Leroy Hopson b5d3c6c9a5
Update Gut for Godot 4
Copied from Gut repo godot_4 branch commit:
2023-01-08 21:36:37 +13:00

266 lines
7.6 KiB

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Contains all the results of a single test. Allows for multiple asserts results
# and pending calls.
# When determining the status of a test, check for failing then passing then
# pending.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Test:
var pass_texts = []
var fail_texts = []
var pending_texts = []
var orphans = 0
var line_number = 0
# must have passed an assert and not have any other status to be passing
func is_passing():
return pass_texts.size() > 0 and fail_texts.size() == 0 and pending_texts.size() == 0
# failing takes precedence over everything else, so any failures makes the
# test a failure.
func is_failing():
return fail_texts.size() > 0
# test is only pending if pending was called and the test is not failing.
func is_pending():
return pending_texts.size() > 0 and fail_texts.size() == 0
func did_something():
return is_passing() or is_failing() or is_pending()
# NOTE: The "failed" and "pending" text must match what is outputted by
# the logger in order for text highlighting to occur in summary.
func to_s():
var pad = ' '
var to_return = ''
for i in range(fail_texts.size()):
to_return += str(pad, '[Failed]: ', fail_texts[i], "\n")
for i in range(pending_texts.size()):
to_return += str(pad, '[Pending]: ', pending_texts[i], "\n")
return to_return
func get_status():
var to_return = 'no asserts'
if(pending_texts.size() > 0):
to_return = 'pending'
elif(fail_texts.size() > 0):
to_return = 'fail'
elif(pass_texts.size() > 0):
to_return = 'pass'
return to_return
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Contains all the results for a single test-script/inner class. Persists the
# names of the tests and results and the order in which the tests were run.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TestScript:
var name = 'NOT_SET'
var was_skipped = false
var skip_reason = ''
var _tests = {}
var _test_order = []
func _init(script_name):
name = script_name
func get_pass_count():
var count = 0
for key in _tests:
count += _tests[key].pass_texts.size()
return count
func get_fail_count():
var count = 0
for key in _tests:
count += _tests[key].fail_texts.size()
return count
func get_pending_count():
var count = 0
for key in _tests:
count += _tests[key].pending_texts.size()
return count
func get_passing_test_count():
var count = 0
for key in _tests:
count += 1
return count
func get_failing_test_count():
var count = 0
for key in _tests:
count += 1
return count
func get_risky_count():
var count = 0
count = 1
for key in _tests:
count += 1
return count
func get_test_obj(obj_name):
var to_add = Test.new()
_tests[obj_name] = to_add
var to_return = _tests[obj_name]
return to_return
func add_pass(test_name, reason):
var t = get_test_obj(test_name)
func add_fail(test_name, reason):
var t = get_test_obj(test_name)
func add_pending(test_name, reason):
var t = get_test_obj(test_name)
func get_tests():
return _tests
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Summary Class
# This class holds the results of all the test scripts and Inner Classes that
# were run.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var _scripts = []
func add_script(name):
func get_scripts():
return _scripts
func get_current_script():
return _scripts[_scripts.size() - 1]
func add_test(test_name):
# print('-- test_name = ', test_name)
# print('-- current script = ', get_current_script())
# print('-- test_obj = ', get_current_script().get_test_obj(test_name))
return get_current_script().get_test_obj(test_name)
func add_pass(test_name, reason = ''):
get_current_script().add_pass(test_name, reason)
func add_fail(test_name, reason = ''):
get_current_script().add_fail(test_name, reason)
func add_pending(test_name, reason = ''):
get_current_script().add_pending(test_name, reason)
func get_test_text(test_name):
return test_name + "\n" + get_current_script().get_test_obj(test_name).to_s()
# Gets the count of unique script names minus the .<Inner Class Name> at the
# end. Used for displaying the number of scripts without including all the
# Inner Classes.
func get_non_inner_class_script_count():
var counter = load('res://addons/gut/thing_counter.gd').new()
for i in range(_scripts.size()):
var ext_loc = _scripts[i].name.rfind('.gd.')
var to_add = _scripts[i].name
if(ext_loc != -1):
to_add = _scripts[i].name.substr(0, ext_loc + 3)
return counter.get_unique_count()
func get_totals():
var totals = {
passing = 0,
pending = 0,
failing = 0,
risky = 0,
tests = 0,
scripts = 0,
passing_tests = 0,
failing_tests = 0
for i in range(_scripts.size()):
# assert totals
totals.passing += _scripts[i].get_pass_count()
totals.pending += _scripts[i].get_pending_count()
totals.failing += _scripts[i].get_fail_count()
# test totals
totals.tests += _scripts[i]._test_order.size()
totals.passing_tests += _scripts[i].get_passing_test_count()
totals.failing_tests += _scripts[i].get_failing_test_count()
totals.risky += _scripts[i].get_risky_count()
totals.scripts = get_non_inner_class_script_count()
return totals
func log_summary_text(lgr):
var orig_indent = lgr.get_indent_level()
var found_failing_or_pending = false
for s in range(_scripts.size()):
if(_scripts[s].was_skipped or _scripts[s].get_fail_count() > 0 or _scripts[s].get_pending_count() > 0):
lgr.log(_scripts[s].name, lgr.fmts.underline)
var skip_msg = str('[Risky] Script was skipped: ', _scripts[s].skip_reason)
lgr.log(skip_msg, lgr.fmts.yellow)
for t in range(_scripts[s]._test_order.size()):
var tname = _scripts[s]._test_order[t]
var test = _scripts[s].get_test_obj(tname)
found_failing_or_pending = true
lgr.log(str('- ', tname))
for i in range(test.fail_texts.size()):
for i in range(test.pending_texts.size()):
lgr.log('[Risky] Did not assert', lgr.fmts.yellow)
lgr.log('All tests passed', lgr.fmts.green)
# just picked a non-printable char, dunno if it is a good or bad choice.
var npws = PackedByteArray([31]).get_string_from_ascii()
var _totals = get_totals()
lgr.log("Totals", lgr.fmts.yellow)
lgr.log(str('Scripts: ', get_non_inner_class_script_count()))
lgr.log(str('Passing tests ', _totals.passing_tests))
lgr.log(str('Failing tests ', _totals.failing_tests))
lgr.log(str('Risky tests ', _totals.risky))
var pnd=str('Pending: ', _totals.pending)
# add a non printable character so this "pending" isn't highlighted in the
# editor's output panel.
lgr.log(str(npws, pnd))
lgr.log(str('Asserts: ', _totals.passing, ' of ', _totals.passing + _totals.failing, ' passed'))