class CallParameters:
	var p_name = null
	var default = null

	func _init(n, d):
		p_name = n
		default = d

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This class will generate method declaration lines based on method meta
# data.  It will create defaults that match the method data.
# --------------------
# function meta data
# --------------------
# name:
# flags:
# args: [{
# 	(class_name:),
# 	(hint:0),
# 	(hint_string:),
# 	(name:),
# 	(type:4),
# 	(usage:7)
# }]
# default_args []

var _utils = load("res://addons/gut/").get_instance()
var _lgr = _utils.get_logger()
const PARAM_PREFIX = "p_"

# ------------------------------------------------------
# _supported_defaults
# This array contains all the data types that are supported for default values.
# If a value is supported it will contain either an empty string or a prefix
# that should be used when setting the parameter default value.
# For example int, real, bool do not need anything func(p1=1, p2=2.2, p3=false)
# but things like Vectors and Colors do since only the parameters to create a
# new Vector or Color are included in the metadata.
# ------------------------------------------------------
# TYPE_NIL = 0 — Variable is of type nil (only applied for null).
# TYPE_BOOL = 1 — Variable is of type bool.
# TYPE_INT = 2 — Variable is of type int.
# TYPE_REAL = 3 — Variable is of type float/real.
# TYPE_STRING = 4 — Variable is of type String.
# TYPE_VECTOR2 = 5 — Variable is of type Vector2.
# TYPE_RECT2 = 6 — Variable is of type Rect2.
# TYPE_VECTOR3 = 7 — Variable is of type Vector3.
# TYPE_COLOR = 14 — Variable is of type Color.
# TYPE_OBJECT = 17 — Variable is of type Object.
# TYPE_DICTIONARY = 18 — Variable is of type Dictionary.
# TYPE_ARRAY = 19 — Variable is of type Array.
# TYPE_VECTOR2_ARRAY = 24 — Variable is of type PoolVector2Array.
# TYPE_TRANSFORM = 13 — Variable is of type Transform.
# TYPE_TRANSFORM2D = 8 — Variable is of type Transform2D.
# TYPE_RID = 16 — Variable is of type RID.
# TYPE_INT_ARRAY = 21 — Variable is of type PoolIntArray.
# TYPE_REAL_ARRAY = 22 — Variable is of type PoolRealArray.

# TYPE_PLANE = 9 — Variable is of type Plane.
# TYPE_QUAT = 10 — Variable is of type Quat.
# TYPE_AABB = 11 — Variable is of type AABB.
# TYPE_BASIS = 12 — Variable is of type Basis.
# TYPE_NODE_PATH = 15 — Variable is of type NodePath.
# TYPE_RAW_ARRAY = 20 — Variable is of type PoolByteArray.
# TYPE_STRING_ARRAY = 23 — Variable is of type PoolStringArray.
# TYPE_VECTOR3_ARRAY = 25 — Variable is of type PoolVector3Array.
# TYPE_COLOR_ARRAY = 26 — Variable is of type PoolColorArray.
# TYPE_MAX = 27 — Marker for end of type constants.
# ------------------------------------------------------
var _supported_defaults = []

func _init():
	for _i in range(TYPE_MAX):

	# These types do not require a prefix for defaults
	_supported_defaults[TYPE_NIL] = ""
	_supported_defaults[TYPE_BOOL] = ""
	_supported_defaults[TYPE_INT] = ""
	_supported_defaults[TYPE_REAL] = ""
	_supported_defaults[TYPE_OBJECT] = ""
	_supported_defaults[TYPE_ARRAY] = ""
	_supported_defaults[TYPE_STRING] = ""
	_supported_defaults[TYPE_DICTIONARY] = ""
	_supported_defaults[TYPE_VECTOR2_ARRAY] = ""
	_supported_defaults[TYPE_RID] = ""

	# These require a prefix for whatever default is provided
	_supported_defaults[TYPE_VECTOR2] = "Vector2"
	_supported_defaults[TYPE_RECT2] = "Rect2"
	_supported_defaults[TYPE_VECTOR3] = "Vector3"
	_supported_defaults[TYPE_COLOR] = "Color"
	_supported_defaults[TYPE_TRANSFORM2D] = "Transform2D"
	_supported_defaults[TYPE_TRANSFORM] = "Transform"
	_supported_defaults[TYPE_INT_ARRAY] = "PoolIntArray"
	_supported_defaults[TYPE_REAL_ARRAY] = "PoolRealArray"

