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synced 2025-03-11 05:03:58 +01:00
Uses fork of node-pty native code for forking pseudoterminals. Uses libuv pipe handle to communicate with the child process. - Paves the way for cross-platform (Linux, macOS and Windows) support. - Renames Pseudoterminal to PTY (which is much easier to type and spell :D). - Better performance than the old Pseudoterminal node. Especially when streaming large amounts of data such as running the `yes` command. - Allows setting custom file, args, initial window size, cwd, env vars (including important ones such as TERM and COLORTERM) and uid/gid on Linux and macOS. - Returns process exit code and terminating signal.
8 lines
249 B
8 lines
249 B
[gd_resource type="NativeScript" load_steps=2 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://addons/godot_xterm/native/godotxtermnative.gdnlib" type="GDNativeLibrary" id=1]
resource_name = "Terminal"
class_name = "Pipe"
library = ExtResource( 1 )