var _Logger = load('res://addons/gut/') # everything should use get_logger var Doubler = load('res://addons/gut/') var Gut = load('res://addons/gut/') var HookScript = load('res://addons/gut/') var MethodMaker = load('res://addons/gut/') var Spy = load('res://addons/gut/') var Stubber = load('res://addons/gut/') var StubParams = load('res://addons/gut/') var Summary = load('res://addons/gut/') var Test = load('res://addons/gut/') var TestCollector = load('res://addons/gut/') var ThingCounter = load('res://addons/gut/') var OneToMany = load('res://addons/gut/') const GUT_METADATA = '__gut_metadata_' enum DOUBLE_STRATEGY{ FULL, PARTIAL } var escape = PoolByteArray([0x1b]).get_string_from_ascii() var CMD_COLORS = { RED = escape + '[31m', YELLOW = escape + '[33m', DEFAULT = escape + '[0m', GREEN = escape + '[32m', UNDERLINE = escape + '[4m', BOLD = escape + '[1m' } func colorize_word(source, word, c): var new_word = c + word + CMD_COLORS.DEFAULT return source.replace(word, new_word) func colorize_text(text): var t = colorize_word(text, 'FAILED', CMD_COLORS.RED) t = colorize_word(t, 'PASSED', CMD_COLORS.GREEN) t = colorize_word(t, 'PENDING', CMD_COLORS.YELLOW) t = colorize_word(t, '[ERROR]', CMD_COLORS.RED) t = colorize_word(t, '[WARNING]', CMD_COLORS.YELLOW) t = colorize_word(t, '[DEBUG]', CMD_COLORS.BOLD) t = colorize_word(t, '[DEPRECATED]', CMD_COLORS.BOLD) t = colorize_word(t, '[INFO]', CMD_COLORS.BOLD) return t var _file_checker = func is_version_30(): var info = Engine.get_version_info() return info.major == 3 and info.minor == 0 func is_version_31(): var info = Engine.get_version_info() return info.major == 3 and info.minor == 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Everything should get a logger through this. # # Eventually I want to make this get a single instance of a logger but I'm not # sure how to do that without everything having to be in the tree which I # DO NOT want to to do. I'm thinking of writings some instance ids to a file # and loading them in the _init for this. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func get_logger(): return # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Returns an array created by splitting the string by the delimiter # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func split_string(to_split, delim): var to_return = [] var loc = to_split.find(delim) while(loc != -1): to_return.append(to_split.substr(0, loc)) to_split = to_split.substr(loc + 1, to_split.length() - loc) loc = to_split.find(delim) to_return.append(to_split) return to_return # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Returns a string containing all the elements in the array separated by delim # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func join_array(a, delim): var to_return = '' for i in range(a.size()): to_return += str(a[i]) if(i != a.size() -1): to_return += str(delim) return to_return # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # return if_null if value is null otherwise return value # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func nvl(value, if_null): if(value == null): return if_null else: return value # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # returns true if the object has been freed, false if not # # From what i've read, the weakref approach should work. It seems to work most # of the time but sometimes it does not catch it. The str comparison seems to # fill in the gaps. I've not seen any errors after adding that check. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func is_freed(obj): var wr = weakref(obj) return !(wr.get_ref() and str(obj) != '[Deleted Object]') func is_not_freed(obj): return !is_freed(obj) func is_double(obj): return obj.get(GUT_METADATA) != null func extract_property_from_array(source, property): var to_return = [] for i in (source.size()): to_return.append(source[i].get(property)) return to_return func file_exists(path): return _file_checker.file_exists(path) func write_file(path, content): var f =, f.WRITE) f.store_string(content) f.close() func is_null_or_empty(text): return text == null or text == '' func get_native_class_name(thing): var to_return = null if(is_native_class(thing)): to_return = return to_return func is_native_class(thing): var it_is = false if(typeof(thing) == TYPE_OBJECT): it_is = str(thing).begins_with("[GDScriptNativeClass:") return it_is # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func get_file_as_text(path): var to_return = '' var f = var result =, f.READ) if(result == OK): to_return = f.get_as_text() f.close() return to_return