Leroy Hopson df32ee3c18
Refactor PTY
PTY now provides a public interface to an underlying instance of
PTYNative. The PTYNative class can be extended as appropriate for
each platform and the platform-specific implementation will be
selected by PTY at runtime.
2022-07-11 09:33:01 +12:00

158 lines
4.3 KiB

# Derived from https://github.com/microsoft/node-pty/blob/main/src/terminal.ts
# Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).
# Copyright (c) 2016, Daniel Imms (MIT License).
# Copyright (c) 2018, Microsoft Corporation (MIT License).
# Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Leroy Hopson (MIT License).
extends Node
const _LibuvUtils := preload("./nodes/pty/libuv_utils.gd")
const _PTYNative := preload("./nodes/pty/pty_native.gd")
const _PTYUnix := preload("./nodes/pty/unix/pty_unix.gd")
const _Terminal := preload("./terminal.gd")
const DEFAULT_NAME := "xterm-256color"
const DEFAULT_COLS := 80
const DEFAULT_ROWS := 24
# Any signal_number can be sent to the pty's process using the kill() function,
# these are just the signals with numbers specified in the POSIX standard.
const Signal = _PTYUnix.Signal
signal data_received(data)
signal exited(exit_code, signum)
export(NodePath) var terminal_path := NodePath() setget set_terminal_path
var _terminal: _Terminal = null setget _set_terminal
# The column size in characters.
export(int) var cols: int = DEFAULT_COLS setget set_cols
# The row size in characters.
export(int) var rows: int = DEFAULT_ROWS setget set_rows
# Environment to be set for the child program.
export(Dictionary) var env := DEFAULT_ENV
# If true the environment variables in the env Dictionary will be merged with
# the environment variables of the operating system (e.g. printenv), with the
# former taking precedence in the case of conflicts.
export(bool) var use_os_env := true
var _pty_native: _PTYNative
func _init():
var os_name := OS.get_name()
match os_name:
"X11", "Server", "OSX":
_pty_native = _PTYUnix.new()
push_error("PTY is not support on current platform (%s)." % os_name)
_pty_native.connect("data_received", self, "_on_pty_native_data_received")
_pty_native.connect("exited", self, "_on_pty_native_exited")
func set_cols(value: int):
resize(value, rows)
func set_rows(value: int):
resize(cols, value)
func set_terminal_path(value := NodePath()):
terminal_path = value
func _set_terminal(value: _Terminal):
if _terminal == value:
# Disconect the current terminal, if any.
if _terminal:
disconnect("data_received", _terminal, "write")
_terminal.disconnect("data_sent", self, "write")
_terminal.disconnect("size_changed", self, "resizev")
_terminal = value
if not _terminal:
# Connect the new terminal.
# FIXME! resize(terminal.get_cols(), terminal.get_rows())
if not _terminal.is_connected("size_changed", self, "resizev"):
_terminal.connect("size_changed", self, "resizev")
if not _terminal.is_connected("data_sent", self, "write"):
_terminal.connect("data_sent", self, "write")
if not is_connected("data_received", _terminal, "write"):
connect("data_received", _terminal, "write")
# Writes data to the socket.
# data: The data to write.
func write(data) -> void:
# Resizes the dimensions of the pty.
# cols: The number of columns.
# rows: The number of rows.
func resize(cols, rows = null) -> void:
_pty_native.resize(cols, rows)
# Same as resize() but takes a Vector2.
func resizev(size: Vector2) -> void:
resize(size.x, size.y)
# Kill the pty.
# sigint: The signal to send. By default this is SIGHUP.
# This is not supported on Windows.
func kill(signum: int = Signal.SIGHUP) -> void:
func _notification(what: int):
match what:
var parent = get_parent()
if parent is _Terminal:
func fork(
file: String = OS.get_environment("SHELL"),
args: PoolStringArray = PoolStringArray(),
cwd = _LibuvUtils.get_cwd(),
p_cols: int = DEFAULT_COLS,
p_rows: int = DEFAULT_ROWS,
uid: int = -1,
gid: int = -1,
utf8 = true
) -> int:
return _pty_native.fork(file, args, cwd, p_cols, p_rows, uid, gid, utf8)
func open(cols: int = DEFAULT_COLS, rows: int = DEFAULT_ROWS) -> Array:
return _pty_native.open(cols, rows)
func get_master():
return _pty_native.get_master()
func _on_pty_native_data_received(data):
emit_signal("data_received", data)
func _on_pty_native_exited(exit_code: int, signum: int) -> void:
emit_signal("exited", exit_code, signum)