mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 12:43:59 +01:00
added lots of critters, significant from_string refactor
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 293 additions and 55 deletions
@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ use voca_rs::*;
pub struct CritterTemplate {
// text column where speech line joins speech bubble
pub anchor: usize,
pub default_left_eye: String,
pub default_right_eye: String,
pub default_left_tongue: String,
pub default_right_tongue: String,
/* ascii art critter themself, with special optional formatting strings. all formatters render to one grapheme wide each unless otherwise stated
- $1$2 (left and right eyes)
- $3$4 (left and right tongue)
@ -49,40 +53,226 @@ impl CritterConfig {
format: &Option<String>,
name: &Option<String>,
) -> Result<CritterConfig, String> {
let kijetesantakalu = CritterTemplate {
anchor: 14,
critter: r"$8 $9$6
let template: CritterTemplate;
if let Some(name) = name {
template = match name.as_str() {
// when you add a new hardcoded value here, also add it in list_files
"kijetesantakalu" => CritterTemplate {
anchor: 14,
default_right_eye: "o".to_string(),
default_left_eye: "o".to_string(),
default_left_tongue: " ".to_string(),
default_right_tongue: " ".to_string(),
critter: r" $6
$8 /__ $9$6
$8 / $1$2\ $9$5
$8 | |$3$4
$8 | |
$8 (III|\|| $9$0"
let kijetesantakalu_little = CritterTemplate {
anchor: 13,
critter: r"$8 $9$6
"lili" => CritterTemplate {
anchor: 13,
default_left_eye: "o".to_string(),
default_right_eye: "o".to_string(),
default_left_tongue: " ".to_string(),
default_right_tongue: " ".to_string(),
critter: r" $6
$8 /__ $9$6
$8 / $1$2\ $9$5
$8 | |$3$4
$8 (I|\|| $9$0"
let soweli = CritterTemplate {
anchor: 10,
critter: r"$8 $9$6
"soweli" => CritterTemplate {
anchor: 10,
default_right_eye: "o".to_string(),
default_left_eye: "o".to_string(),
default_left_tongue: " ".to_string(),
default_right_tongue: " ".to_string(),
critter: r" $6
$8 ___ $9$6
$8 $1$2) $9$5
$8 |||| $9$0"
"soweli-a" => CritterTemplate {
anchor: 10,
default_right_eye: "o".to_string(),
default_left_eye: "o".to_string(),
default_left_tongue: " ".to_string(),
default_right_tongue: " ".to_string(),
critter: r" $5
$8 ___ ,
$8 $1$2)-
$8 |||| `$9$0"
"waso" => CritterTemplate {
anchor: 9,
default_right_eye: "o".to_string(),
default_left_eye: "o".to_string(),
default_left_tongue: " ".to_string(),
default_right_tongue: " ".to_string(),
critter: r" $6
$8 \ $9$6
$8 $1$2\ $9$6
$8 __\ $9$5
$8 |$3$4
$8 | $9$0"
"kala" => CritterTemplate {
anchor: 14,
default_right_eye: "o".to_string(),
default_left_eye: "o".to_string(),
default_left_tongue: " ".to_string(),
default_right_tongue: " ".to_string(),
critter: r" $6
$8 _ ___ $9$6
$8 -_- $1$2-_ $9$5
$8 _--_ $4$3_-
$8 --- $9$0"
"pipi" => CritterTemplate {
anchor: 10,
default_right_eye: "o".to_string(),
default_left_eye: "o".to_string(),
default_left_tongue: " ".to_string(),
default_right_tongue: " ".to_string(),
critter: r"$8 $4 $9$6
$8 $1$3$2 $9$5
$8 _|_
$8 _|_
$8 _|_
$8 | $9$0"
"akesi" => CritterTemplate {
anchor: 11,
default_right_eye: "o".to_string(),
default_left_eye: "o".to_string(),
default_left_tongue: "_".to_string(),
default_right_tongue: " ".to_string(),
critter: r" $4 $6
$8 $1$3$2 $9$5
$8 _/_\_
$8 | |
$8 -|-|-
$8 V $9$0"
"soko" => CritterTemplate {
anchor: 13,
default_right_eye: "_".to_string(),
default_left_eye: "_".to_string(),
default_left_tongue: "|".to_string(),
default_right_tongue: "|".to_string(),
critter: r" $6
$8 _--_ $9$6
$8 (_$1$2_) $9$5
$8 $3$4
$8 ||
$8 || $9$0"
"kasi" => CritterTemplate {
anchor: 14,
default_right_eye: "_".to_string(),
