Leroy Hopson 5a487a67c2 Add 3D Text plugin
Former-commit-id: 0130ce96db
2020-10-05 17:56:57 +07:00

461 lines
12 KiB

extends Button
signal mesh_generated(mesh_inst)
const Label3D = preload("label_3d.gd")
var label3d : Label3D
var image_cache = PoolRealArray()
# These variables are used to spread the marching_square function
# across multiple frames.
var finished_marching = false
var os_time
func _on_Button_pressed():
func generate_geometry():
var text_scale = label3d.text_scale
var extrude = label3d.extrude
var viewport = label3d.get_node("Viewport")
viewport.render_target_update_mode = Viewport.UPDATE_ALWAYS
yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame")
yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame")
viewport.render_target_update_mode = Viewport.UPDATE_DISABLED
var image = viewport.get_texture().get_data()
var edges = Dictionary()
finished_marching = false
os_time = OS.get_ticks_msec()
do_marching_squares(image, edges)
while not finished_marching:
yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame")
# Contours are the edges and holes of the text.
# The paths are said edges combined with the holes for easier triangulation.
var contours = []
collect_contours(edges.duplicate(), contours)
var paths = contours.duplicate(true)
decimate_holes(edges, paths, Rect2(0, 0, image.get_width(), image.get_height()))
var triangle_data = []
var vertex_data = []
for path in paths:
path.points = douglas_peucker(path.points, 0.125)
# Edge data beyond this point will no longer be valid
var triangles = []
ear_clipping(path, triangles)
# points are converted into vector3 here.
for p in path.points.size():
var point = path.points[p]
point -= Vector2(image.get_width(), image.get_height()) / 2.0
point *= text_scale * 2.0
path.points[p] = Vector3(point.x, point.y, extrude)
ArrayUtils.call_per_element(triangles, "offset_indices", vertex_data.size())
ArrayUtils.append_array(vertex_data, path.points)
ArrayUtils.append_array(triangle_data, triangles)
if extrude != 0:
# Generate the back triangles
var original_vert_size = vertex_data.size()
for v in original_vert_size:
var vertex = vertex_data[v]
vertex_data.append(vertex * Vector3(1, 1, -1))
var tri_size = triangle_data.size()
for t in tri_size:
var triangle = triangle_data[t].duplicate()
# And now the triangles inbetween
for path in paths:
var vertices = path.points.duplicate()
var points_size = path.points.size()
for vert in points_size:
var back_vertex = path.points[vert] * Vector3(1, 1, -1)
var triangles = []
for i in points_size:
var index = i + vertex_data.size()
var a = index
var b = (index + 1) if i != points_size - 1 else vertex_data.size()
var c = index + points_size
var d = ((index + 1) if i != points_size - 1 else vertex_data.size()) + points_size
triangles.append(Triangle.new(c, b, a))
triangles.append(Triangle.new(d, b, c))
ArrayUtils.append_array(vertex_data, vertices)
ArrayUtils.append_array(triangle_data, triangles)
var geom = SurfaceTool.new()
for vert in vertex_data:
for tri in triangle_data:
var material = SpatialMaterial.new()
material.albedo_color = label3d.color
material.metallic = label3d.metallic
material.roughness = label3d.roughness
var mesh_inst = MeshInstance.new()
mesh_inst.mesh = geom.commit()
mesh_inst.material_override = material
mesh_inst.transform = label3d.transform
mesh_inst.name = label3d.name + "-mesh"
emit_signal("mesh_generated", mesh_inst)
func do_marching_squares(image, edges):
for y in image.get_height() - 1:
for x in image.get_width() - 1:
var i = Vector2(x, y)
var p_ul = get_pixel(image, x, y)
var p_ll = get_pixel(image, x, y+1)
var p_ur = get_pixel(image, x+1, y)
var p_lr = get_pixel(image, x+1, y+1)
var top = inverse_lerp(p_ul, p_ur, 1)
var bottom = inverse_lerp(p_ll, p_lr, 1)
var left = inverse_lerp(p_ul, p_ll, 1)
var right = inverse_lerp(p_ur, p_lr, 1)
