Leroy Hopson 0d4e10f5ab Add more features, bug fixes and bugs ;-)
Most notably:
- Reflow is now working. Terminal size will fill the window and
cols/rows will be resized/calculated based on window and font size.
- Added support for different fonts (i.e. bold, italic, bolditalic).
- Enabled blinking characters.
- Adde more tests and caught a few subtle bugs.
- Removed renderer code (which was part of xterm.js) and just
doing naive rendering in terminal.gd, but it seems to perform
a lot faster.

Still not working completely:
- vim (some weirdness going on).
- vttest (more weirdness).

- Fix the above.
- Draw the cursor!
- Improve performance. Performance is still not great. The terminal
becomes unusable when running `yes` or `cmatrix -r`.
2020-05-19 18:55:43 +07:00

168 lines
4.7 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2018 The xterm.js authors. All rights reserved.
# Ported to GDScript by the GodotXterm authors.
# License MIT
extends Reference
const Constants = preload("res://addons/godot_xterm/buffer/constants.gd")
const Attributes = Constants.Attributes
const FgFlags = Constants.FgFlags
const BgFlags = Constants.BgFlags
const UnderlineStyle = Constants.UnderlineStyle
var fg = 0
var bg = 0
var extended = ExtendedAttrs.new()
static func to_color_rgb(value: int) -> Color:
# Create color from RGB format.
return Color("%02x%02x%02x" % [value >> Attributes.RED_SHIFT & 255,
value >> Attributes.GREEN_SHIFT & 255, value & 255])
# flags
func is_inverse() -> int:
return fg & FgFlags.INVERSE
func is_bold() -> int:
return fg & FgFlags.BOLD
func is_underline() -> int:
return fg & FgFlags.UNDERLINE
func is_blink() -> int:
return fg & FgFlags.BLINK
func is_invisible() -> int:
return fg & FgFlags.INVISIBLE
func is_italic() -> int:
return bg & BgFlags.ITALIC
func is_dim() -> int:
return fg & BgFlags.DIM
# color modes
func get_fg_color_mode() -> int:
return fg & Attributes.CM_MASK
func get_bg_color_mode() -> int:
return bg & Attributes.CM_MASK
func is_fg_rgb() -> bool:
return (fg & Attributes.CM_MASK) == Attributes.CM_RGB
func is_bg_rgb() -> bool:
return (bg & Attributes.CM_MASK) == Attributes.CM_RGB
func is_fg_palette() -> bool:
return (fg & Attributes.CM_MASK) == Attributes.CM_P16 or (fg & Attributes.CM_MASK) == Attributes.CM_P256
func is_bg_palette() -> bool:
return (bg & Attributes.CM_MASK) == Attributes.CM_P16 or (bg & Attributes.CM_MASK) == Attributes.CM_P256
func is_fg_default() -> bool:
return (fg & Attributes.CM_MASK) == 0
func is_bg_default() -> bool:
return (bg & Attributes.CM_MASK) == 0
func is_attribute_default() -> bool:
return fg == 0 && bg == 0
func get_fg_color() -> int:
match fg & Attributes.CM_MASK:
Attributes.CM_P16, Attributes.CM_P256:
return fg & Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK
return fg & Attributes.RGB_MASK
return -1 # CM_DEFAULT defaults to -1
func get_bg_color() -> int:
match bg & Attributes.CM_MASK:
Attributes.CM_P16, Attributes.CM_P256:
return bg & Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK
return bg & Attributes.RGB_MASK
return -1 # CM_DEFAULT defaults to -1
func has_extended_attrs() -> int:
return bg & BgFlags.HAS_EXTENDED
func update_extended() -> void:
if extended.is_empty():
bg &= ~BgFlags.HAS_EXTENDED
bg |= BgFlags.HAS_EXTENDED
func get_underline_color() -> int:
if bg & BgFlags.HAS_EXTENDED and ~extended.underline_color:
match extended.underline_color & Attributes.CM_MASK:
Attributes.CM_P16, Attributes.CM_P256:
return extended.underline_color & Attributes.PCOLOR_MASK
return extended.underline_color & Attributes.RGB_MASK
return get_fg_color()
return get_fg_color()
func get_underline_color_mode() -> int:
if bg & BgFlags.HAS_EXTENDED and ~extended.underline_color:
return extended.underline_color & Attributes.CM_MASK
return get_fg_color_mode()
func is_underline_color_rgb() -> bool:
if bg & BgFlags.HAS_EXTENDED and ~extended.underline_color:
return extended.underline_color & Attributes.CM_MASK == Attributes.CM_RGB
return is_fg_rgb()
func is_underline_color_palette() -> bool:
if bg & BgFlags.HAS_EXTENDED and ~extended.underline_color:
return extended.underline_color & Attributes.CM_MASK == Attributes.CM_P16 \
or extended.underline_color & Attributes.CM_MASK == Attributes.CM_P256
return is_fg_palette()
func is_underline_color_default() -> bool:
if bg & BgFlags.HAS_EXTENDED and ~extended.underline_color:
return extended.underline_color & Attributes.CM_MASK == 0
return is_fg_default()
func get_underline_style():
if fg & FgFlags.UNDERLINE:
return extended.underline_style if bg & BgFlags.HAS_EXTENDED else UnderlineStyle.SINGLE
return UnderlineStyle.NONE
class ExtendedAttrs:
extends Reference
# Extended attributes for a cell.
# Holds information about different underline styles and color.
var underline_style = UnderlineStyle.NONE
var underline_color: int = -1
func _init():
func duplicate():
# Workaround as per: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/19345#issuecomment-471218401
var AttributeData = load("res://addons/godot_xterm/buffer/attribute_data.gd")
var clone = AttributeData.ExtendedAttrs.new()
clone.underline_style = underline_style
clone.underline_color = underline_color
return clone
# Convenient method to indicate whether the object holds no additional information,
# that needs to be persistant in the buffer.
func is_empty():
return underline_style == UnderlineStyle.NONE