# ###############
# Private
# ###############
var _func_text = _utils.get_file_as_text("res://addons/gut/double_templates/function_template.txt")

func _is_supported_default(type_flag):
	return type_flag >= 0 and type_flag < _supported_defaults.size() and [type_flag] != null

func _make_stub_default(method, index):
	return str('__gut_default_val("', method, '",', index, ")")

func _make_arg_array(method_meta, override_size):
	var to_return = []

	var has_unsupported_defaults = false
	var dflt_start = method_meta.args.size() - method_meta.default_args.size()

	for i in range(method_meta.args.size()):
		var pname = method_meta.args[i].name
		var dflt_text = ""

		if i < dflt_start:
			dflt_text = _make_stub_default(, i)
			var dflt_idx = i - dflt_start
			var t = method_meta.args[i]["type"]
			if _is_supported_default(t):
				# strings are special, they need quotes around the value
				if t == TYPE_STRING:
					dflt_text = str("'", str(method_meta.default_args[dflt_idx]), "'")
				# Colors need the parens but things like Vector2 and Rect2 don't
				elif t == TYPE_COLOR:
					dflt_text = str(
						_supported_defaults[t], "(", str(method_meta.default_args[dflt_idx]), ")"
				elif t == TYPE_OBJECT:
					if str(method_meta.default_args[dflt_idx]) == "[Object:null]":
						dflt_text = str(_supported_defaults[t], "null")
						dflt_text = str(
				elif t == TYPE_TRANSFORM:
					#value will be 4 Vector3 and look like: 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 - 0, 0, 0
					var sections = str(method_meta.default_args[dflt_idx]).split("-")
					var vecs = sections[0].split(",")
					var v1 = str("Vector3(", vecs[0], ", ", vecs[1], ", ", vecs[2], ")")
					var v2 = str("Vector3(", vecs[3], ", ", vecs[4], ", ", vecs[5], ")")
					var v3 = str("Vector3(", vecs[6], ", ", vecs[7], ", ", vecs[8], ")")
					var v4 = str("Vector3(", vecs[9], ", ", vecs[10], ", ", vecs[11], ")")
					dflt_text = str(
						_supported_defaults[t], "(", v1, ", ", v2, ", ", v3, ", ", v4, ")"
				elif t == TYPE_TRANSFORM2D:
					# value will look like:  ((1, 0), (0, 1), (0, 0))
					var vectors = str(method_meta.default_args[dflt_idx])
					vectors = vectors.replace("((", "(")
					vectors = vectors.replace("))", ")")
					vectors = vectors.replace("(", "Vector2(")
					dflt_text = str(_supported_defaults[t], "(", vectors, ")")
				elif t == TYPE_RID:
					dflt_text = str(_supported_defaults[t], "null")
					dflt_text = str(_supported_defaults[t], "()")

				# Everything else puts the prefix (if one is there) form _supported_defaults
				# in front.  The to_lower is used b/c for some reason the defaults for
				# null, true, false are all "Null", "True", "False".
					dflt_text = str(
						_supported_defaults[t], str(method_meta.default_args[dflt_idx]).to_lower()
						"Unsupported default param type:  ",,
						" ",
						" = ",
				dflt_text = str("unsupported=", t)
				has_unsupported_defaults = true

		# Finally add in the parameter
		to_return.append( + pname, dflt_text))

	# Add in extra parameters from stub settings.
	if override_size != null:
		for i in range(method_meta.args.size(), override_size):
			var pname = str(PARAM_PREFIX, "arg", i)
			var dflt_text = _make_stub_default(, i)
			to_return.append(, dflt_text))

	return [has_unsupported_defaults, to_return]

# Creates a list of parameters with defaults of null unless a default value is
# found in the metadata.  If a default is found in the meta then it is used if
# it is one we know how support.
# If a default is found that we don't know how to handle then this method will
# return null.
func _get_arg_text(arg_array):
	var text = ""

	for i in range(arg_array.size()):
		text += str(arg_array[i].p_name, "=", arg_array[i].default)
		if i != arg_array.size() - 1:
			text += ", "

	return text

# creates a call to the function in meta in the super's class.
func _get_super_call_text(method_name, args, super_name = ""):
	var params = ""
	for i in range(args.size()):
		params += args[i].p_name
		if i != args.size() - 1:
			params += ", "

	return str(super_name, ".", method_name, "(", params, ")")

func _get_spy_call_parameters_text(args):
	var called_with = "null"

	if args.size() > 0:
		called_with = "["
		for i in range(args.size()):
			called_with += args[i].p_name
			if i < args.size() - 1:
				called_with += ", "
		called_with += "]"

	return called_with

# ###############
# Public
# ###############

# Creates a delceration for a function based off of function metadata.  All
# types whose defaults are supported will have their values.  If a datatype
# is not supported and the parameter has a default, a warning message will be
# printed and the declaration will return null.
func get_function_text(meta, path = null, override_size = null, super_name = ""):
	var method_params = ""
	var text = null
	var result = _make_arg_array(meta, override_size)
	var has_unsupported = result[0]
	var args = result[1]

	var param_array = _get_spy_call_parameters_text(args)

	if has_unsupported:
		# This will cause a runtime error.  This is the most convenient way to
		# to stop running before the error gets more obscure.  _make_arg_array
		# generates a gut error when unsupported defaults are found.
		method_params = null
		method_params = _get_arg_text(args)

	if param_array == "null":
		param_array = "[]"

	if method_params != null:
		var decleration = str("func ",, "(", method_params, "):")
		text = _func_text.format(
				"func_decleration": decleration,
				"param_array": param_array,
				"super_call": _get_super_call_text(, args, super_name)

	return text

func get_logger():
	return _lgr

func set_logger(logger):
	_lgr = logger