class_name GutStringUtils var _utils = load("res://addons/gut/").get_instance() # Hash containing all the built in types in Godot. This provides an English # name for the types that corosponds with the type constants defined in the # engine. var types = {} func _init_types_dictionary(): types[TYPE_AABB] = "AABB" types[TYPE_ARRAY] = "ARRAY" types[TYPE_BASIS] = "BASIS" types[TYPE_BOOL] = "BOOL" types[TYPE_CALLABLE] = "CALLABLE" types[TYPE_COLOR] = "COLOR" types[TYPE_DICTIONARY] = "DICTIONARY" types[TYPE_FLOAT] = "FLOAT" types[TYPE_INT] = "INT" types[TYPE_MAX] = "MAX" types[TYPE_NODE_PATH] = "NODE_PATH" types[TYPE_OBJECT] = "OBJECT" types[TYPE_PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY] = "PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY" types[TYPE_PACKED_COLOR_ARRAY] = "PACKED_COLOR_ARRAY" types[TYPE_PACKED_FLOAT32_ARRAY] = "PACKED_FLOAT32_ARRAY" types[TYPE_PACKED_FLOAT64_ARRAY] = "PACKED_FLOAT64_ARRAY" types[TYPE_PACKED_INT32_ARRAY] = "PACKED_INT32_ARRAY" types[TYPE_PACKED_INT64_ARRAY] = "PACKED_INT64_ARRAY" types[TYPE_PACKED_STRING_ARRAY] = "PACKED_STRING_ARRAY" types[TYPE_PACKED_VECTOR2_ARRAY] = "PACKED_VECTOR2_ARRAY" types[TYPE_PACKED_VECTOR3_ARRAY] = "PACKED_VECTOR3_ARRAY" types[TYPE_PLANE] = "PLANE" types[TYPE_PROJECTION] = "PROJECTION" types[TYPE_QUATERNION] = "QUATERNION" types[TYPE_RECT2] = "RECT2" types[TYPE_RECT2I] = "RECT2I" types[TYPE_RID] = "RID" types[TYPE_SIGNAL] = "SIGNAL" types[TYPE_STRING_NAME] = "STRING_NAME" types[TYPE_STRING] = "STRING" types[TYPE_TRANSFORM2D] = "TRANSFORM2D" types[TYPE_TRANSFORM3D] = "TRANSFORM3D" types[TYPE_VECTOR2] = "VECTOR2" types[TYPE_VECTOR2I] = "VECTOR2I" types[TYPE_VECTOR3] = "VECTOR3" types[TYPE_VECTOR3I] = "VECTOR3I" types[TYPE_VECTOR4] = "VECTOR4" types[TYPE_VECTOR4I] = "VECTOR4I" # Types to not be formatted when using _str var _str_ignore_types = [TYPE_INT, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_STRING, TYPE_NIL, TYPE_BOOL] func _init(): _init_types_dictionary() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func _get_filename(path): return path.split("/")[-1] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Gets the filename of an object passed in. This does not return the # full path to the object, just the filename. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func _get_obj_filename(thing): var filename = null if ( thing == null or _utils.is_native_class(thing) or !is_instance_valid(thing) or str(thing) == "" or typeof(thing) != TYPE_OBJECT or _utils.is_double(thing) ): return if thing.get_script() == null: if thing is PackedScene: filename = _get_filename(thing.resource_path) else: # If it isn't a packed scene and it doesn't have a script then # we do nothing. This just reads better. pass elif !_utils.is_native_class(thing): var dict = inst_to_dict(thing) filename = _get_filename(dict["@path"]) if str(dict["@subpath"]) != "": filename += str("/", dict["@subpath"]) return filename # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Better object/thing to string conversion. Includes extra details about # whatever is passed in when it can/should. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func type2str(thing): var filename = _get_obj_filename(thing) var str_thing = str(thing) if thing == null: # According to str there is a difference between null and an Object # that is somehow null. To avoid getting '[Object:null]' as output # always set it to str(null) instead of str(thing). A null object # will pass typeof(thing) == TYPE_OBJECT check so this has to be # before that. str_thing = str(null) elif typeof(thing) == TYPE_FLOAT: if !"." in str_thing: str_thing += ".0" elif typeof(thing) == TYPE_STRING: str_thing = str('"', thing, '"') elif typeof(thing) in _str_ignore_types: # do nothing b/c we already have str(thing) in # to_return. I think this just reads a little # better this way. pass elif typeof(thing) == TYPE_OBJECT: if _utils.is_native_class(thing): str_thing = _utils.get_native_class_name(thing) elif _utils.is_double(thing): var double_path = _get_filename(thing.__gutdbl.thepath) if thing.__gutdbl.subpath != "": double_path += str("/", thing.__gutdbl.subpath) elif thing.__gutdbl.from_singleton != "": double_path = thing.__gutdbl.from_singleton + " Singleton" var double_type = "double" if thing.__gutdbl.is_partial: double_type = "partial-double" str_thing += str("(", double_type, " of ", double_path, ")") filename = null elif types.has(typeof(thing)): if !str_thing.begins_with("("): str_thing = "(" + str_thing + ")" str_thing = str(types[typeof(thing)], str_thing) if filename != null: str_thing += str("(", filename, ")") return str_thing # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Returns the string truncated with an '...' in it. Shows the start and last # 10 chars. If the string is smaller than max_size the entire string is # returned. If max_size is -1 then truncation is skipped. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func truncate_string(src, max_size): var to_return = src if src.length() > max_size - 10 and max_size != -1: to_return = str( src.substr(0, max_size - 10), "...", src.substr(src.length() - 10, src.length()) ) return to_return func _get_indent_text(times, pad): var to_return = "" for i in range(times): to_return += pad return to_return func indent_text(text, times, pad): if times == 0: return text var to_return = text var ending_newline = "" if text.ends_with("\n"): ending_newline = "\n" to_return = to_return.left(to_return.length() - 1) var padding = _get_indent_text(times, pad) to_return = to_return.replace("\n", "\n" + padding) to_return += ending_newline return padding + to_return