Font Awesome Extension]( (MIT License). See [LICENSE_Font_Awesome_Extension]. - [Material Design Icons]( (Apache 2.0). See [LICENSE_Material_Design_Icons] and [LICENSE_Apache-2.0_generic]. - [Weather Icons]( (SIL Open Font License 1.1). License stated in but no license file provided. See [LICENSE_OFL_generic]. - [Devicons]( (MIT License). License stated in but no license file provided. See [LICENSE_MIT_generic]. - [Octicons]( (MIT License). See [LICENSE_Octicons]. - [Font Logos (Formerly Font Linux)]( (Unlicense License). See [LICENSE_Font_Logos]. - [Pomicons]( (CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0). See [LICENSE_Pomicons]. - [IEC Power Symbols]( (MIT License). See [LICENSE_IEC_Power_Symbols]. - [Seti UI]( (MIT License). See [LICENSE_Seti_UI]. [LICENSE_Nerd_Fonts]: ./LICENSE_Nerd_Fonts [LICENSE_Powerline_Extra_Symbols]: ./LICENSE_Powerline_Extra_Symbols [LICENSE_Font_Awesome]: ./LICENSE_Font_Awesome [LICENSE_OFL_generic]: ./LICENSE_OFL_generic [LICENSE_Font_Awesome_Extension]: ./LICENSE_Font_Awesome_Extension [LICENSE_Material_Design_Icons]: ./LICENSE_Material_Design_Icons [LICENSE_Apache-2.0_generic]: ./LICENSE_Apache-2.0_generic [LICENSE_MIT_generic]: ./LICENSE_MIT_generic [LICENSE_Octicons]: ./LICENSE_Octicons [LICENSE_Font_Logos]: ./LICENSE_Font_Logos [LICENSE_Pomicons]: ./LICENSE_Pomicons [LICENSE_IEC_Power_Symbols]: ./LICENSE_IEC_Power_Symbols [LICENSE_Seti_UI]: ./LICENSE_Seti_UI