# Themes This section explains how you can go about themeing the {{Terminal}} node. ## Default If you add a {{Terminal}} node to your scene without any themes or theme overrides, then the default theme will apply. This default theme is based on the default theme that Godot uses for the {{TextEdit}} and {{CodeEdit}} nodes. ### Font [JetBrains Mono](https://www.jetbrains.com/lp/mono/) is the default font. This is the same default font as the Godot code editor (since version 4). It is not included with the default theme, so we bundle it separately. :::{caution} Only the regular version of the font is included. The **bold**, _italic_, and **_bold italic_** variants are not. If you want these, you'll need to include them in a custom theme. ::: :::{error} This font has support for ligatures (see: [Ligatures for Code](https://github.com/JetBrains/JetBrainsMono?tab=readme-ov-file#ligatures-for-code)). While the engine supports this feature, GodotXterm currently does not, and there are no immediate plans to support it. ::: The default font size is 16. ### Colors GodotXterm uses the same default font color and background color as Godot's {{TextEdit}} and {{CodeEdit}} nodes. :::{note} The default background color of Control nodes is intentionally traslucent. See [the discussion](https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/51159#issuecomment-891126656) on the Godot GitHub repo about this. ::: The default ANSI colors are the same as [the xterm defaults](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors). | FG | BG | Color Name | Theme Item Name | Hex Code Value | Color Block | | --- | --- | -------------- | --------------- | -------------- | -------------------------------------- | | 30 | 40 | Black | ansi_0_color | `#000000` | ██ | | 31 | 41 | Red | ansi_1_color | `#CD0000` | ██ | | 32 | 42 | Green | ansi_2_color | `#00CD00` | ██ | | 33 | 43 | Yellow | ansi_3_color | `#CDCD00` | ██ | | 34 | 44 | Blue | ansi_4_color | `#0000EE` | ██ | | 35 | 45 | Magenta | ansi_5_color | `#CD00CD` | ██ | | 36 | 46 | Cyan | ansi_6_color | `#00CDCD` | ██ | | 37 | 47 | White | ansi_7_color | `#E5E5E5` | ██ | | 90 | 100 | Bright Black | ansi_8_color | `#7F7F7F` | ██ | | 91 | 101 | Bright Red | ansi_9_color | `#FF0000` | ██ | | 92 | 102 | Bright Green | ansi_10_color | `#00FF00` | ██ | | 93 | 103 | Bright Yellow | ansi_11_color | `#FFFF00` | ██ | | 94 | 104 | Bright Blue | ansi_12_color | `#5C5CFF` | ██ | | 95 | 105 | Bright Magenta | ansi_13_color | `#FF00FF` | ██ | | 96 | 106 | Bright Cyan | ansi_14_color | `#00FFFF` | ██ | | 97 | 107 | Bright White | ansi_15_color | `#FFFFFF` | ██ |