2020-05-17 17:32:06 +07:00

1036 lines
33 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2014 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2012-2013, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License)
# Ported to GDScript by the GodotXterm authors.
# License MIT
extends Reference
const Constants = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/parser/constants.gd")
const BufferConstants = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/buffer/constants.gd")
const Decoder = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/input/text_decoder.gd")
const CellData = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/buffer/cell_data.gd")
const AttributeData = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/buffer/attribute_data.gd")
const EscapeSequenceParser = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/parser/escape_sequence_parser.gd")
const Charsets = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/data/charsets.gd")
const Attributes = BufferConstants.Attributes
const C0 = Constants.C0
const C1 = Constants.C1
const FgFlags = BufferConstants.FgFlags
const BgFlags = BufferConstants.BgFlags
const UnderlineStyle = BufferConstants.UnderlineStyle
const GLEVEL = {'(': 0, ')': 1, '*': 2, '+': 3, '-': 1, '.': 2}
const STACK_LIMIT = 10
var DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_DATA = AttributeData.new()
signal line_fed
signal cursor_moved
signal bell_requested
signal refresh_rows_requested(start_row, end_row)
signal reset_requested
signal scroll_requested
signal windows_options_report_requested
signal scrollbar_sync_requested
var _buffer_service
var _core_service
var _charset_service
var _options_service
var _parser
var _parse_buffer: Array = []
var _utf8_decoder = Decoder.Utf8ToUtf32.new()
var _cur_attr_data = AttributeData.new()
var _erase_attr_data_internal = AttributeData.new()
var _work_cell = CellData.new()
var _parse_thread: Thread = Thread.new()
var _buffer setget ,_get_buffer
var buffer setget _set_buffer,_get_buffer
func _set_buffer(buffer) -> void:
buffer = buffer
func _get_buffer():
return _buffer_service.buffer
func _init(buffer_service, core_service, charset_service, options_service,
parser = EscapeSequenceParser.new()):
_buffer_service = buffer_service
_core_service = core_service
_charset_service = charset_service
_options_service = options_service
_parser = parser
buffer = _buffer_service.buffer
_buffer_service.connect("buffer_activated", self, "_set_buffer")
# Print handler
_parser.set_print_handler(self, "print")
# Execute handlers
_parser.set_execute_handler(C0.BEL, self, 'bell')
_parser.set_execute_handler(C0.LF, self, 'line_feed')
_parser.set_execute_handler(C0.VT, self, 'line_feed')
_parser.set_execute_handler(C0.FF, self, 'line_feed')
_parser.set_execute_handler(C0.CR, self, 'carriage_return')
_parser.set_execute_handler(C0.BS, self, 'backspace')
_parser.set_execute_handler(C0.HT, self, 'insert_tab');
_parser.set_execute_handler(C0.SO, self, 'shift_out')
_parser.set_execute_handler(C0.SI, self, 'shift_in')
_parser.set_execute_handler(C1.IND, self, 'index')
_parser.set_execute_handler(C1.NEL, self, 'next_line')
_parser.set_execute_handler(C1.HTS, self, 'tab_set')
# CSI handlers
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': '@'}, self, 'insert_chars')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'intermediates': ' ', 'final': '@'}, self, 'scroll_left')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'A'}, self, 'cursor_up')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'intermediates': ' ', 'final': 'A'}, self, 'scroll_right')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'B'}, self, 'cursor_down')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'C'}, self, 'cursor_forward')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'D'}, self, 'cursor_backward')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'E'}, self, 'cursor_nextLine')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'F'}, self, 'cursor_precedingLine')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'G'}, self, 'cursor_char_absolute')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'H'}, self, 'cursor_position')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'I'}, self, 'cursor_forward_tab')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'J'}, self, 