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synced 2024-11-10 04:40:25 +01:00
Adds additional tests for the interface. Creates a new base test class GodotXtermTest that adds some additional assert methods. Tests inheriting from this should override the got_described_class() method. Add instance of the described class named 'subject' will be created and added to the scene tree before each test.
247 lines
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247 lines
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class_name NixTest extends GodotXtermTest
var helper: Helper
func get_described_class():
return PTY
func before_all():
if OS.get_name() == "macOS":
helper = MacOSHelper.new()
helper = LinuxHelper.new()
func test_fork_succeeds():
var err = subject.fork("sh")
assert_eq(err, OK)
func test_fork_emits_data_received():
subject.call_deferred("fork", "sh", ["-c", "echo'"])
await wait_for_signal(subject.data_received, 1)
assert_signal_emitted(subject, "data_received")
func test_open_succeeds():
var err = subject.open()
assert_eq(err, OK)
func test_open_creates_a_new_pty():
var num_pts = helper.get_pts().size()
var new_num_pts = helper.get_pts().size()
assert_eq(new_num_pts, num_pts + 1)
func test_open_pty_has_correct_name():
var original_pts = helper.get_pts()
var new_pts = helper.get_pts()
for pt in original_pts:
assert_eq(subject.get_pts(), new_pts[0])
func xtest_open_pty_has_correct_win_size():
var cols = 7684
var rows = 9314
#var result = subject.open(cols, rows)
#var winsize = helper._get_winsize(result[1].master)
#assert_eq(winsize.cols, cols)
#assert_eq(winsize.rows, rows)
func xtest_win_size_supports_max_unsigned_short_value():
var cols = 65535
var rows = 65535
#var result = subject.open(cols, rows)
#var winsize = helper._get_winsize(result[1].master)
#assert_eq(winsize.cols, cols)
#assert_eq(winsize.cols, rows)
func test_closes_pty_on_free():
if OS.get_name() == "macOS":
var num_pts = helper.get_pts().size()
subject.fork("sleep", ["1000"])
await wait_frames(1)
var new_num_pts = helper.get_pts().size()
assert_eq(new_num_pts, num_pts)
func test_emits_exited_signal_when_child_process_exits():
subject.call_deferred("fork", "exit")
await wait_for_signal(subject.exited, 1)
assert_signal_emitted(subject, "exited")
func test_emits_exit_code_on_success():
subject.call_deferred("fork", "true")
await wait_for_signal(subject.exited, 1)
assert_signal_emitted_with_parameters(subject, "exited", [0, 0])
func test_emits_exit_code_on_failure():
subject.call_deferred("fork", "false")
await wait_for_signal(subject.exited, 1)
assert_signal_emitted_with_parameters(subject, "exited", [1, 0])
func test_emits_exited_on_kill():
subject.call("fork", "yes")
await wait_frames(1)
subject.call_deferred("kill", PTY.SIGNAL_SIGKILL)
await wait_for_signal(subject.exited, 1)
assert_signal_emitted(subject, "exited")
func test_emits_exited_with_signal():
subject.call("fork", "yes")
await wait_frames(1)
subject.call_deferred("kill", PTY.SIGNAL_SIGSEGV)
await wait_for_signal(subject.exited, 1)
assert_signal_emitted_with_parameters(subject, "exited", [0, PTY.SIGNAL_SIGSEGV])
# Run the same tests, but with use_threads = false.
class TestNoThreads:
extends NixTest
func before_each():
subject.use_threads = false
class Helper:
static func get_pts() -> Array:
assert(false) #,"Abstract method")
return []
static func _get_winsize(fd: int) -> Dictionary:
var output = []
OS.execute("command", ["-v", "python"], output) == 0,
"Python must be installed to run this test."
var python_path = output[0].strip_edges()
var exit_code = (
. execute(
"import struct, fcntl, termios; print(struct.unpack('HH', fcntl.ioctl(%d, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, '1234')))"
% fd
assert(exit_code == 0, "Failed to run python command for this test.")
var size = str_to_var("Vector2" + output[1].strip_edges())
return {rows = int(size.x), cols = int(size.y)}
class XTestPTYSize:
extends NixTest
# Tests to check that psuedoterminal size (as reported by the stty command)
# matches the size of the Terminal node. Uses various scene tree layouts with
# Terminal and PTY nodes in different places.
# See: https://github.com/lihop/godot-xterm/issues/56
var terminal: Terminal
var scene: Node
var regex := RegEx.new()
func before_all():
regex.compile(".*rows (?<rows>[0-9]+).*columns (?<columns>[0-9]+).*")
func before_each():
scene = add_child_autofree(preload("res://test/scenes/pty_and_terminal.tscn").instantiate())
func xtest_correct_stty_reports_correct_size():
for s in [
subject = scene.get_node(s).find_child("PTY")
terminal = scene.get_node(s).find_child("Terminal")
subject.call_deferred("fork", OS.get_environment("SHELL"))
subject.call_deferred("write", "stty -a | head -n1\n")
var output := ""
while not "rows" in output and not "columns" in output:
output = (await subject.data_received).get_string_from_utf8()
var regex_match = regex.search(output)
var stty_rows = int(regex_match.get_string("rows"))
var stty_cols = int(regex_match.get_string("columns"))
"Expected stty to report correct number of rows for layout '%s'" % s
"Expected stty to report correct number of columns for layout '%s'" % s
class LinuxHelper:
extends Helper
static func get_pts() -> Array:
var dir := DirAccess.open("/dev/pts")
if dir.get_open_error() != OK or dir.list_dir_begin() != OK:
assert(false, "Could not open /dev/pts.")
var pts := []
var file_name: String = dir.get_next()
while file_name != "":
if file_name.is_valid_int():
pts.append("/dev/pts/%s" % file_name)
file_name = dir.get_next()
return pts
class MacOSHelper:
extends Helper
static func get_pts() -> Array:
var dir := DirAccess.open("/dev")
if dir.get_open_error() != OK or dir.list_dir_begin() != OK:
assert(false, "Could not open /dev.")
var pts := []
var file_name: String = dir.get_next()
var regex = RegEx.new()
# Compile a regex to match pattern /dev/ttysXYZ (where XYZ are digits).
while file_name != "":
if regex.search(file_name):
pts.append("/dev/%s" % file_name)
file_name = dir.get_next()
return pts