var ul = int(p_ul > 1) * 1
var ll = int(p_ll > 1) * 2
var ur = int(p_ur > 1) * 4
var lr = int(p_lr > 1) * 8
var bit = ul | ll | ur | lr
# Notice: cases 6 and 9 have not been implemented.
match bit:
# Corner Cases
create_edge(edges, i, x, y + left, x + top, y, Vector2.UP)
create_edge(edges, i, x + bottom, y + 1, x, y + left, Vector2.LEFT)
create_edge(edges, i, x + top, y, x + 1, y + right, Vector2.RIGHT)
create_edge(edges, i, x + 1, y + right, x + bottom, y + 1, Vector2.DOWN)
# Edge Cases
create_edge(edges, i, x + bottom, y + 1, x + top, y, Vector2.UP)
create_edge(edges, i, x, y + left, x + 1, y + right, Vector2.RIGHT)
create_edge(edges, i, x + 1, y + right, x, y + left, Vector2.LEFT)
create_edge(edges, i, x + top, y, x + bottom, y + 1, Vector2.DOWN)
# Inner Corner cases
create_edge(edges, i, x + top, y, x, y + left, Vector2.LEFT)
create_edge(edges, i, x, y + left, x + bottom, y + 1, Vector2.DOWN)
create_edge(edges, i, x + 1, y + right, x + top, y, Vector2.UP)
create_edge(edges, i, x + bottom, y + 1, x + 1, y + right, Vector2.RIGHT)
if OS.get_ticks_msec() - os_time > 20:
var max_i = (image.get_width() - 1) * (image.get_height() - 1)
var curr_i = x + (y * image.get_width() - 1)
$PopupDialog/VBoxContainer/ProgressBar.value = float(curr_i) / max_i * 100
yield(get_tree(), "idle_frame")
os_time = OS.get_ticks_msec()
finished_marching = true
func collect_contours(edges, contours):
var directions = [Vector2.UP, Vector2.DOWN, Vector2.LEFT, Vector2.RIGHT]
var coord = edges.keys()[0]
var start_edge = edges[coord]
var contour = Contour.new(start_edge.direction == Vector2.UP || \
start_edge.direction == Vector2.RIGHT)
var edge = edges[coord]
var loop_started = true
while loop_started or edge != start_edge:
var edge_found = false
for dir in directions:
if edges.has(coord + dir) and edges[coord + dir].begin == edge.end:
edge_found = true
coord += dir
edge = edges[coord]
if not edge_found:
loop_started = false
if not edges.empty():
collect_contours(edges, contours)
func decimate_holes(edges, contours, bounds):
for c in range(contours.size()-1, -1, -1):
var contour = contours[c]
if contour.is_hole:
for i in contour.edges.size():
var edge = contour.edges[i]
var edge_found = false
var dir = edge.direction
dir = Vector2(dir.y, -dir.x)
var pos = ((edge.begin + edge.end) / 2.0).floor()
var other_edge
while not other_edge and bounds.has_point(pos):
pos += dir
if edges.has(pos):
other_edge = edges[pos]
if other_edge:
for other_contour in contours:
if other_contour == contour:
for j in other_contour.edges.size():
var other_point = other_contour.edges[j]
if other_edge == other_point:
edge_found = true
other_contour.fuse_with(contour, j, i + 1)
if edge_found:
if edge_found:
func douglas_peucker(points, tolerance):
var farthest = farthest_point(points)
# Farthest point not existing must mean the points only made of two,
# and cannot be simplified any further.
if not farthest:
return points
if farthest.distance < tolerance:
return [points[0], points[-1]]
var left = []
var right = []
ArrayUtils.split_array(points, farthest.index, left, right)
left = douglas_peucker(left, tolerance)
right = douglas_peucker(right, tolerance)
ArrayUtils.append_array(left, right)
return left
func ear_clipping(contour, triangles):
var points = ArrayUtils.to_dictionary(contour.points)
var i = 0
var counter = 0
while points.size() > 3:
counter += 1
if(counter > 4000):
printerr("Hmmm... Infinite loop much?")
