
713 B

Stupid Worm Languag

  • program space is an arbitrary sized grid
  • the worm starts where you place the worm head @
  • as it passes over commands, they get moved to the back of the worm
  • values get pushed to stack (eaten) when passed over, worm body length increases
  • the program gets rearranged every time the worm executes it


+- pop 2 values *, push sum/difference (uses the order they are popped, so `0 -` negates the top of the stack)
><^v change direction
0..9 push number to stack
/\ pop stack, reflect to the side if not zero
? reads one byte of input
= duplicate top of stack
! pop and write output as ascii char
" pop and write output as number
  • pop when stack is empty yields zero