default_left_eye: "_".to_string(),
default_left_tongue: "|".to_string(),
default_right_tongue: " ".to_string(),
critter: r" $6
$8 _ $9$6
$8 _ ($2) $9$5
$8 ($1)$4 /
$8 \$3
$8 |
$8 | $9$0"
"toki-pona" => CritterTemplate {
anchor: 14,
default_right_eye: " ".to_string(),
default_left_eye: " ".to_string(),
default_left_tongue: "-".to_string(),
default_right_tongue: "´".to_string(),
critter: r" $6
$8 \ | / $9$6
$8 _---_ $9$6
$8 - $1 $2 - $9$5
$8 - -
$8 - `$3$4 -
$8 `---´ $9$0"
"mu" => CritterTemplate {
anchor: 14,
default_right_eye: " ".to_string(),
default_left_eye: " ".to_string(),
default_left_tongue: " ".to_string(),
default_right_tongue: ".".to_string(),
critter: r" $9$6
$8 ()_---_() $9$6
$8 - - $9$5
$8 - $1$4$2 -
$8 - $3 -
$8 `---´ $9$0"
"mani" => CritterTemplate {
anchor: 13,
default_right_eye: "o".to_string(),
default_left_eye: "o".to_string(),
default_left_tongue: "_".to_string(),
default_right_tongue: " ".to_string(),
critter: r" $6
$8 (_---_) $9$6
$8 - - $9$6
$8 - $1$4$2 -
$8 - $3 -
$8 `---´ $9$0"
"mani-majuna" => CritterTemplate {
anchor: 9,
default_right_eye: "o".to_string(),
default_left_eye: "o".to_string(),
default_left_tongue: " ".to_string(),
default_right_tongue: " ".to_string(),
critter: r" $9$7 $8^__^
$9$7 $8($1$2)\_______
$8(__)\ )\/\
$8$3$4 ||----w |
$9$0$8 || ||$9"
name => CritterConfig::template_from_file(&name)?,
} else {
template = CritterTemplate {
anchor: 14,
default_right_eye: "o".to_string(),
default_left_eye: "o".to_string(),
default_left_tongue: " ".to_string(),
default_right_tongue: " ".to_string(),
critter: r" $6
$8 /__ $9$6
$8 / $1$2\ $9$5
$8 | |$3$4
$8 | |
$8 (III|\|| $9$0"
let mut config = CritterConfig {
left_eye: template.default_left_eye.clone(),
right_eye: template.default_right_eye.clone(),
let default_config: CritterConfig = CritterConfig {
left_eye: String::from("o"),
right_eye: String::from("o"),
left_tongue: String::from(" "),
right_tongue: String::from(" "),
left_tongue: template.default_left_tongue.clone(),
right_tongue: template.default_right_tongue.clone(),
right_line: String::from("/"),
up_line: String::from("|"),
@ -92,13 +282,16 @@ $8 |||| $9$0"
format: reset(), // from kule
template: kijetesantakalu,
template: template,
let mut config = default_config.clone();
if let Some(eyes) = eyes {
match count::count_graphemes(&eyes) {
0 => (),
0 => {
(config.left_eye, config.right_eye) = (
1 => {
(config.left_eye, config.right_eye) =
(chop::grapheme_at(&eyes, 0), chop::grapheme_at(&eyes, 0))
@ -111,18 +304,24 @@ $8 |||| $9$0"
if let Some(tongue) = tongue {
match count::count_graphemes(&tongue) {
0 => (),
0 => {
(config.left_tongue, config.right_tongue) = (
1 => {
(config.left_tongue, config.right_tongue) =
(chop::grapheme_at(&tongue, 0), " ".to_string())
(config.left_tongue, config.right_tongue) = (
chop::grapheme_at(&tongue, 0),
_ => {
(config.left_tongue, config.right_tongue) =
(chop::grapheme_at(&tongue, 0), chop::grapheme_at(&tongue, 1))
if let Some(line) = line {
} else if let Some(line) = line {
match count::count_graphemes(&line) {
0 => (),
1 => {
@ -154,14 +353,6 @@ $8 |||| $9$0"
if let Some(format) = format {
config.format = format.to_string();
if let Some(name) = name {
match name.as_str() {
"kijetesantakalu" => (),
"lili" => config.template = kijetesantakalu_little,
"soweli" => config.template = soweli,
name => config.template = CritterConfig::template_from_file(&name)?,
return Ok(config);
@ -183,60 +374,107 @@ $8 |||| $9$0"
.replace("$0", &self.object);
// attempts to interpret file as a path, and if this fails, tries appending it to every location in the kijepath environment variable.