'erase_in_display')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'prefix': '?', 'final': 'J'}, self, 'erase_in_display')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'K'}, self, 'erase_in_line')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'prefix': '?', 'final': 'K'}, self, 'erase_in_line')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'L'}, self, 'insert_lines')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'M'}, self, 'delete_lines')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'P'}, self, 'delete_chars')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'S'}, self, 'scroll_up')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'T'}, self, 'scroll_down')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'X'}, self, 'erase_chars')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'Z'}, self, 'cursor_backward_tab')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': '`'}, self, 'char_pos_absolute')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'a'}, self, 'h_position_relative')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'b'}, self, 'repeat_preceding_character')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'c'}, self, 'send_device_attributes_primary')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'prefix': '>', 'final': 'c'}, self, 'send_device_attributes_secondary')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'd'}, self, 'line_pos_absolute')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'e'}, self, 'v_position_relative')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'f'}, self, 'h_v_position')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'g'}, self, 'tab_clear')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'h'}, self, 'set_mode')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'prefix': '?', 'final': 'h'}, self, 'set_mode_private')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'l'}, self, 'reset_mode')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'prefix': '?', 'final': 'l'}, self, 'reset_mode_private')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'm'}, self, 'char_attributes')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'n'}, self, 'device_status')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'prefix': '?', 'final': 'n'}, self, 'device_status_private')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'intermediates': '!', 'final': 'p'}, self, 'soft_reset')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'intermediates': ' ', 'final': 'q'}, self, 'set_cursor_style')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'r'}, self, 'set_scroll_region')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 's'}, self, 'save_cursor')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 't'}, self, 'window_options')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'u'}, self, 'restore_cursor')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'intermediates': '\'', 'final': '}'}, self, 'insert_columns')
_parser.set_csi_handler({'intermediates': '\'', 'final': '~'}, self, 'delete_columns')
#func parse(data) -> void:
# if _parse_thread.is_active():
# _parse_thread.wait_to_finish()
# _parse_thread.start(self, "_parse_async", data)
func parse(data) -> void:
var buffer = _buffer_service.buffer
var cursor_start_x = buffer.x
var cursor_start_y = buffer.y
var data_length = data.length() if typeof(data) == TYPE_STRING else data.size()
# resize input buffer if needed
if _parse_buffer.size() < data_length and _parse_buffer.size() < MAX_PARSEBUFFER_LENGTH:
_parse_buffer.resize(min(data_length, MAX_PARSEBUFFER_LENGTH))
# process big data in smaller chunks
if data_length > MAX_PARSEBUFFER_LENGTH:
var i = 0
while i < data_length:
var end = i + MAX_PARSEBUFFER_LENGTH if i + MAX_PARSEBUFFER_LENGTH < data_length else data_length
var length
match typeof(data):
length = _utf8_decoder.decode(data.to_utf8(), _parse_buffer)
length = _utf8_decoder.decode(data, _parse_buffer)
length = data.size()
_parse_buffer = data.duplicate()
_parser.parse(_parse_buffer, length)
var length
match typeof(data):
length = _utf8_decoder.decode(data.to_utf8(), _parse_buffer)
length = _utf8_decoder.decode(data, _parse_buffer)
length = data.size()
_parse_buffer = data.duplicate()
_parser.parse(_parse_buffer, length)
buffer = _buffer_service.buffer
if (buffer.x != cursor_start_x or buffer.y != cursor_start_y):
# Refresh all rows.
# TODO: Refresh only dirty rows accumulated as part of parsing.
func _exit_tree():
func print(data: Array, start: int, end: int) -> void:
var code: int
var ch_width: int
var buffer = _buffer_service.buffer
var charset = _charset_service.charset
var screen_reader_mode = _options_service.options.screen_reader_mode
var cols = _buffer_service.cols
var wraparound_mode = true #TODO _core_service.modes.wraparound
var insert_mode = false # TODO FIXME! _core_service.modes.insert_mode
var cur_attr = _cur_attr_data
var buffer_row = buffer.lines.get_el(buffer.ybase + buffer.y)
# TODO: dirtyRowService stuff
# handle wide chars: reset start_cell-1 if we would overwrite the second cell of a wide char
if buffer.x and end - start > 0 and buffer_row.get_width(buffer.x - 1) == 2:
buffer_row.set_cell_from_codepoint(buffer.x - 1, 0, 1, cur_attr.fg, cur_attr.bg, cur_attr.extended)
for pos in range(start, end):
code = data[pos]
# calculate print space
# expensive call, therefore we save width in line buffer
ch_width = char(code).length() # FIXME
# get charset replacement character
# charset is only defined for ASCII, therefore we only
# search for an replacement char if code < 127
if code < 127 and charset:
var ch = charset[char(code)]
if ch:
code = ch.ord_at(0)
if screen_reader_mode:
# TODO: Handle A11y
# insert combining char at last cursor position
# buffer.x should never be 0 for a combining char
# since they always follow a cell consuming char
# therefore we can test for buffer.x to avoid oveflow left
if (not ch_width) and buffer.x:
if not buffer_row.get_width(buffer.x - 1):
# found empty cell after full_width, need to go 2 cells back
# it is save to step 2 cells back here
# since an empty cell is only set by full_width chars
buffer_row.add_codepoint_to_cell(buffer.x - 2, code)
buffer_row.add_codepoint_to_cell(buffer.x - 1, code)
# goto next line if ch would overflow
# NOTE: To avoid costly width checks here,
# the terminal does not allow a cols < 2
if buffer.x + ch_width - 1 >= cols:
# autowrap - DECAWM
# automatically wraps to the beginning of the next line
if wraparound_mode:
while buffer.x < cols:
buffer_row.set_cell_from_codepoint(buffer.x, 0, 1, cur_attr.fg, cur_attr.bg, cur_attr.extended)
buffer.x += 1
buffer.x = 0
buffer.y += 1
if buffer.y == buffer.scroll_bottom + 1:
buffer.y -= 1
emit_signal("scroll_requested", _erase_attr_data(), true)
if buffer.y >= _buffer_service.rows:
buffer.y = _buffer_service.rows - 1
# The line already exists (e.g. the initial viewport), mark it as a
# wrapped line
buffer.lines.get_el(buffer.ybase + buffer.y).is_wrapped = true
# row changed, get it again
buffer_row = buffer.lines.get_el(buffer.ybase + buffer.y)
buffer.x = cols - 1
if ch_width == 2:
# FIXME: check for xterm behavior
# What to do here? We got a wide char that does not fit into last cell
# insert mode: move characters to right
if insert_mode:
# right shift cells according to the width
buffer_row.insert_cells(buffer.x, ch_width, buffer.get_null_cell(cur_attr), cur_attr)
# test last cell - since the last cell has only room for
# a halfwidth char any fullwidth shifted there is lost
# and will be set to empty cell
if buffer_row.get_width(cols - 1) == 2:
buffer_row.set_cell_from_codepoint(cols - 1, Constants.NULL_CELL_CODE, Constants.NULL_CELL_WIDTH, cur_attr.fg, cur_attr.bg, cur_attr.extended)
# write current char to buffer and advance cursor
buffer_row.set_cell_from_codepoint(buffer.x, code, ch_width, cur_attr.fg, cur_attr.bg, cur_attr.extended)
buffer.x += 1
# fullwidth char - also set next cell to placeholder stub and advance cursor
# for graphemes bigger than fullwidth we can simply loop to zero
# we already made sure above, that buffer.x + ch_width will not overflow right
if ch_width > 0:
ch_width -= 1
while ch_width:
# other than a regular empty cell a cell following a wide char has no width
buffer_row.set_cell_from_codepoint(buffer.x, 0, 0, cur_attr.fg, cur_attr.bg, cur_attr.extended)
