# Precompiled Binaries Installing GodotXterm using precompiled binaries means that you won't be required to use a C/C++ compiler to build the project from source. It is simply a matter of copying files to the correct location in your project. These files can be installed from several sources. :::{warning} Precompiled binaries will only work with certain versions of Godot (usually the current stable release). If you need binaries for a different or custom Godot version, or want to make modifications to the C/C++ code, please refer to the section on [Building From Source](/setup/building-from-source). ::: ## Godot Asset Library GodotXterm can be installed from the [Godot Asset Library](https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/1007). See the {{ '[Godot Asset Library documentation]({}/community/asset_library/using_assetlib.html)'.format(godot_docs) }} for more info on how to use it. ## Gd-plug Plugin Manager If you are using the gd-plug plugin manager you can add the following line to your `plug.gd` file: ``` plug("lihop/godot-xterm-dist", {tag = "2.2.1", include = ["addons/godot_xterm"]}) ``` Replace the tag with that of the GodotXterm version you wish to install (see [tags](https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm-dist/tags)). See the [gd-plug documentation](https://github.com/imjp94/gd-plug/blob/master/README.md) for more info on how to use it. ## Manual Installation Alternatively, GodotXterm can be installed manually in two steps: 1. Copy the {{ '[`addons/godot_xterm`]({}/addons/godot_xterm)'.format(repo) }} directory to the `addons` directory of your Godot project. 2. Copy the GDNative binaries into `addons/godot_xterm/native/bin` directory. The easiest way to obtain the GDNative binaries is to download them from [the Releases page](https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/releases). Download the zip archive named `libgodot-xterm-release.zip` and extract its contents into the `/addons/godot_xterm/native/bin` directory of your project. After this your `addons/godot_xterm/native/bin` directory should contain the following files: - `libgodot-xterm.javascript.32.wasm` - `libgodot-xterm.linux.32.so` - `libgodot-xterm.linux.64.so` - `libgodot-xterm.osx.64.dylib` - `libgodot-xterm.windows.32.dll` - `libgodot-xterm.windows.64.dll` :::{note} Debug builds are also available on the Releases page if required. Download and unzip `libgodot-xterm-debug.zip` instead of `libgodot-xterm-release.zip` to the same location. :::