#! /bin/sh # Script to concated the liceneses of the various software components # used by GodotXterm into one file for easy distribution with source # and binary copies of the software. # Based on the format of microsoft/vscodes ThirdPartyNotices.txt file: # https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/blob/main/ThirdPartyNotices.txt out=THIRDPARTY_NOTICES.txt # List of licenses to be concatenated. # Format (space seperated): Software name, Path to license file from git repo root. # When compiling with option 'disable_pty=yes' libuv, node-pty and tmux can be omitted. LICENSES=$(cat <<-END godot ./misc/export_templates/godot/LICENSE.txt godot-cpp ./addons/godot_xterm/native/thirdparty/godot-cpp/LICENSE.md godot-headers ./addons/godot_xterm/native/thirdparty/godot-cpp/godot-headers/LICENSE.md htable ./addons/godot_xterm/native/thirdparty/libtsm/LICENSE_htable libtsm ./addons/godot_xterm/native/thirdparty/libtsm/COPYING libuv ./addons/godot_xterm/native/thirdparty/libuv/LICENSE-full node-pty ./addons/godot_xterm/native/src/node_pty/LICENSE_node-pty tmux ./addons/godot_xterm/native/src/node_pty/LICENSE_tmux wcwidth ./addons/godot_xterm/native/thirdparty/libtsm/external/wcwidth/LICENSE.txt END ) cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) cat < $out THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE NOTICES AND INFORMATION The GodotXterm project incorporates components from the projects listed below. The original copyright notices and the licenses under which GodotXterm received such components are set forth below. EOT i=1 while IFS= read -r line do name=${line% *} echo -e "$i.\t$name" >> $out ((i=i+1)) done <<<"$LICENSES" echo "" >> $out while IFS= read -r line do echo "" >> $out name=${line% *} echo "%% ${name} NOTICES AND INFORMATION BEGIN HERE" >> $out echo "=========================================" >> $out cat $(echo $line | awk '{print $2}') >> $out echo "=========================================" >> $out echo "END OF ${name} NOTICES AND INFORMATION" >> $out done <<<"$LICENSES"