fn template_from_file(name: &str) -> Result<CritterTemplate, &str> {
let file = fs::read_to_string(name)
.map_err(|_| "mi ken ala lukin e lipu kije\ncouldn't find/read kijefile")?;
fn template_from_file(name: &str) -> Result<CritterTemplate, String> {
let mut file = fs::read_to_string(name);
let paths = path();
if file.is_err() && !paths.is_empty() {
for path in path() {
match fs::read_to_string(&format!("{}{}", manipulate::finish(&path, "/"), name)) {
Ok(f) => {
file = Ok(f);
Err(e) => file = Err(e),
let file = file.map_err(|_| format!("mi ken ala lukin e nimi kije {}.\n - sina wile lukin e kije ale la o `kijetesantakaluotokieni --seme`\n - sina ken kepeken nimi suli, sama ni: /home/mi/kije\n - nimi poki li lon nimi $NASINKIJE la ilo kijetesantakaluotokieni li\n alasa lon poki ni. o kipisi e nimi poki kepeken sitelen \":\".\n\ncouldn't find/read kijefile. check available critters with -l or --seme, try again with a full file path, or add colon-separated directories to $NASINKIJE", name))?;
let mut lines = file.lines().skip_while(|l| l.starts_with('#')); // skips comments
let anchor: usize;
if let Some(anchor_line) = lines.next() {
anchor = anchor_line
.map_err(|_| "nanpa li nasa\ncouldn't parse anchor as number")?;
anchor = anchor_line.trim().parse().map_err(|_| {
"nanpa li nasa lon lipu kije. o pona e ona.\n\ncouldn't parse anchor as number"
} else {
return Err("ale li weka tan lipu kije\nkijefile missing content");
return Err("ale li weka tan lipu kije. ona li wile e nanpa e sitelen.\n\nkijefile missing content".to_string());
let mut critter = String::new();
lines.for_each(|l| critter.push_str(&format!("{}\n", l)));
Ok(CritterTemplate { anchor, critter })
let (default_left_eye, default_right_eye, default_left_tongue, default_right_tongue) = (
" ".to_string(),
Ok(CritterTemplate {
fn path() -> Vec<String> {
match env::var("NASINKIJE") {
Err(_) => Vec::new(),
Ok(s) => s.split(":").map(|s| s.to_string()).collect(),
Ok(s) => s.split(":").map(|s| s.trim().to_string()).collect(),
fn list_files() -> Result<Vec<String>, String> {
pub fn list_files() -> Result<Vec<String>, String> {
let mut files = Vec::new();
// must be updated alongside the name match statement in CritterConfig::config_from_string
for builtin in [
] {
for i in path() {
match fs::read_dir(&i) {
Err(e) => match e.kind() {
io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => {
return Err(
format!("mi ken ala lukin e poki ni: {}\npermission denied", i).to_string(),
format!("mi ken ala lukin e poki ni: {}\n\npermission denied", i)
io::ErrorKind::NotFound => {
return Err(format!(
"poki ni li lon ala: {}\ndirectory not found",
"poki ni li lon ala: {}\n\ndirectory not found",
_ => return Err(format!("ijo li pakala lon ni: {}\n{:?}", i, e.kind()).to_string()),
_ => {
return Err(format!("ijo li pakala lon ni: {}\n\n{:?}", i, e.kind()).to_string())
Ok(entries) => {
for read in entries {
let filename = read
.map_err(|e|format!("mi ken ala lukin e lipu lon ni: {}\n{}", i, e.to_string()).to_string())?
.map_err(|e|format!("mi ken ala lukin e lipu lon ni: {}\n\n{}", i, e.to_string()).to_string())?
.map_err(|_|format!("mi ken ala sitelen UTF-8 e nimi lipu lon ni: {}\ncould not display file name as utf-8", i).to_string())?;
.map_err(|_|format!("mi ken ala sitelen UTF-8 e nimi lipu lon ni: {}\n\ncould not display file name as utf-8", i).to_string())?;
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