Leroy Hopson 0d4e10f5ab Add more features, bug fixes and bugs ;-)
Most notably:
- Reflow is now working. Terminal size will fill the window and
cols/rows will be resized/calculated based on window and font size.
- Added support for different fonts (i.e. bold, italic, bolditalic).
- Enabled blinking characters.
- Adde more tests and caught a few subtle bugs.
- Removed renderer code (which was part of xterm.js) and just
doing naive rendering in terminal.gd, but it seems to perform
a lot faster.

Still not working completely:
- vim (some weirdness going on).
- vttest (more weirdness).

- Fix the above.
- Draw the cursor!
- Improve performance. Performance is still not great. The terminal
becomes unusable when running `yes` or `cmatrix -r`.
2020-05-19 18:55:43 +07:00

102 lines
2.5 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2020 The GodotXterm authors. All rights reserved.
# License MIT
extends "res://addons/gut/test.gd"
const Parser = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/parser/escape_sequence_parser.gd")
const Terminal = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/terminal.gd")
const Decoder = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/input/text_decoder.gd")
const Constants = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/parser/constants.gd")
const C0 = Constants.C0
const C1 = Constants.C1
class TestBuffer:
var calls = []
var printed = ''
func handle_print(data, start, end):
var string = Decoder.utf32_to_string(data.slice(start, end - 1))
calls.append(['print', string])
printed += string
func handle_exec():
func handle_csi(params):
calls.append(['csi', params.to_array()])
func clear():
printed = ''
var parser
var buffer
var decoder
func parse(parser, string):
var container = []
var length = decoder.decode(string.to_utf8(), container)
parser.parse(container, length)
func before_all():
buffer = TestBuffer.new()
decoder = Decoder.Utf8ToUtf32.new()
func before_each():
parser = Parser.new()
parser.set_print_handler(buffer, 'handle_print')
func test_prints_printables():
var string = 'bash-4.4# '
var data = string.to_utf8()
var length = decoder.decode(data, data)
parser.parse(data, length)
assert_eq(buffer.calls, [['print', 'bash-4.4# ']])
assert_eq(buffer.printed, 'bash-4.4# ')
func skip_test_c0():
for code in C0.values():
parser.set_execute_handler(code, buffer, 'handle_exec')
parse(parser, char(code))
if code == 0x0 or code == 0x1b or code == 0x20 or code == 0x7f:
assert_eq(buffer.calls, [])
assert_eq(buffer.calls, [['exec']], 'code: 0x%x' % code)
assert_eq(buffer.printed, '')
func skip_test_c1():
for code in C1.values():
parser.set_execute_handler(code, buffer, 'handle_exec')
parse(parser, char(code))
assert_eq(buffer.calls, [['exec']], 'code: 0x%x' % code)
assert_eq(buffer.printed, '')
func test_print_csi_print():
parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'g'}, buffer, 'handle_csi')
parse(parser, 'a\u001b[gb')
assert_eq(buffer.calls, [['print', 'a'],['csi', [0]], ['print', 'b']])
assert_eq(buffer.printed, 'ab')
func test_csi_position_cursor():
parser.set_csi_handler({'final': 'H'}, buffer, 'handle_csi')
parse(parser, '\u001b[1;5H')
assert_eq(buffer.calls, [['csi', [1, 5]]])
assert_eq(buffer.printed, '')