2020-05-17 17:32:06 +07:00

250 lines
7.8 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2017 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.
# Ported to GDScript by the GodotXterm authors.
# License MIT
extends Reference
const Constants = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/buffer/constants.gd")
const AttributeData = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/buffer/attribute_data.gd")
const CanvasRenderingContext2D = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/renderer/canvas_rendering_context_2d.gd")
const Attributes = Constants.Attributes
# TODO: Something about these consts and atlas
const INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR = Color(0, 0, 0, 1)
const DEFAULT_COLOR = Color(1, 1, 1, 0)
var _container: Node
var id: String
var z_index: int
var _alpha: bool
var _colors
var _renderer_id: int
var _buffer_service
var _options_service
var _ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D
var _scaled_char_width: int = 0
var _scaled_char_height: int = 0
var _scaled_cell_width: int = 0
var _scaled_cell_height: int = 0
var _scaled_char_left: int = 0
var _scaled_char_top: int = 0
var _char_atlas
# An object that's reused when drawing glyphs in order to reduce GC.
class GlyphIdentifier:
extends Reference
var chars = ''
var code = 0
var bg = 0
var fg = 0
var bold = false
var dim = false
var italic = false
var _current_glyph_identifier = GlyphIdentifier.new()
func _init(container: Node, id: String, z_index: int, alpha: bool,
colors: Dictionary, renderer_id: int, buffer_service, options_service):
_container = container
self.id = id
self.z_index = z_index
_alpha = alpha
_colors = colors
_renderer_id = renderer_id
_buffer_service = buffer_service
_options_service = options_service
_ctx = CanvasRenderingContext2D.new()
_ctx.z_index = z_index
func on_grid_changed(start_row: int, end_row: int) -> void:
func resize(dim) -> void:
_scaled_cell_width = dim.scaled_cell_width
_scaled_cell_height = dim.scaled_cell_height
_scaled_char_width = dim.scaled_char_width
_scaled_char_height = dim.scaled_char_height
_scaled_char_left = dim.scaled_char_left
_scaled_char_top = dim.scaled_char_top
#_canvas_width = dim.scaled_canvas_width
#_canvas_height = dim.scaled_canvas_height
#this._canvas.style.width = `${dim.canvasWidth}px`;
#this._canvas.style.height = `${dim.canvasHeight}px`;
func _fill_cells(x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int) -> void:
_ctx.fill_rect(Rect2(x * _scaled_cell_width, y * _scaled_cell_height,
width * _scaled_cell_width, height * _scaled_cell_height))
func _clear_cells(x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int) -> void:
var scaled = Rect2(x * _scaled_cell_width, y * _scaled_cell_height,
width * _scaled_cell_width, height * _scaled_cell_height)
if _alpha:
_ctx.fill_style = _colors.background
func _draw_chars(cell, x, y) -> void:
#var contrast_color = _get_contrast_color(cell)
var contrast_color = null
# skip cache right away if we draw in RGB
# Note: to avoid bad runtime JoinedCellData will be skipped
# in the cache handler itself (atlasDidDraw == false) and
# fall through to uncached later down below
if contrast_color or cell.is_fg_rgb() or cell.is_bg_rgb():
_draw_uncached_chars(cell, x, y, contrast_color)
var fg
var bg
if cell.is_inverse():
fg = INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR if cell.is_bg_default() else cell.get_bg_color()
bg = INVERTED_DEFAULT_COLOR if cell.is_fg_default() else cell.get_fg_color()
bg = DEFAULT_COLOR if cell.is_bg_default() else cell.get_bg_color()
fg = DEFAULT_COLOR if cell.is_fg_default() else cell.get_fg_color()
var draw_in_bright_color = _options_service.options.draw_bold_text_in_bright_colors and cell.is_bold() and fg < 8
fg = Color(fg as int + 8) if draw_in_bright_color else 0
_current_glyph_identifier.chars = cell.get_chars() if cell.get_chars() else Constants.WHITESPACE_CELL_CHAR
_current_glyph_identifier.code = cell.get_code() if cell.get_code() else Constants.WHITESPACE_CELL_CODE
_current_glyph_identifier.bg = bg
_current_glyph_identifier.fg = fg
_current_glyph_identifier.bold = cell.is_bold() as bool
_current_glyph_identifier.dim = cell.is_dim() as bool
_current_glyph_identifier.italic = cell.is_italic() as bool
var atlas_did_draw = _char_atlas and _char_atlas.draw(_ctx,
_current_glyph_identifier, x * _scaled_cell_width + _scaled_char_left,
y * _scaled_cell_width, _scaled_char_top)
if not atlas_did_draw:
_draw_uncached_chars(cell, x, y)
