# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This datastructure represents a simple one-to-many relationship. It manages # a dictionary of value/array pairs. It ignores duplicates of both the "one" # and the "many". # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var _items = {} # return the size of _items or the size of an element in _items if "one" was # specified. func size(one = null): var to_return = 0 if one == null: to_return = _items.size() elif _items.has(one): to_return = _items[one].size() return to_return # Add an element to "one" if it does not already exist func add(one, many_item): if _items.has(one) and !_items[one].has(many_item): _items[one].append(many_item) else: _items[one] = [many_item] func clear(): _items.clear() func has(one, many_item): var to_return = false if _items.has(one): to_return = _items[one].has(many_item) return to_return func to_s(): var to_return = "" for key in _items: to_return += str(key, ": ", _items[key], "\n") return to_return