buffer.x += 1
ch_width -= 1
# Store last char in Parser.preceding_codepoint for REP to work correctly
# This needs to check whether:
# - fullwidth + surrogates: reset
# - combining: only base char gets carried on (bug in xterm?)
if end - start > 0:
buffer_row.load_cell(buffer.x - 1, _work_cell)
if _work_cell.get_width() == 2 or _work_cell.get_code() > 0xFFFF:
_parser.preceding_codepoint = 0
elif _work_cell.is_combined():
_parser.preceding_codepoint = _work_cell.get_chars().ord_at(0)
_parser.preceding_codepoint = _work_cell.content
# handle wide chars: reset cell to the right if it is second cell of a wide char
if buffer.x < cols and end - start > 0 and buffer_row.get_width(buffer.x) == 0 and not buffer_row.has_content(buffer.x):
buffer_row.set_cell_from_codepoint(buffer.x, 0, 1, cur_attr.fg, cur_attr.bg, cur_attr.extended)
# TODO dirty row stuff
# _dirty_row_service.mark_dirty(buffer.y)
func bell():
func line_feed():
var buffer = _buffer_service.buffer
if _options_service.options.convert_eol:
buffer.x = 0
buffer.y += 1
if buffer.y == buffer.scroll_bottom + 1:
buffer.y -= 1
elif buffer.y >= _buffer_service.rows:
buffer.y = _buffer_service.rows - 1
# If the end of the line is hit, prevent this action from wrapping around to the next line.
if buffer.x >= _buffer_service.cols:
buffer.x -= 1
func carriage_return():
_buffer_service.buffer.x = 0
func backspace():
var buffer = _buffer_service.buffer
# reverse wrap-around is disabled
if not _core_service.dec_private_modes.reverse_wraparound:
if buffer.x > 0:
buffer.x -= 1
# reverse wrap-around is enabled
# other than for normal operation mode, reverse wrap-around allows the cursor
# to be at x=cols to be able to address the last cell of a row by BS
if buffer.x > 0:
buffer.x -= 1
# reverse wrap-around handling:
# Our implementation deviates from xterm on purpose. Details:
# - only previous soft NLs can be reversed (is_wrapped=true)
# - only works within scrollborders (top/bottom, left/right not yet supported)
# - cannot peek into scrollbuffer
# - any cursor movement sequence keeps working as expected
if buffer.x == 0 \
and buffer.y > buffer.scroll_top \
and buffer.y <= buffer.scroll_bottom \
and buffer.lines.get_el(buffer.ybase + buffer.y).is_wrapped:
buffer.lines.get_el(buffer.ybase + buffer.y).is_wrapped = false
buffer.y -= 1
buffer.x = _buffer_service.cols - 1
# find last taken cell - last can have 3 different states:
# - has_content(true) + has_width(1): narrow char - we are done
# - has_width(0): second part of a wide char - we are done
# - has_content(false) + has_width(1): empty cell due to early wrapping wide char, go one cell further back
var line = buffer.lines.get_el(buffer.ybase + buffer.y)
if line.has_width(buffer.x) and line.has_content(buffer.x):
buffer.x -= 1
# We do this only once, since width=1 + has_content= false currently happens only once before
# early wrapping of a wide char.
# This needs to be fixed once we support graphemes taking more than 2 cells.
func tab():
if _buffer_service.buffer.x >= _buffer_service.cols:
var original_x = _buffer_service.buffer.x
_buffer_service.buffer.x = _buffer_service.buffer.next_stop()
# TODO A11y
func shift_out():
func shift_in():
func _restrict_cursor(max_col: int = _buffer_service.cols - 1) -> void:
var buffer = _buffer_service.buffer
self._buffer.x = min(max_col, max(0, self._buffer.x))
if _core_service.dec_private_modes.origin:
self._buffer.y = min(self._buffer.scroll_bottom, max(self._buffer.scroll_top, self._buffer.y))
self._buffer.y = min(_buffer_service.rows - 1, max(0, self._buffer.y))
# _dirty_row_service.mark_dirty(_buffer_service.buffer.y)
# Set absolute cursor position.
func _set_cursor(x: int, y: int) -> void:
# _dirty_row_service.mark_dirty(self._buffer.y)
if _core_service.dec_private_modes.origin:
