extends Panel onready var _script_list = $ScriptsList onready var _nav_container = $VBox/BottomPanel/VBox/HBox/Navigation onready var _nav = { container = _nav_container, prev = _nav_container.get_node("VBox/HBox/Previous"), next = _nav_container.get_node("VBox/HBox/Next"), run = _nav_container.get_node("VBox/HBox/Run"), current_script = _nav_container.get_node("VBox/CurrentScript"), run_single = _nav_container.get_node("VBox/HBox/RunSingleScript") } onready var _progress_container = $VBox/BottomPanel/VBox/HBox/Progress onready var _progress = { script = _progress_container.get_node("ScriptProgress"), script_xy = _progress_container.get_node("ScriptProgress/xy"), test = _progress_container.get_node("TestProgress"), test_xy = _progress_container.get_node("TestProgress/xy") } onready var _summary = { control = $VBox/TitleBar/HBox/Summary, failing = $VBox/TitleBar/HBox/Summary/Failing, passing = $VBox/TitleBar/HBox/Summary/Passing, asserts = $VBox/TitleBar/HBox/Summary/AssertCount, fail_count = 0, pass_count = 0 } onready var _extras = $ExtraOptions onready var _ignore_pauses = $ExtraOptions/IgnorePause onready var _continue_button = $VBox/BottomPanel/VBox/HBox/Continue/Continue onready var _text_box = $VBox/TextDisplay/RichTextLabel onready var _text_box_container = $VBox/TextDisplay onready var _log_level_slider = $VBox/BottomPanel/VBox/HBox2/LogLevelSlider onready var _resize_handle = $ResizeHandle onready var _current_script = $VBox/BottomPanel/VBox/HBox2/CurrentScriptLabel onready var _title_replacement = $VBox/TitleBar/HBox/TitleReplacement onready var _titlebar = { bar = $VBox/TitleBar, time = $VBox/TitleBar/HBox/Time, label = $VBox/TitleBar/HBox/Title } onready var _user_files = $UserFileViewer var _mouse = {down = false, in_title = false, down_pos = null, in_handle = false} var _is_running = false var _start_time = 0.0 var _time = 0.0 const DEFAULT_TITLE = "GUT" var _pre_maximize_rect = null var _font_size = 20 var _compact_mode = false var min_sizes = { compact = Vector2(330, 100), full = Vector2(740, 300), } signal end_pause signal ignore_pause signal log_level_changed signal run_script signal run_single_script func _ready(): if Engine.editor_hint: return _current_script.text = "" _pre_maximize_rect = get_rect() _hide_scripts() _update_controls() _nav.current_script.set_text("No scripts available") set_title() clear_summary() _titlebar.time.set_text("t: 0.0") _extras.visible = false update() set_font_size(_font_size) set_font("CourierPrime") _user_files.set_position(Vector2(10, 30)) func elapsed_time_as_str(): return str("%.1f" % (_time / 1000.0), "s") func _process(_delta): if _is_running: _time = OS.get_ticks_msec() - _start_time _titlebar.time.set_text(str("t: ", elapsed_time_as_str())) func _draw(): # needs get_size() # Draw the lines in the corner to show where you can # drag to resize the dialog var grab_margin = 3 var line_space = 3 var grab_line_color = Color(.4, .4, .4) if _resize_handle.visible: for i in range(1, 10): var x = rect_size - Vector2(i * line_space, grab_margin) var y = rect_size - Vector2(grab_margin, i * line_space) draw_line(x, y, grab_line_color, 1, true) func _on_Maximize_draw(): # draw the maximize square thing. var btn = $VBox/TitleBar/HBox/Maximize btn.set_text("") var w = btn.get_size().x var h = btn.get_size().y btn.draw_rect(Rect2(0, 2, w, h - 2), Color(0, 0, 0, 1)) btn.draw_rect(Rect2(2, 6, w - 4, h - 8), Color(1, 1, 1, 1)) func _on_ShowExtras_draw(): var btn = $VBox/BottomPanel/VBox/HBox/Continue/ShowExtras btn.set_text("") var start_x = 20 var start_y = 15 var pad = 5 var color = Color(.1, .1, .1, 1) var width = 2 for i in range(3): var y = start_y + pad * i btn.draw_line( Vector2(start_x, y), Vector2(btn.get_size().x - start_x, y), color, width, true ) # #################### # GUI Events # #################### func _on_Run_pressed(): _run_mode() emit_signal("run_script", get_selected_index()) func _on_CurrentScript_pressed(): _toggle_scripts() func _on_Previous_pressed(): _select_script(get_selected_index() - 1) func _on_Next_pressed(): _select_script(get_selected_index() + 1) func _on_LogLevelSlider_value_changed(_value): emit_signal("log_level_changed", _log_level_slider.value) func _on_Continue_pressed(): _continue_button.disabled = true emit_signal("end_pause") func _on_IgnorePause_pressed(): var checked = _ignore_pauses.is_pressed() emit_signal("ignore_pause", checked) if checked: emit_signal("end_pause") _continue_button.disabled = true func _on_RunSingleScript_pressed(): _run_mode() emit_signal("run_single_script", get_selected_index()) func _on_ScriptsList_item_selected(index): var tmr = $ScriptsList/DoubleClickTimer if !tmr.is_stopped(): _run_mode() emit_signal("run_single_script", get_selected_index()) tmr.stop() else: tmr.start() _select_script(index) func _on_TitleBar_mouse_entered(): _mouse.in_title = true func _on_TitleBar_mouse_exited(): _mouse.in_title = false func _input(event): if event is InputEventMouseButton: if event.button_index == 1: _mouse.down = event.pressed if _mouse.down: _mouse.down_pos = event.position if _mouse.in_title: if event is InputEventMouseMotion and _mouse.down: set_position(get_position() + (event.position - _mouse.down_pos)) _mouse.down_pos = event.position _pre_maximize_rect = get_rect() if _mouse.in_handle: if event is InputEventMouseMotion and _mouse.down: var new_size = rect_size + event.position - _mouse.down_pos var new_mouse_down_pos = event.position rect_size = new_size _mouse.down_pos = new_mouse_down_pos _pre_maximize_rect = get_rect() func _on_ResizeHandle_mouse_entered(): _mouse.in_handle = true func _on_ResizeHandle_mouse_exited(): _mouse.in_handle = false func _on_RichTextLabel_gui_input(ev): pass # leaving this b/c it is wired up and might have to send # more signals through func _on_Copy_pressed(): OS.clipboard = _text_box.text func _on_ShowExtras_toggled(button_pressed): _extras.visible = button_pressed func _on_Maximize_pressed(): if get_rect() == _pre_maximize_rect: compact_mode(false) maximize() else: compact_mode(false) rect_size = _pre_maximize_rect.size rect_position = _pre_maximize_rect.position func _on_Minimize_pressed(): compact_mode(!_compact_mode) func _on_Minimize_draw(): # draw the maximize square thing. var btn = $VBox/TitleBar/HBox/Minimize btn.set_text("") var w = btn.get_size().x var h = btn.get_size().y btn.draw_rect(Rect2(0, h - 3, w, 3), Color(0, 0, 0, 1)) func _on_UserFiles_pressed(): _user_files.show_open() # #################### # Private # #################### func _run_mode(is_running = true): if is_running: _start_time = OS.get_ticks_msec() _time = 0.0 clear_summary() _is_running = is_running _hide_scripts() _nav.prev.disabled = is_running _nav.next.disabled = is_running _nav.run.disabled = is_running _nav.current_script.disabled = is_running _nav.run_single.disabled = is_running func _select_script(index): var text = _script_list.get_item_text(index) var max_len = 50 if text.length() > max_len: text = "..." + text.right(text.length() - (max_len - 5)) _nav.current_script.set_text(text) _script_list.select(index) _update_controls() func _toggle_scripts(): if _script_list.visible: _hide_scripts() else: _show_scripts() func _show_scripts(): _script_list.show() func _hide_scripts(): _script_list.hide() func _update_controls(): var is_empty = _script_list.get_selected_items().size() == 0 if is_empty: _nav.next.disabled = true _nav.prev.disabled = true else: var index = get_selected_index() _nav.prev.disabled = index <= 0 _nav.next.disabled = index >= _script_list.get_item_count() - 1 _nav.run.disabled = is_empty _nav.current_script.disabled = is_empty _nav.run_single.disabled = is_empty func _update_summary(): if !_summary: return var total = _summary.fail_count + _summary.pass_count _summary.control.visible = !total == 0 _summary.asserts.text = str("Failures ", _summary.fail_count, "/", total) # #################### # Public # #################### func run_mode(is_running = true): _run_mode(is_running) func set_scripts(scripts): _script_list.clear() for i in range(scripts.size()): _script_list.add_item(scripts[i]) _select_script(0) _update_controls() func select_script(index): _select_script(index) func get_selected_index(): return _script_list.get_selected_items()[0] func get_log_level(): return _log_level_slider.value func set_log_level(value): var new_value = value if new_value == null: new_value = 0 # !! For some reason, _log_level_slider was null, but this wasn't, so # here's another hardcoded node path. $VBox/BottomPanel/VBox/HBox2/LogLevelSlider.value = new_value func set_ignore_pause(should): _ignore_pauses.pressed = should func get_ignore_pause(): return _ignore_pauses.pressed func get_text_box(): # due to some timing issue, this cannot return _text_box but can return # this. return $VBox/TextDisplay/RichTextLabel func end_run(): _run_mode(false) _update_controls() func set_progress_script_max(value): var max_val = max(value, 1) _progress.script.set_max(max_val) _progress.script_xy.set_text(str("0/", max_val)) func set_progress_script_value(value): _progress.script.set_value(value) var txt = str(value, "/", _progress.test.get_max()) _progress.script_xy.set_text(txt) func set_progress_test_max(value): var max_val = max(value, 1) _progress.test.set_max(max_val) _progress.test_xy.set_text(str("0/", max_val)) func set_progress_test_value(value): _progress.test.set_value(value) var txt = str(value, "/", _progress.test.get_max()) _progress.test_xy.set_text(txt) func clear_progress(): _progress.test.set_value(0) _progress.script.set_value(0) func pause(): _continue_button.disabled = false func set_title(title = null): if title == null: _titlebar.label.set_text(DEFAULT_TITLE) else: _titlebar.label.set_text(title) func add_passing(amount = 1): if !_summary: return _summary.pass_count += amount _update_summary() func add_failing(amount = 1): if !_summary: return _summary.fail_count += amount _update_summary() func clear_summary(): _summary.fail_count = 0 _summary.pass_count = 0 _update_summary() func maximize(): if is_inside_tree(): var vp_size_offset = get_tree().root.get_viewport().get_visible_rect().size rect_size = vp_size_offset / get_scale() set_position(Vector2(0, 0)) func clear_text(): _text_box.bbcode_text = "" func scroll_to_bottom(): pass #_text_box.cursor_set_line(_gui.get_text_box().get_line_count()) func _set_font_size_for_rtl(rtl, new_size): if rtl.get("custom_fonts/normal_font") != null: rtl.get("custom_fonts/bold_italics_font").size = new_size rtl.get("custom_fonts/bold_font").size = new_size rtl.get("custom_fonts/italics_font").size = new_size rtl.get("custom_fonts/normal_font").size = new_size func _set_fonts_for_rtl(rtl, base_font_name): pass func set_font_size(new_size): _font_size = new_size _set_font_size_for_rtl(_text_box, new_size) _set_font_size_for_rtl(_user_files.get_rich_text_label(), new_size) func _set_font(rtl, font_name, custom_name): if font_name == null: rtl.set("custom_fonts/" + custom_name, null) else: var dyn_font = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/themes/fonts/regular.tres").duplicate() rtl.set("custom_fonts/" + custom_name, dyn_font) func _set_all_fonts_in_ftl(ftl, base_name): if base_name == "Default": _set_font(ftl, null, "normal_font") _set_font(ftl, null, "bold_font") _set_font(ftl, null, "italics_font") _set_font(ftl, null, "bold_italics_font") else: _set_font(ftl, base_name + "-Regular", "normal_font") _set_font(ftl, base_name + "-Bold", "bold_font") _set_font(ftl, base_name + "-Italic", "italics_font") _set_font(ftl, base_name + "-BoldItalic", "bold_italics_font") set_font_size(_font_size) func set_font(base_name): _set_all_fonts_in_ftl(_text_box, base_name) _set_all_fonts_in_ftl(_user_files.get_rich_text_label(), base_name) func set_default_font_color(color): _text_box.set("custom_colors/default_color", color) func set_background_color(color): _text_box_container.color = color func get_waiting_label(): return $VBox/TextDisplay/WaitingLabel func compact_mode(should): if _compact_mode == should: return _compact_mode = should _text_box_container.visible = !should _nav.container.visible = !should _log_level_slider.visible = !should $VBox/BottomPanel/VBox/HBox/Continue/ShowExtras.visible = !should _titlebar.label.visible = !should _resize_handle.visible = !should _current_script.visible = !should _title_replacement.visible = should if should: rect_min_size = min_sizes.compact rect_size = rect_min_size else: rect_min_size = min_sizes.full rect_size = min_sizes.full goto_bottom_right_corner() func set_script_path(text): _current_script.text = text func goto_bottom_right_corner(): rect_position = get_tree().root.get_viewport().get_visible_rect().size - rect_size