var keys = points.keys()
var point_a = points[keys[i-1]]
var point_b = points[keys[i]]
var point_c = points[keys[(i+1) % keys.size()]]
if (point_b - point_a).cross(point_c - point_b) < 0:
var has_point = false
for p in points:
var point = points[p]
if point == point_a or point == point_b or point == point_c:
if point_inside_triangle(point, point_a, point_b, point_c):
has_point = true
if not has_point:
var tri = Triangle.new(keys[i-1], keys[i], keys[(i+1) % keys.size()])
i = wrapi(i + 1, 0, points.size())
var keys = points.keys()
triangles.append(Triangle.new(keys[0], keys[1], keys[2]))
# This returns a dictionary containing the farthest point,
# the distance associated with it, and its index in the array.
func farthest_point(points):
var first = points[0]
var last = points[-1]
if points.size() < 3:
var farthest
var max_dist = -1
var index
for i in range(1, points.size() - 1):
var distance = distance_to_segment(points[i], first, last)
if distance > max_dist:
farthest = points[i]
max_dist = distance
index = i
return {"point": farthest, "distance": max_dist, "index": index}
func distance_to_segment(point, a, b):
# This is because I don't know how to snap a point onto a line,
# so I'm relying on Plane in the meantime.
var plane = Plane(Vector3(a.x, a.y, 0),
Vector3(b.x, b.y, 0), Vector3(a.x, a.y, 1))
var projected = plane.project(Vector3(point.x, point.y, 0))
var t = inverse_lerp(a.x, b.x, projected.x) if a.x != b.x else \
inverse_lerp(a.y, b.y, projected.y)
var snapped = a.linear_interpolate(b, t)
return point.distance_squared_to(snapped)
func vec_sign(p1, p2, p3):
return (p1.x - p3.x) * (p2.y - p3.y) - (p2.x - p3.x) * (p1.y - p3.y)
func point_inside_triangle(point, a, b, c):
var d1 = vec_sign(point, a, b)
var d2 = vec_sign(point, b, c)
var d3 = vec_sign(point, c, a)
var has_neg = (d1 < 0) or (d2 < 0) or (d3 < 0)
var has_pos = (d1 > 0) or (d2 > 0) or (d3 > 0)
return not (has_neg and has_pos)
func create_edge(edges, offset, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, dir):
edges[offset] = MSEdge.new(Vector2(p1x, p1y), Vector2(p2x, p2y), dir)
func get_pixel(image : Image, x : int, y : int):
if x < 1 || y < 1 || x > image.get_width()-1 || y > image.get_height()-1:
return 0
var i = x + y * image.get_width()
if image_cache.size() > i and image_cache[i] != null:
return image_cache[i]
var real = image.get_pixel(x, y).r;
if image_cache.size() <= i:
image_cache[i] = real
return real
class MSEdge:
var begin : Vector2
var end : Vector2
var coordinate : Vector2
# One of the four cardinal directions
var direction : Vector2
func _init(begin, end, direction):
self.begin = begin
self.end = end
self.direction = direction
class Contour:
var points := []
var edges := []
var is_hole : bool
func _init(is_hole):
self.is_hole = is_hole
func fuse_with(contour, self_point, other_point):
var points_behind = []
var points_after = []
ArrayUtils.split_array(points, self_point + 1, points_behind, points_after)
var shifted_contour = contour.points.duplicate()
ArrayUtils.shift_array(shifted_contour, other_point)
ArrayUtils.append_array(points_behind, shifted_contour)
ArrayUtils.append_array(points_behind, points_after)
points = points_behind
class Triangle:
var a : int
var b : int
var c : int
func _init(a, b, c):
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.c = c
func offset_indices(offset):
a += offset
b += offset
c += offset
func reverse_order():
var temp = a
a = b
b = temp
func duplicate():
return Triangle.new(a, b, c)