--- title: SlimeVR weight: 250 --- # SlimeVR - [SlimeVR Documentation](https://docs.slimevr.dev/) - [SlimeVR on Linux guide](https://docs.slimevr.dev/tools/linux-installation.html) > SlimeVR is a set of open hardware sensors and open source software that facilitates full-body tracking (FBT) in virtual reality. SlimeVR is an open source IMU based full body tracking system. Being open source it has Linux support and there are a few variants you can either buy or build yourself. You can pre-order the official SlimeVR trackers from [their crowdsupply page](https://www.crowdsupply.com/slimevr/slimevr-full-body-tracker), but at the time of writing this if you order them right now you'd need to wait approximately 4 months for your orders to ship, due to the very high demand driven by low cost and good quality tracking compared to other solutions. ## Building Alternatively you can build it on your own, and you have a few variants to choose from: - [Official SlimeVR DIY builders guide](https://docs.slimevr.dev/diy/index.html) - [Frozen Slimes V2](https://github.com/frosty6742/frozen-slimes-v2) - while a bit bigger, Frozen Slimes V2 tend to be cheaper and a lot easier to build, being approachable even for people that are inexperienced with soldering It's generally **highly recommended** to opt for the more expensive but higher quality [BNO085](https://shop.slimevr.dev/products/slimevr-imu-module-bno085) IMU module. This should offer the highest quality tracking with best precision and minimal drifting. ## Add and register the SteamVR driver Download the [SlimeVR driver for SteamVR](https://github.com/SlimeVR/SlimeVR-OpenVR-Driver/releases/latest/download/slimevr-openvr-driver-x64-linux.zip), extract it and place the `slimevr` folder in the `$HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/drivers/` folder. This path may change depending on where your SteamVR install is located. To make sure you moved the right folder, make sure that the following path exists: `$HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/drivers/slimevr/bin/linux64/driver_slimevr.so`. Then you'll need to register the driver using the following command. **Important**: make sure to **NOT** run this command twice, adding a driver twice will cause problems. ```bash $HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/bin/linux64/vrpathreg.sh adddriver $HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/drivers/slimevr ``` ## SlimeVR app - [AppImage](https://github.com/SlimeVR/SlimeVR-Server/releases/latest/download/SlimeVR-amd64.appimage) - [Flathub](https://flathub.org/apps/dev.slimevr.SlimeVR)