Leroy Hopson a849423096
Rewrite terminal.cpp
Rewrites the Terminal class as a GDExtension to be used directly in
Godot without a terminal.gd proxy.

Breaks a lot of things in its current state (e.g. signals and other
functions have not be implemented yet), but does add support for
transparent colors and true color inversion. It also seems to
be about 4x faster (FPS-wise) than the old version with some basic
stress testing.

Old source code has been moved to a different directory to be copied
over and/or rewritten piece by piece.
2024-02-07 00:14:33 +13:00

200 lines
6.7 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2023 Leroy Hopson <godot-xterm@leroy.geek.nz>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "libuv_utils.h"
#include <godot_cpp/classes/global_constants.hpp>
#include <uv.h>
using namespace godot;
void LibuvUtils::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_static_method("LibuvUtils", D_METHOD("get_os_environ"),
ClassDB::bind_static_method("LibuvUtils", D_METHOD("get_os_release"),
ClassDB::bind_static_method("LibuvUtils", D_METHOD("get_cwd"),
ClassDB::bind_static_method("LibuvUtils", D_METHOD("kill", "pid", "signum"),
LibuvUtils::LibuvUtils() {}
LibuvUtils::~LibuvUtils() {}
Dictionary LibuvUtils::get_os_environ() {
Dictionary result;
uv_env_item_t *env;
int count;
uv_os_environ(&env, &count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
result[String(env[i].name)] = String(env[i].value);
uv_os_free_environ(env, count);
return result;
String LibuvUtils::get_os_release() { return "TODO"; }
String LibuvUtils::get_cwd() {
#ifndef PATH_MAX
size_t size = PATH_MAX;
char *buffer = (char *)malloc(size * sizeof(char));
int err;
err = uv_cwd(buffer, &size);
if (err == UV_ENOBUFS) {
// Buffer was too small. `size` has been set to the required length, so
// resize buffer and try again.
buffer = (char *)realloc(buffer, size * sizeof(char));
err = uv_cwd(buffer, &size);
if (err < 0) {
return "";
String result = String(buffer);
return result;
Error LibuvUtils::kill(int pid, int signum) {
RETURN_UV_ERR(uv_kill(pid, signum));
Error LibuvUtils::translate_uv_errno(int uv_err) {
if (uv_err >= 0)
return OK;
// Rough translation of libuv error to godot error.
// Not necessarily accurate.
switch (uv_err) {
case UV_EEXIST: // file already exists
case UV_EADDRINUSE: // address already in use
case UV_EBUSY: // resource busy or locked
case UV_ETXTBSY: // text file is busy
return ERR_BUSY;
case UV_ECONNREFUSED: // connection refused
case UV_ECONNABORTED: // software caused connection abort
case UV_ECONNRESET: // connection reset by peer
case UV_EISCONN: // socket is already connected
case UV_ENOTCONN: // socket is not connected
case UV_ENODEV: // no such device
case UV_ENXIO: // no such device or address
case UV_ESRCH: // no such process
case UV_EROFS: // read-only file system
case UV_EOF: // end of file
return ERR_FILE_EOF;
case UV_ENOENT: // no such file or directory
case UV_EAI_BADFLAGS: // bad ai_flags value
case UV_EAI_BADHINTS: // invalid value for hints
case UV_EFAULT: // bad address in system call argument
case UV_EFTYPE: // inappropriate file type or format
case UV_EINVAL: // invalid argument
case UV_ENOTTY: // inappropriate ioctl for device
case UV_EPROTOTYPE: // protocol wrong type for socket
return ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; // Parameter passed is invalid
case UV_ENOSYS: // function not implemented
case UV_EAI_MEMORY: // out of memory
case UV_E2BIG: // argument list too long
case UV_EFBIG: // file too large
case UV_EMSGSIZE: // message too long
case UV_ENAMETOOLONG: // name too long
case UV_EOVERFLOW: // value too large for defined data type
case UV_ERANGE: // result too large
return ERR_PARAMETER_RANGE_ERROR; // Parameter given out of range
return ERR_TIMEOUT; // connection timed out
case UV_EACCES: // permission denied
case UV_EPERM: // operation not permitted
case UV_EXDEV: // cross-device link not permitted
case UV_EADDRNOTAVAIL: // address not available
case UV_EAFNOSUPPORT: // address family not supported
case UV_EAGAIN: // resource temporarily unavailable
case UV_EAI_ADDRFAMILY: // address family not supported
case UV_EAI_FAMILY: // ai_family not supported
case UV_EAI_SERVICE: // service not available for socket type
case UV_EAI_SOCKTYPE: // socket type not supported
case UV_ENOPROTOOPT: // protocol not available
case UV_ENOTSUP: // operation not supported on socket
case UV_EPROTONOSUPPORT: // protocol not supported
case UV_ESOCKTNOSUPPORT: // socket type not supported
return ERR_UNAVAILABLE; // What is requested is
// unsupported/unavailable
case UV_EAI_NODATA: // no address
case UV_EDESTADDRREQ: // destination address required
case UV_EAI_AGAIN: // temporary failure
case UV_EAI_CANCELED: // request canceled
case UV_EAI_FAIL: // permanent failure
case UV_EAI_NONAME: // unknown node or service
case UV_EAI_OVERFLOW: // argument buffer overflow
case UV_EAI_PROTOCOL: // resolved protocol is unknown
case UV_EALREADY: // connection already in progress
case UV_EBADF: // bad file descriptor
case UV_ECANCELED: // operation canceled
case UV_ECHARSET: // invalid Unicode character
case UV_EHOSTUNREACH: // host is unreachable
case UV_EIO: // i/o error
case UV_EILSEQ: // illegal byte sequence
case UV_EISDIR: // illegal operation on a directory
case UV_ELOOP: // too many symbolic links encountered
case UV_EMFILE: // too many open files
case UV_ENETDOWN: // network is down
case UV_ENETUNREACH: // network is unreachable
case UV_ENFILE: // file table overflow
case UV_ENOBUFS: // no buffer space available
case UV_ENOMEM: // not enough memory
case UV_ESHUTDOWN: // cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown
case UV_EINTR: // interrupted system call
case UV_EMLINK: // too many links
case UV_ENONET: // machine is not on the network
case UV_ENOSPC: // no space left on device
case UV_ENOTDIR: // not a directory
case UV_ENOTEMPTY: // directory not empty
case UV_ENOTSOCK: // socket operation on non-socket
case UV_EPIPE: // broken pipe
case UV_EPROTO: // protocol error
case UV_ESPIPE: // invalid seek
case UV_UNKNOWN: // unknown error
return FAILED; // Generic fail error