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extends Reference
# Control Sequence Introducer
const CSI = "\u001b["
const CURSOR_UP = "\u001b[A"
const CURSOR_DOWN = "\u001b[B"
const CURSOR_RIGHT = "\u001b[C"
const CURSOR_LEFT = "\u001b[D"
const DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_COLOR = "\u001b[0m"
class ANSIColor:
extends Object
# Using ANSIColor constants, rather than Color will respect the
# colors of the selected terminal theme. Whereas Color will set
# the exact color specified regardless of theme.
const black = {fg = 30, bg = 40}
const red = {fg = 31, bg = 41}
const green = {fg = 32, bg = 42}
const yellow = {fg = 33, bg = 43}
const blue = {fg = 34, bg = 44}
const magenta = {fg = 35, bg = 45}
const cyan = {fg = 36, bg = 46}
const white = {fg = 37, bg = 47}
const bright_black = {fg = 90, bg = 100}
const gray = bright_black
const grey = bright_black
const bright_red = {fg = 91, bg = 101}
const bright_green = {fg = 92, bg = 102}
const bright_yellow = {fg = 93, bg = 103}
const bright_blue = {fg = 94, bg = 104}
const bright_magenta = {fg = 95, bg = 105}
const bright_cyan = {fg = 96, bg = 106}
const bright_white = {fg = 97, bg = 107}
func _init():
"ANSIColor is an abstract class. You should only use the color constants (e.g. ANSIColor.black)."
var terminal
func _init(p_terminal: Control) -> void:
if p_terminal:
terminal = p_terminal
func write_string(string: String, color: Color = Color.white) -> void:
if color:
var fg = "\u001b[38;2;%d;%d;%dm" % [color.r8, color.g8, color.b8]
# Reset color back to default.
# tput_* functions based on the tput command.
# See: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/tput.1.html for more info.
# Hide the cursor.
func civis():
terminal.write("%s?25l" % CSI)
# Position the cursor at the given row and col.
func cup(row: int = 0, col: int = 0) -> void:
terminal.write("\u001b[%d;%dH" % [row, col])
func setaf(color) -> void:
if color is Color:
terminal.write("\u001b[38;2;%d;%d;%dm" % [color.r8, color.g8, color.b8])
elif "fg" in color and color.fg is int:
terminal.write("\u001b[%dm" % color.fg)
push_error("Invalid color: %s" % color)
func setab(color) -> void:
if color is Color:
terminal.write("\u001b[48;2;%d;%d;%dm" % [color.r8, color.g8, color.b8])
elif "bg" in color and color.bg is int:
terminal.write("\u001b[%dm" % color.bg)
push_error("Invalid color: %s" % color)
func rev() -> void:
func sgr0() -> void:
func reset() -> void: