# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Used to keep track of info about each test ran. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Test: # indicator if it passed or not. defaults to true since it takes only # one failure to make it not pass. _fail in gut will set this. var passed = true # the name of the function var name = "" # flag to know if the name has been printed yet. var has_printed_name = false # the number of arguments the method has var arg_count = 0 # The number of asserts in the test var assert_count = 0 # if the test has been marked pending at anypont during # execution. var pending = false # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This holds all the meta information for a test script. It contains the # name of the inner class and an array of Test "structs". # # This class also facilitates all the exporting and importing of tests. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class TestScript: var inner_class_name = null var tests = [] var path = null var _utils = null var _lgr = null func _init(utils = null, logger = null): _utils = utils _lgr = logger func to_s(): var to_return = path if inner_class_name != null: to_return += str(".", inner_class_name) to_return += "\n" for i in range(tests.size()): to_return += str(" ", tests[i].name, "\n") return to_return func get_new(): return load_script().new() func load_script(): #print('loading: ', get_full_name()) var to_return = load(path) if inner_class_name != null: # If we wanted to do inner classes in inner classses # then this would have to become some kind of loop or recursive # call to go all the way down the chain or this class would # have to change to hold onto the loaded class instead of # just path information. to_return = to_return.get(inner_class_name) return to_return func get_filename_and_inner(): var to_return = get_scene_file_path() if inner_class_name != null: to_return += "." + inner_class_name return to_return func get_full_name(): var to_return = path if inner_class_name != null: to_return += "." + inner_class_name return to_return func get_scene_file_path(): return path.get_file() func has_inner_class(): return inner_class_name != null # Note: although this no longer needs to export the inner_class names since # they are pulled from metadata now, it is easier to leave that in # so we don't have to cut the export down to unique script names. func export_to(config_file, section): config_file.set_value(section, "path", path) config_file.set_value(section, "inner_class", inner_class_name) var names = [] for i in range(tests.size()): names.append(tests[i].name) config_file.set_value(section, "tests", names) func _remap_path(source_path): var to_return = source_path if !_utils.file_exists(source_path): _lgr.debug("Checking for remap for: " + source_path) var remap_path = source_path.get_basename() + ".gd.remap" if _utils.file_exists(remap_path): var cf = ConfigFile.new() cf.load(remap_path) to_return = cf.get_value("remap", "path") else: _lgr.warn("Could not find remap file " + remap_path) return to_return func import_from(config_file, section): path = config_file.get_value(section, "path") path = _remap_path(path) # Null is an acceptable value, but you can't pass null as a default to # get_value since it thinks you didn't send a default...then it spits # out red text. This works around that. var inner_name = config_file.get_value(section, "inner_class", "Placeholder") if inner_name != "Placeholder": inner_class_name = inner_name else: # just being explicit inner_class_name = null func get_test_named(name): return _utils.search_array(tests, "name", name) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # start test_collector, I don't think I like the name. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var scripts = [] var _test_prefix = "test_" var _test_class_prefix = "Test" var _utils = load("res://addons/gut/utils.gd").get_instance() var _lgr = _utils.get_logger() func _does_inherit_from_test(thing): var base_script = thing.get_base_script() var to_return = false if base_script != null: var base_path = base_script.get_path() if base_path == "res://addons/gut/test.gd": to_return = true else: to_return = _does_inherit_from_test(base_script) return to_return func _populate_tests(test_script): var methods = test_script.load_script().get_script_method_list() for i in range(methods.size()): var name = methods[i]["name"] if name.begins_with(_test_prefix): var t = Test.new() t.name = name t.arg_count = methods[i]["args"].size() test_script.tests.append(t) func _get_inner_test_class_names(loaded): var inner_classes = [] var const_map = loaded.get_script_constant_map() for key in const_map: var thing = const_map[key] if _utils.is_gdscript(thing): if key.begins_with(_test_class_prefix): if _does_inherit_from_test(thing): inner_classes.append(key) else: _lgr.warn( str( "Ignoring Inner Class ", key, " because it does not extend res://addons/gut/test.gd" ) ) # This could go deeper and find inner classes within inner classes # but requires more experimentation. Right now I'm keeping it at # one level since that is what the previous version did and there # has been no demand for deeper nesting. # _populate_inner_test_classes(thing) return inner_classes func _parse_script(test_script): var inner_classes = [] var scripts_found = [] var loaded = load(test_script.path) if _does_inherit_from_test(loaded): _populate_tests(test_script) scripts_found.append(test_script.path) inner_classes = _get_inner_test_class_names(loaded) for i in range(inner_classes.size()): var loaded_inner = loaded.get(inner_classes[i]) if _does_inherit_from_test(loaded_inner): var ts = TestScript.new(_utils, _lgr) ts.path = test_script.path ts.inner_class_name = inner_classes[i] _populate_tests(ts) scripts.append(ts) scripts_found.append(test_script.path + "[" + inner_classes[i] + "]") return scripts_found # ----------------- # Public # ----------------- func add_script(path): # SHORTCIRCUIT if has_script(path): return [] var f = File.new() # SHORTCIRCUIT if !f.file_exists(path): _lgr.error("Could not find script: " + path) return var ts = TestScript.new(_utils, _lgr) ts.path = path scripts.append(ts) return _parse_script(ts) func clear(): scripts.clear() func has_script(path): var found = false var idx = 0 while idx < scripts.size() and !found: if scripts[idx].get_full_name() == path: found = true else: idx += 1 return found func export_tests(path): var success = true var f = ConfigFile.new() for i in range(scripts.size()): scripts[i].export_to(f, str("TestScript-", i)) var result = f.save(path) if result != OK: _lgr.error(str("Could not save exported tests to [", path, "]. Error code: ", result)) success = false return success func import_tests(path): var success = false var f = ConfigFile.new() var result = f.load(path) if result != OK: _lgr.error(str("Could not load exported tests from [", path, "]. Error code: ", result)) else: var sections = f.get_sections() for key in sections: var ts = TestScript.new(_utils, _lgr) ts.import_from(f, key) _populate_tests(ts) scripts.append(ts) success = true return success func get_script_named(name): return _utils.search_array(scripts, "get_filename_and_inner", name) func get_test_named(script_name, test_name): var s = get_script_named(script_name) if s != null: return s.get_test_named(test_name) else: return null func to_s(): var to_return = "" for i in range(scripts.size()): to_return += scripts[i].to_s() + "\n" return to_return # --------------------- # Accessors # --------------------- func get_logger(): return _lgr func set_logger(logger): _lgr = logger func get_test_prefix(): return _test_prefix func set_test_prefix(test_prefix): _test_prefix = test_prefix func get_test_class_prefix(): return _test_class_prefix func set_test_class_prefix(test_class_prefix): _test_class_prefix = test_class_prefix