var thepath = "" var subpath = "" var stubber = null var spy = null var gut = null var from_singleton = null var is_partial = null var double = null const NO_DEFAULT_VALUE = "!__gut__no__default__value__!" func _init(values = null): if values != null: double = values.double thepath = values.thepath subpath = values.subpath stubber = from_id(values.stubber) spy = from_id(values.spy) gut = from_id(values.gut) from_singleton = values.from_singleton is_partial = values.is_partial if gut != null: gut.get_autofree().add_free(double) func from_id(inst_id): if inst_id == -1: return null else: return instance_from_id(inst_id) func should_call_super(method_name, called_with): if stubber != null: return stubber.should_call_super(double, method_name, called_with) else: return false func spy_on(method_name, called_with): if spy != null: spy.add_call(double, method_name, called_with) func get_stubbed_return(method_name, called_with): if stubber != null: return stubber.get_return(double, method_name, called_with) else: return null func default_val(method_name, p_index, default_val = NO_DEFAULT_VALUE): if stubber != null: return stubber.get_default_value(double, method_name, p_index) else: return null func vararg_warning(): if gut != null: gut.get_logger().warn( ( "This method contains a vararg argument and the paramter count was not stubbed. " + "GUT adds extra parameters to this method which should fill most needs. " + "It is recommended that you stub param_count for this object's class to ensure " + "that there are not any parameter count mismatch errors." ) )