self._buffer.x = x
self._buffer.y = self._buffer.scroll_top + y
self._buffer.x = x
self._buffer.y = y
# Set relative cursor position.
func _move_cursor(x: int, y: int) -> void:
# for relative changes we have to make sure we are within 0 .. cols/rows - 1
# before calculating the new position
_set_cursor(self._buffer.y + x, self._buffer.y + y)
func index():
print("TODO: index")
func next_line():
print("TODO: next_line")
func tab_set():
print("TODO: tab_set")
func insert_chars(params):
print("TODO: insert_chars")
func scroll_left(params):
print("TODO: scroll_left")
func cursor_up(params) -> void:
# stop at scroll_top
var diff_to_top = self._buffer.y - self._buffer.scroll_top
if diff_to_top >= 0:
_move_cursor(0, -min(diff_to_top, params.get_param(0, 1)))
_move_cursor(0, -params.get_param(0, 1))
func scroll_right(params):
print("TODO: scroll_right")
func cursor_down(params):
# stop at scroll_bottom
var diff_to_bottom = self._buffer.scroll_bottom - self._buffer.y
if diff_to_bottom >= 0:
_move_cursor(0, min(diff_to_bottom, params[0] if params[0] else 1))
_move_cursor(0, params.get_param(0, 1))
func cursor_forward(params):
_move_cursor(params.get_param(0, 1), 0)
func cursor_backward(params):
_move_cursor(-params.get_param(0, 1), 0)
func cursor_next_line(params):
self._buffer.x = 0
func cursor_preceding_line(params):
self._buffer.x = 0
func cursor_char_absolute(params):
_set_cursor(params.get_param(0, 1) - 1, self._buffer.y)
func cursor_position(params):
# col
(params.get_param(1, 1)) - 1 if params.size() >= 2 else 0,
# row
(params.get_param(0, 1)) - 1
func char_pos_absolute(params) -> void:
_set_cursor((params[0] if params[0] else 1) - 1, self._buffer.y)
func h_position_relative(params):
_move_cursor(params[0] if params[0] else 1, 0)
func line_pos_absolute(params):
_set_cursor(self._buffer.x, params.get_param(0, 1) - 1)
func v_position_relative(params):
_move_cursor(0, params[0] if params[0] else 1)
func h_v_position(params):
# CSI Ps g Tab Clear (TBC).
# Ps = 0 -> Clear Current Column (default).
# Ps = 3 -> Clear All.
# Potentially:
# Ps = 2 -> Clear Stops on Line.
# http://vt100.net/annarbor/aaa-ug/section6.html
# @vt: #Y CSI TBC "Tab Clear" "CSI Ps g" "Clear tab stops at current position (0) or all (3) (default=0)."
# Clearing tabstops off the active row (Ps = 2, VT100) is currently not supported.
func tab_clear(params) -> void:
match params[0]:
self._buffer.tabs = {}
0, _:
# CSI Ps I
# Cursor Forward Tabulation Ps tab stops (default = 1) (CHT).
# @vt: #Y CSI CHT "Cursor Horizontal Tabulation" "CSI Ps I" "Move cursor `Ps` times tabs forward (default=1)."
func cursor_forward_tab(params) -> void:
if self._buffer.x >= self._buffer.cols:
var param = params[0] if params[0] else 1
while param:
self._buffer.x = self._buffer.next_stop()
param -= 1
func cursor_backward_tab(params) -> void:
if self._buffer.x >= _buffer_service.cols:
var param = params[0] if params[0] else 1
while param:
self._buffer.x = self._buffer.buffer.prev_stop()
param -= 1
# Helper method to erase cells in a terminal row.
# The cell gets replaced with the eraseChar of the terminal.
# params:
# - `y` row index
# - `start` first cell index to be erased
# - `end` end - 1 is last erased cell
func _erase_in_buffer_line(y: int, start: int, end: int, clear_wrap: bool = false) -> void:
var line = self._buffer.lines.get_el(self._buffer.ybase + y)
line.replace_cells(start, end, self._buffer.get_null_cell(_erase_attr_data()),
if clear_wrap:
line.is_wrapped = false
# Helper method to reset cells in a terminal row.
# The cell gets replaced with the eraseChar of the terminal and the isWrapped property is set to false.
# `y` is the row index
func _reset_buffer_line(y: int) -> void:
var line = self._buffer.lines.get_el(self._buffer.ybase + y)
line.is_wrapped = false
func erase_in_display(params) -> void:
var j
match params.get_param(0):
j = self._buffer.y
# _dirty_row_service.mark_dirty(j)
_erase_in_buffer_line(j, self._buffer.x, _buffer_service.cols, self._buffer.x == 0)
j += 1
while j < _buffer_service.rows:
