2023-04-29 18:14:15 +02:00

195 lines
4.8 KiB

#include "controller.h"
#include "app.h"
#include "overlay.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <string>
const float laser_width = 0.004f;
const Color edit_col{1, 0.6f, 1};
const Color cursor_col{0.3f, 1, 1};
Controller::Controller(App *app, ControllerSide side)
_grabbed_overlay = nullptr;
_app = app;
_input_handle = 0;
_is_connected = false;
_side = side;
_cursor_active = false;
std::string laser_name = "controller_laser_";
if (side == ControllerSide::Left)
laser_name += "left";
else if (side == ControllerSide::Right)
laser_name += "right";
_laser = Overlay(app, laser_name);
_laser.SetTextureToColor(255, 255, 255);
TrackerID Controller::DeviceIndex()
return _device_index;
vr::VRInputValueHandle_t Controller::InputHandle()
return _input_handle;
ControllerSide Controller::Side()
return _side;
bool Controller::IsConnected()
return _is_connected;
void Controller::ReleaseOverlay()
_grabbed_overlay = nullptr;
Ray Controller::GetLastRay()
return _last_ray;
glm::vec3 Controller::GetLastPos()
return _last_pos;
glm::vec3 Controller::GetLastRot()
return _last_rotation;
void Controller::Update()
if (!_is_connected)
if (_app->_edit_mode)
if (_last_ray.overlay != nullptr)
auto ray = _last_ray;
if (_app->IsInputJustPressed(_app->_input_handles.edit.grab, _input_handle))
if (ray.overlay->IsHeld())
_grabbed_overlay = ray.overlay;
if (_grabbed_overlay != nullptr)
float move = _app->GetInputAnalog(_app->_input_handles.edit.distance, _input_handle).y * 0.1; // TODO use frame time
if (move != 0.0f)
auto transform = _grabbed_overlay->GetTarget()->transform;
transform.m[2][3] = glm::clamp(transform.m[2][3] - move, -5.0f, -0.1f); // moving along z axis
_grabbed_overlay->SetTransformTracker(_device_index, &transform);
else // cursor mode
if (_app->IsInputJustPressed(_app->_input_handles.cursor.activate, _input_handle))
if (!_cursor_active && _app->_active_cursor.has_value())
_app->_active_cursor.value()->_cursor_active = false;
_app->_active_cursor = this;
_cursor_active = !_cursor_active;
_app->_active_cursor = this;
if (_cursor_active)
// printf("update cursor on hand %d\n", _side);
if (_last_ray.overlay != nullptr && _last_ray.hit_panel != nullptr)
auto pos = glm::vec2(_last_ray.local_pos.x, _last_ray.local_pos.y);
// normalize positions to +-0.5
pos /= _last_ray.overlay->Width();
pos.y *= -1;
// shift to 0-1
pos.x += 0.5f;
pos.y += 0.5f * _last_ray.overlay->Ratio();
pos *= _last_ray.hit_panel->Width();
_last_ray.hit_panel->SetCursor(pos.x, pos.y);
auto mouse_left = _app->GetInputDigital(_app->_input_handles.cursor.mouse_left, _input_handle);
if (mouse_left.bChanged)
_app->SendMouseInput(1, mouse_left.bState);
auto mouse_right = _app->GetInputDigital(_app->_input_handles.cursor.mouse_right, _input_handle);
if (mouse_right.bChanged)
_app->SendMouseInput(3, mouse_right.bState);
void Controller::UpdateLaser()
auto controller_pose = _app->GetTrackerPose(_device_index);
auto controller_pos = GetPos(controller_pose);
auto forward = -glm::vec3(controller_pose[2]);
auto ray = _app->IntersectRay(controller_pos, forward, 8.0f);
float len = ray.distance;
_last_pos = controller_pos;
_last_rotation = forward;
_last_ray = ray;
auto hmd_global_pos = GetPos(_app->GetTrackerPose(0));
auto hmd_local_pos = glm::inverse(controller_pose) * glm::vec4(hmd_global_pos - controller_pos, 0);
hmd_local_pos.z = 0;
auto hmd_dir = glm::normalize(hmd_local_pos);
VRMat transform = {{{laser_width * hmd_dir.y, 0, laser_width * hmd_dir.x, 0}, {laser_width * -hmd_dir.x, 0, laser_width * hmd_dir.y, 0}, {0, len, 0, len * -0.5f}}};
_laser.SetTransformTracker(_device_index, &transform);
_laser.SetHidden(!_is_connected || _app->_hidden || (!_app->_edit_mode && !_cursor_active));
void Controller::UpdateStatus()
_is_connected = true;
if (_side == ControllerSide::Left)
auto err = _app->vr_input->GetInputSourceHandle("/user/hand/left", &_input_handle);
_is_connected &= (err == 0);
_device_index = _app->vr_sys->GetTrackedDeviceIndexForControllerRole(vr::TrackedControllerRole_LeftHand);
else if (_side == ControllerSide::Right)
auto err = _app->vr_input->GetInputSourceHandle("/user/hand/right", &_input_handle);
_is_connected &= (err == 0);
_device_index = _app->vr_sys->GetTrackedDeviceIndexForControllerRole(vr::TrackedControllerRole_RightHand);
_is_connected &= _device_index < MAX_TRACKERS;