# Draws one or more charaters at one or more cells. The character(s) will be
# clipped to ensure that they fit with the cell(s), including the cell to the
# right if the last character is a wide character.
func _draw_uncached_chars(cell, x: int, y: int, fg_override = null) -> void:
_ctx.font = _get_font(cell.is_bold() as bool, cell.is_italic() as bool)
if cell.is_inverse():
if cell.is_bg_default():
_ctx.fill_style = _colors.background
elif cell.is_bg_rgb():
_ctx.fill_style = AttributeData.to_color_rgb(cell.get_bg_color())
var bg = cell.get_bg_color()
if _options_service.options.draw_bold_text_in_bright_colors and cell.is_bold() and bg < 8:
bg += 8
_ctx.fill_style = _colors.ansi[bg]
if cell.is_fg_default():
_ctx.fill_style = _colors.foreground
elif cell.is_fg_rgb():
_ctx.fill_style = AttributeData.to_color_rgb(cell.get_fg_color())
var fg = cell.get_fg_color()
if _options_service.options.draw_bold_text_in_bright_colors and cell.is_bold() and fg < 8:
fg += 8
_ctx.fill_style = _colors.ansi[fg]
# Apply alpha to dim the character
if cell.is_dim():
#_ctx.global_alpha = DIM_OPACITY
# Draw the character
_ctx.fill_text(cell.get_chars(), x * _scaled_cell_width + _scaled_char_left,
y * _scaled_cell_height + _scaled_char_top + _scaled_char_height / 2)
func _get_font(is_bold: bool, is_italic: bool) -> Font:
var font_family = _options_service.options.font_family
if is_bold and is_italic and font_family.bold_italic:
return font_family.bold_italic
elif is_bold and font_family.bold:
return font_family.bold
elif is_italic and font_family.italic:
return font_family.italic
return font_family.regular
func _get_contrast_color(cell):
if _options_service.options.minimum_contrast_ratio == 1:
return null
var adjusted_color = _colors.contrast_cache.get_color(cell.bg, cell.fg)
if adjusted_color != null:
return adjusted_color
var fg_color = cell.get_fg_color()
var fg_color_mode = cell.get_fg_color_mode()
var bg_color = cell.get_bg_color()
var bg_color_mode = cell.get_bg_color_mode()
var is_inverse = cell.is_inverse() as bool
var is_bold = cell.is_bold() as bool
if is_inverse:
var temp = fg_color
fg_color = bg_color
bg_color = temp
var temp2 = fg_color_mode
fg_color_mode = bg_color_mode
bg_color_mode = temp2
var bg_rgba = _resolve_background_rgba(bg_color_mode, bg_color, is_inverse)
var fg_rgba = _resolve_foreground_rgba(fg_color_mode, fg_color, is_inverse, is_bold)
#var result = rgba.ensure_contrast_ratio(bg_rgba, fg_rgba, _options_service.options.minimum_contrast_ratio)
func _resolve_background_rgba(bg_color_mode: int, bg_color: int, inverse: bool) -> int:
match bg_color_mode:
Attributes.CM_P16, Attributes.CM_P256:
return _colors.ansi[bg_color].rgba
return bg_color << 8
Attributes.CM_DEFAULT, _:
if inverse:
return _colors.foreground.rgba
return _colors.background.rgba
func _resolve_foreground_rgba(fg_color_mode: int, fg_color: int, inverse: bool, bold: bool):
match fg_color_mode:
Attributes.CM_P16, Attributes.CM_P256:
if _options_service.options.draw_bold_text_in_bright_colors and bold and fg_color < 8:
return _colors.ansi[fg_color].rgba
return fg_color << 8
Attributes.CM_DEFAULT, _:
if inverse:
return _colors.background.rgba
return _colors.foreground.rgba