j += 1
# _dirty_row_service.mark_dirty(j)
j = self._buffer.y
# _dirty_row_service.mark_dirty(j)
# Deleted front part of line and everything before. This line will no longer be wrapped.
_erase_in_buffer_line(j, 0, self._buffer.x + 1, true)
if self._buffer.x + 1 >= _buffer_service.cols:
# Deleted entire previous line. This next line can no longer be wrapped.
self._buffer.lines.get_el(j + 1).is_wrapped = false
j -= 1
while j >= 0:
j -= 1
# _dirty_row_service.mark_dirty(0)
j = _buffer_service.rows
# _dirty_row_service.mark_dirty(j - 1)
while j:
j -= 1
# _dirty_row_sevice.mark_dirty(0)
# Clear scrollback (everything not in viewport)
var scrollback_size = self._buffer.lines.length - _buffer_service.rows
if scrollback_size > 0:
self._buffer.ybase = max(self._buffer.ybase - scrollback_size, 0)
self._buffer.ydisp = max(self._buffer.ydisp - scrollback_size, 0)
# Force a scroll to refresh viewport
emit_signal("scroll_requested", 0)
func erase_in_line(params):
match params.get_param(0):
_erase_in_buffer_line(buffer.y, buffer.x, _buffer_service.cols)
_erase_in_buffer_line(buffer.y, 0, buffer.x + 1)
_erase_in_buffer_line(buffer.y, 0, _buffer_service.cols)
func insert_lines(params):
print("TODO: insert_lines")
func delete_lines(params):
print("TODO: delete_lines")
func delete_chars(params) -> void:
var line = buffer.lines.get_el(buffer.ybase + buffer.y)
if line:
line.delete_cells(buffer.x, params.get_param(0, 1),
buffer.get_null_cell(_erase_attr_data()), _erase_attr_data())
func scroll_up(params):
print("TODO: scroll_up")
func scroll_down(params):
print("TODO: scroll_down")
func erase_chars(params) -> void:
var line = buffer.lines.get_el(buffer.ybase + buffer.y)
if line:
line.replace_cells(buffer.x, buffer.x + params.get_param(0, 1),
buffer.get_null_cell(_erase_attr_data()), _erase_attr_data())
func repeat_preceding_character(params) -> void:
if not _parser.preceding_codepoint:
# call print to insert the chars and handle correct wrapping
var length = params.get_param(0, 1)
var data = []
for _i in range(length):
self.print(data, 0, length)
func send_device_attributes_primary(params):
print("TODO: send dev attr primary")
func send_device_attributes_secondary(params):
print("TODO: send dev attr second")
func set_mode(params):
print("TODO: set mode")
func reset_mode(params) -> void:
for param in params.params:
match param:
_core_service.modes.insert_mode = false
#this._t.convertEol = false
func char_attributes(params):
# Optimize a single SGR0
if params.size() == 1 and params[0] == 0:
_cur_attr_data.fg = DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_DATA.fg
_cur_attr_data.bg = DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_DATA.bg
var attr = _cur_attr_data
for p in params.to_array():
if p >= 30 and p <= 37:
# fg color 8
attr.fg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK)
attr.fg |= Attributes.CM_P16 | (p - 30)
elif p >= 40 and p <= 47:
# bg color 8
attr.bg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK)
attr.bg |= Attributes.CM_P16 | (p - 40)
elif p >= 90 and p <= 97:
# fg color 16
attr.fg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK)
attr.fg |= Attributes.CM_P16 | (p - 90) | 8
elif p >= 100 and p <= 107:
# bg color 16
attr.bg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK)
attr.bg |= Attributes.CM_P16 | (p - 100) | 8
elif p == 0:
# default
elif p == 1:
# bold text
attr.fg |= FgFlags.BOLD
elif p == 3:
# italic text
attr.bg |= BgFlags.ITALIC
elif p == 4:
# underlined text
attr.fg |= FgFlags.UNDERLINE
_process_underline(p.get_sub_params()[0] if p.has_sub_params() else UnderlineStyle.SINGLE, attr)
func device_status(params):
print("TODO: dev stat")
func device_status_private(params):
print("TODO: dev stat priv")
func soft_reset(params):
print("TODO: soft reset")
func set_cursor_style(params):
print("TODO: set cur styl")
func set_scroll_region(params) -> void:
var top = params.get_param(0, 1)
var bottom = params.get_param(1, 0)
if bottom > _buffer_service.rows or bottom == 0:
bottom = _buffer_service.rows
if bottom > top:
buffer.scroll_top = top - 1
buffer.scroll_bottom = bottom - 1
_set_cursor(0, 0)
func save_cursor(params = null):
self._buffer.saved_x = self._buffer.x
self._buffer.saved_y = self._buffer.ybase + self._buffer.y
self._buffer.saved_cur_attr_data.fg = _cur_attr_data.fg
self._buffer.saved_cur_attr_data.bg = _cur_attr_data.bg
self._buffer.saved_charset = _charset_service.charset
func window_options(params):
var second = params.get_param(1, 0)
match params.get_param(0):
func insert_columns(params):
print("TODO: insert_columns")
func delete_columns(params):
print("TODO: delete_cols")
func set_mode_private(params) -> void:
for param in params.params:
match param:
_core_service.dec_private_modes.application_cursor_keys = true
_charset_service.set_gcharset(0, Charsets.DEFAULT_CHARSET)
_charset_service.set_gcharset(1, Charsets.DEFAULT_CHARSET)
_charset_service.set_gcharset(2, Charsets.DEFAULT_CHARSET)
_charset_service.set_gcharset(3, Charsets.DEFAULT_CHARSET)
# set VT100 mode here
# DECCOLM - 132 column mode.
# This is only active if 'set_win_lines' (24) is enabled
# through `options.window_options`.
if _options_service.options.window_options.set_win_lines:
_buffer_service.resize(132, _buffer_service.rows)
_core_service.dec_private_modes.origin = true
_set_cursor(0, 0)
_core_service.dec_private_modes.wraparound = true
# cursor_blink = true
# TODO handle cursor blink
_core_service.dec_private_modes.reverse_wraparound = true
_core_service.dec_private_modes.application_keypad = true
9: # X10 Mouse
# no release, no motion, no wheel, no modifiers.
# _core_mouse_service.active_protocal = 'X10'
1000: # vt200 mouse
1002: # button event mouse
1003: # any event mouse
1004: # send focusin/focusout events
# focusin: ^[[I
# focusout: ^[[O
_core_service.dec_private_modes.send_focus = true
1005: # utf8 ext mode mouse - removed in # 2507
1006: # sgr ext mode mouse
25: # show cursor
_core_service.is_cursor_hidden = false
1048: # alt screen cursor
1049: # alt screen buffer cursor
47, 1047, 1049: # alt screen buffer
_core_service.is_cursor_initialized = true
emit_signal("refresh_rows_requested", 0, _buffer_service.rows - 1)
2004: # bracketed paste mode (https://cirw.in/blog/bracketed-paste)
_core_service.dec_private_modes.bracketed_paste_mode = true
func reset_mode_private(params):
for param in params.to_array():
match param:
_core_service.dec_private_modes.application_cursor_keys = false
# DECCOLM - 80 column mode.
# This is only active if 'set_win_lines' (24) is enabled
# through `options.windows_options`.
if _options_service.options.window_options.get("set_win_lines", false):
_buffer_service.resize(80, _buffer_service.rows)
_core_service.dec_private_modes.origin = false
_set_cursor(0, 0)
_core_service.dec_private_modes.wraparound = false
# cursor_blink = false
# TODO: Handle cursor_blink
_core_service.dec_private_modes.reverse_wraparound = false
_core_service.dec_private_modes.application_keypad = false
9, 1000, 1002, 1003:
# X10 Mouse, vt200 mouse, button event mouse and any event mouse respectively.
# TODO: Core mouse service
# _core_mouse_service.active_protocal = "NONE"
1004: # send focusin/focusout events
_core_service.dec_private_modes.send_focus = false
1005: # utf8 ext mode mouse - removed in #2507
1006: # sgr ext mode mouse
1015: # urxvt ext mode mouse - removed in #2507
25: # hide cursor
_core_service.is_cursor_hidden = true
1048: # alt screen cursor
1049, 47, 1047:
# Ensure the selection manager has the correct buffer.
if param == 1049:
_core_service.is_cursor_initialized = true
emit_signal("refresh_rows_requested", 0, _buffer_service.rows - 1)
2004: # bracketed paste mode (https://cirw.in/blog/bracketed-paste)
_core_service.dec_private_modes.bracketed_paste_mode = false
# Helper to write color information packed with color mode.
func _update_attr_color(color: int, mode: int, c1: int, c2: int, c3: int) -> int:
if mode == 2:
color |= Attributes.CM_RGB
color &= ~Attributes.RGB_MASK
color |= AttributeData.from_color_rgb([c1, c2, c3])
elif mode == 5:
color &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK)
color |= Attributes.CM_P256 | (c1 & 0xff)
return color
# Helper to extract and apply color params/subparams.
# Returns advance for params index.
func _extract_color(params: Array, pos: int, attr) -> int:
# normalize params
# meaning: [target, CM, ign, val, val, val]
# RGB : [ 38/34, 2, ign, r, g, b]
# P256 : [ 38/34, 5, ign, v, ign, ign]
var accu = [0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0]
# alignment placeholder for non color space sequences
var c_space = 0
# return advance we took in params
var advance = -1
while advance + pos < params.size() and advance + c_space < accu.size():
accu[advance + c_space] = params[pos + advance]
advance += 1
return advance
func restore_cursor(params = null) -> void:
self._buffer.x = self._buffer.saved_x if self._buffer.saved_x else 0
self._buffer.y = max(self._buffer.saved_y - self._buffer.ybase, 0)
_cur_attr_data.fg = self._buffer.saved_cur_attr_data.fg
_cur_attr_data.bg = self._buffer.saved_cur_attr_data.bg
# FIXME _charset_service.charset = _saved_charset
if self._buffer.saved_charset:
_charset_service.charset = self._buffer.saved_charset
# C1.RI
# DEC mnemonic: HTS
# Moves the cursor up one line in the same column. If the cursor is at the top margin,
# the page scrolls down.
# @vt: #Y ESC IR "Reverse Index" "ESC M" "Move the cursor one line up scrolling if needed."
func reverse_index() -> void:
# if self._buffer.y == self._buffer.scroll_top:
# # possibly move the code below to term.reverse_scroll()
# # test: echo -ne '\e[1;1H\e[44m\eM\e[0m'
# # blankLine(true) is xterm/linux behavior
# var scroll_region_height = self._buffer.scroll_bottom - self._buffer.scroll_top
# self._buffer.lines.shiftElements(buffer.ybase + buffer.y, scrollRegionHeight, 1);
# buffer.lines.set(buffer.ybase + buffer.y, buffer.getBlankLine(this._eraseAttrData()));
# this._dirtyRowService.markRangeDirty(buffer.scrollTop, buffer.scrollBottom);
# else
# self._buffer.y -= 1
# _restrict_cursor() # quickfix to not run out of bounds
# ESC c
# DEC mnemonic: RIS (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/RIS.html)
# Reset to initial state.
func full_reset() -> void:
func reset() -> void:
_erase_attr_data_internal = DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_DATA
func _process_underline(style: int, attr) -> void:
# treat extended attrs as immutable, thus always clone from old one
# this is needed since the buffer only holds references to it
attr.extended = attr.extended.duplicate() # BEWARE. Maybe don't do this!
# default to 1 == single underline
if not ~style or style > 5:
style = 1
attr.extended.underline_style = style
attr.fg |= FgFlags.UNDERLINE
# 0 deactivates underline
if style == 0:
attr.fg &= ~FgFlags.UNDERLINE
# update HAS_EXTENDED in BG
# back_color_erase feature for xterm.
func _erase_attr_data():
_erase_attr_data_internal.bg &= ~(Attributes.CM_MASK | 0xFFFFFF)
_erase_attr_data_internal.bg |= _cur_attr_data.bg & ~0xFC000000
return _erase_attr_data_internal